Have you ever done the Disney College Program?


New Member
Anybody who goes to WDW has the oppourtunity to do anything and everything that they want to. It isn't easy, but as a CP you have a better chance to get it done than mostly everybody. If I can say one thing, it would be to use your time wisely, because it doesn't just fall in your lap!



Active Member
In terms of networking, again, don't get too fooled. The most advantageous networking that was going on allowed some CM's to come back to WDW to do a "prestigious" entry level jobs (such as becoming a Safari driver or working in guest services eventually..etc) or meeting people in an industry outside of Disney (I met a ton of people who were in the music industry, simply because they were visiting Disney and had some business with them) . There are tousands of people in the CP program, and to think that one higher up manager is going to remember you simply because you shadowed him is rather naive.

After being out of the program for several years, I can say that I've almost NEVER seen anybody from the CP who has made it high up in the company or in a decent position. Most of the people who are hired in management were people who simply had good grades in college, went to a good school, and had great experience in their previous places of work. So again, don't do the WDWCP if you you are banking on working high up in the company or thinking it's going to gurantee you a great entrance into the company. It ain't gonna happen. I've seen some hospitality majors end up being hired in the resort that they worked at (or hired at another resort, simply because of their prior experience at one during the CP, but that's about it).


New Member
Originally posted by mikesenger
Does anyone who participates in the CP, ever quit school and stay on? You always hear about the prospect of returning after graduation, but never if anyone is offered a job.

mike senger
aol im: burntlicorice

Yes, my sister (and I just realized how much I talk about her on magic! :lol: ) was offered a job. She came home long enough to get her stuff together then move back down. So, it does happen.

I will be interviewing on Nov. 17 for the CP. I am very excited/nervous!


First a question--don't they do Summer CP anymore?

<affects old man voice> Back in my day, you could be on the College Program for the summer. That's what I did (Summer 1990) and didn't miss any school. Graduated in four years, yes siree! :D

As far as my experience, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I do agree, most of the jobs were merchandising, fast foods, custodial and stuff like that. But I was lucky and worked in Studio Attractions at the Great Movie Ride.

For me, the College Program definitely helped me get to where I am now. It allowed me a foot in the door to WDW which then led to two years in Entertainment where I was a trainer, then a stint at the Contemporary, then Disney Vacation Club (where I also trained) plus working as a Traditions Assistant. The Disney experience has been golden on my resume'. For the past five years, I have been a full time corporate trainer and this has been largely due to my Disney experience.

I would tell anyone who is a WDW fan to definitely try it out. But, as others have said, keep your expectations in check. I truly thought that I would make a career at WDW, but alas, came to realize that it simply wasn't to be.

However, partly because of Disney, I now have a fabulous career and I very fondly cherish my time with WDW. :)


New Member
Originally posted by Sweetums
First a question--don't they do Summer CP anymore?

<affects old man voice> Back in my day, you could be on the College Program for the summer. That's what I did (Summer 1990) and didn't miss any school. Graduated in four years, yes siree! :D

Unfortunately, nope. :( A couple of years ago, Summer CP became alumni-only, which I can understand. But then, when I was finally an alumni, they dropped it altogether. Grrr! Their reasoning behind the change was that people didn't feel that the summer was enough time for htem to really take in all that the program had to offer, and I can kinda understand that. Still wish they'd at least bring it back for alumni, though!



Originally posted by WDW*babe
Yes, my sister (and I just realized how much I talk about her on magic! :lol: ) was offered a job. She came home long enough to get her stuff together then move back down. So, it does happen.

I will be interviewing on Nov. 17 for the CP. I am very excited/nervous!

I also know someone that stayed on and is currently employed by Disney.

Don't worry about the interview. They make you feel very relaxed and it is almost more like a conversation and not just a bunch of questions. You will do fine!


Originally posted by xfkirsten
Unfortunately, nope. :( A couple of years ago, Summer CP became alumni-only, which I can understand. But then, when I was finally an alumni, they dropped it altogether. Grrr! Their reasoning behind the change was that people didn't feel that the summer was enough time for htem to really take in all that the program had to offer, and I can kinda understand that. Still wish they'd at least bring it back for alumni, though!


Wow! That stinks! :eek: Summer was perfect for me, because just as the job was starting to get a little repetitive/monotonous, it was time to go back to school. It was just enough time for me to enjoy it and still leave me wanting more (I returned the following summer and then after I graduated.)

That would have been really tough for me to take a whole semester off. Don't know if mom and dad would have gone for that. Plus, I was pretty involved on my campus so didn't want to be away that long.

Hmmmm..... :confused:

Well, good luck either way! :p :)


New Member
While there in June, I had the chance to ride MS during some of its testing/soft opening.

In front of me were two kids from California interested in doing
the CP.

Behind me was a guy from IT that had done the CP and an advanced internship.


Well-Known Member
Actually, they do still have teh summer program...except now they are called "advantage programs", that are extensions of the spring and fall programs if you want to take them. It is primarily for alumni, but they said that some exceptions may apply.

I guess I wouldn't really want to do the summer program, because its supposed to be so busy then....plus the intense heat! :)


New Member
Originally posted by JLW11Hi
Actually, they do still have teh summer program...except now they are called "advantage programs", that are extensions of the spring and fall programs if you want to take them. It is primarily for alumni, but they said that some exceptions may apply.

I guess I wouldn't really want to do the summer program, because its supposed to be so busy then....plus the intense heat! :)

Not really for alumni. Most new people can and get in to the Spring and Fall Advantage as long as they want to.

The summer is only for working, classes aren't offered. Many CPs use the summer to get valuable OT hours. In order for it to be considered an "internship", classes/other things have to be offered as so it's not just work.

If wanting to work at Disney only for the summer, the best bet is doing it as seasonal. I'm almost positive they pay more. The only drawback is the lack of provided housing.


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

The summer is only for working, classes aren't offered. Many CPs use the summer to get valuable OT hours. In order for it to be considered an "internship", classes/other things have to be offered as so it's not just work.

If wanting to work at Disney only for the summer, the best bet is doing it as seasonal. I'm almost positive they pay more. The only drawback is the lack of provided housing.

Seasonal is a wonderful way to go if you plan to work for summer only, and housing may be arranged for alumni if you get ahold of them with plenty of time to spare. The run around is rather crazy, but the end result is worth it.

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