Have you ever done the Disney College Program?


New Member
Originally posted by jrtcrm15
This post has been so incredibly helpful, I appreciate the feedback so much. xfkirsten Thanks for the pro/com list. The more I hear about it the more I know I want to do it! Just warning if you leave me your email I will be asking questions, Lots, lol! Hope ya don't mind!

I don't mind at all! I'm more than happy to share!! :)



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Original Poster
Just out of curiosity, when you attende the program where you in a state school or smaller schools and private colleges?


I just got accepted into the WDWCP a few weeks back!!! I accepted a Merchandise role.

I think what was posted above is a pretty good representation of the CP. For me, I think it's going to be perfect. I really shouldn't be taking a semester off, but I believe that I should receive 12 credit hours for it, and I normally take 15. I figure if I need to make up a class or two, i can break down and take a few summer classes to play catch up. I've been a huge WDW fan forever, and visit from Ohio every year. I'd love to work down there someday in a management positon, and I figure this is a great way to jam my foot in the door. As my hatred for winter and snow grows, what better thing for me to do than to winter over in Florida??? I'll be working in my favorite place, living in FLA, having a blast in the parks in my spare time, getting college credit, meeting new people, AHHHHHHHHHH WHY DIDN'T I APPLY SOONER????

If you have any questions, comments ,or concerns, my AIM is Drew22084. Feel free to ask!!!


Also, there's a forum on WDWMagic for the College Program. Great resource for me so far.... check it out!!

Another one that has been really helpful is www.wdwcpinfo.com

Other kids in the same boat as you, or who have actually done it. Great info!!!


New Member
Originally posted by jrtcrm15
Just out of curiosity, when you attende the program where you in a state school or smaller schools and private colleges?

I attend a local community college and I know of many students who made the 2 hour plus drive for the interview process at my little hole in the wall school. The presentation is offered to many 4 year, 2 year, and private colleges.. If your college is lucky enough to have them visit good for you. The cp program doesn't limit to what type of college the students come from. Oh, and a huge thumbs up for the program.. I was a fall advantage from May 02 to Jan 03. Any questions feel free to e-mail wdwvip3@excite.com:sohappy:


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Originally posted by Chernabog
I wasn't really really close with my roomates but had practically moved in with some other friends and for thanksgiving we all made different things and shared our family traditions (I got to make the turkey and I must say it turned out rather well). For christmas because we all had weird schedule we all opened presents at like midnight on Christmas eve while we ate Dominoes pizza.

Oh yeah, that turkey was prettty darn tasty... and I hold dear the picture I have of the Christmas Pizza Dinner... Only missing Tiny Tim and some Egg Nog... (But lets not forget the pre-Christmas Egg Nog that we had to hide from the anti-pre-Christmas Egg Nog drinker!) :lol:


New Member
Mark, I'm glad you've actually done it.

There have been several articles published at colleges in the area from those that have not experienced it nor talked to anyone that has, but is purely observation.

I recently asked AI dept. about some Management and AIs. I was asking about doing a CP if not chosen. I used the words "regular internship" and they acted like they didn't have a clue of what I was talking about.

I've noticed my recruiter leaning away from internship and more just to CP.

I think the College Program is similar to any other internship-type opportunity. Using only information provided by the company isn't the best idea.

I've found that most people that I worked with/know didn't do research on the program, talk to those that have done it, and keyed on the presentation only. They seem to be the ones most disappointed and upset with the program.

I am happy to answer any questions that I can TRUTHFULLY. I'll still recommend the program to anyone, but don't try to sugar-coat anything. I'm happy to tell you the positives and negatives to the program.


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Original Poster
Seriously. This has been awesome, I really appreciate everyone who has replied, IM'ed and email-ed me. It is so great to gain all these opinions and advice. Thanks again!:king:


Hey, I had to say that I was just accepted into the College Program!! I will be going in January and be in an Operations position. I am very excited! :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by disneywy
Hey, I had to say that I was just accepted into the College Program!! I will be going in January and be in an Operations position. I am very excited! :sohappy:

Congrats, I'll be there with you doing operations as well. There are actually a bunch of people from the boards that are going or waiting to get their offer. If you have any questions, comments, or just wanna say hey, my AIM is egionet. Hope to talk to you soon! :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
I have done the program!

My name is Matt from Tucson, AZ and I have done the program. I worked all over the Magic Kingdom, and mostly in Tomorrowland. I liked it a lot, but mostly for the people, not the work. Space Mountain was a great att. to work at. The best part about it was the fact that I got a one in a million chance to return for 4 more internships through Industrial Engineering. So I am back off to WDW in Jan to start my new job designing queue's!

Fun Stuff Definetley!
Any Questions? email or IM me at DisneyIE@aol.com

Matt Coleman


New Member
Also, Parades were awesome!

Another thing that made MK awesome was the parades. I worked them often too, but to get special treatments and get good schedules, you have to go to work and be perfect because there are a lot of people there who are!

Operations Future Cast Members. . . .

Good luck, and I will see you all there!



Does anyone who participates in the CP, ever quit school and stay on? You always hear about the prospect of returning after graduation, but never if anyone is offered a job.

mike senger
aol im: burntlicorice
From Someone who is currently on the Program.

If I had the chanced to do it all again...I don't think I would. Not the advantage program. Working all the hours I did for the little money I recieved. Granted the friendships I have formed and the ties I have established with my managers and fellow employees are worth it. I think 7 months was to long for me. The fall program would have been good enough. Remember...if you are to do it, you better be ready to miss 7 months of school, while that sounded great to me at first...I am realizing what that has done to my educational status, as well as my Athletic eligibility with the NCAA...bottom line...I am ineligible for almost 2 semesters.

Don't think I dislike Disney. I love Disney and always have, but I think I have come to the conclusion that for me personally, Disney is a much better place to visit for a week or 2, rather than work here for 7 months. You see all the things that really go on...and I am sure rob can tell you all about that as can most of the other people that have done the program.

All in all, remember, its all up to you. Do the Fall or spring program though...only the advantage if you think you can take the time.

And operations is normally parking....hopefully you will get attractions.


New Member
I agree w/ Dan!

I don't think that I would ever do the program again unless I knew that I would get into WDI and DisneyIE. The truth is, well, that about 0% of the CP's can get into WDI, and about 1% get into other Engineering fields. My department only accepts 18 total a year, 10 of whom are returning, and they recruit nationwide. Do the program if you would ever consider being a manager at Disney, or pretty much any other field! It isn't the greatest job but the networking is unbelievable!

Good Luck!


Thanks for everyone's point of view. I have know all along that it isn't a glamorous job and we are kind of cheap labor. But that said, I am still excited to go down there and experience the whole thing. I do think half the fun will be meeting others and networking. Who knows, maybe it can lead to another position in the company in future and maybe not?

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