Haunted Mansion details begin to emerge


Well-Known Member
This thing looks awesome. Regarding the mirror -- I suppose they could use it in the same manner that they do the jellyfish (jellies? kewl.) in Seas with Nemo etc. Basic setup is....

Mirror facing v that way
ride vehicle facing ^ that way
mirror facing ^ that way

This creates a hazy "infinity" effect so that there appear to be many more jellies (in this case, staircases) than there really area.

Jusst a thought. :D


Well-Known Member
This thing looks awesome. Regarding the mirror -- I suppose they could use it in the same manner that they do the jellyfish (jellies? kewl.) in Seas with Nemo etc. Basic setup is....

Mirror facing v that way
ride vehicle facing ^ that way
mirror facing ^ that way

This creates a hazy "infinity" effect so that there appear to be many more jellies (in this case, staircases) than there really area.

Jusst a thought. :D

My thoughts exactly. Might be to much to hope for. How cool would that be though?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more along the idea of this.


Thats exactly what popped into my head as well. Different stairs going in different directions is if in different dimensions. That would be rather cool, and may explain why that one candelabra is upside down in the photo. :D

Also one last comment and I'll let it be. Head_mouse has been reported on numerous past occasions for doing the exact same things in other thread and then attacking people when he/she was proven wrong. I don't understand why this person has not been banned from the site, but who am I to question the Admins. :shrug:

Anyway, thanks for the great picture merf. It quenches my curiosity on whats going in that empty spot, however at the same time it creates new questions and curiosities about how this scene will be constructed and played out. I look forward to more info in the future. :wave:


Wait, so... no Eddie Murphy then?

Pffft, what a waste of a refurbishment.

Is it too late to just completely re-theme the thing around that movie Thirteen Ghosts?

head mouse

It looks to me like the mirror is only there to show detail of the model. why would they put a real mirror there when everything else is paper if it was just a prop?


New Member
Wait, so... no Eddie Murphy then?

Pffft, what a waste of a refurbishment.

Is it too late to just completely re-theme the thing around that movie Thirteen Ghosts?

please tell me your joking.

its good that they arent theming anything around any movie.


New Member
seeing they have the candelabras in this new scene,I wonder if they plan on replacing the candelabra in the hallway scene with something else...maybe put like a ghost meandering the hallway

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
It would not surprise me if that is where JK got the idea from at least in part. I really liked the use of this optical illusion in Labyrinth.


The moving stair cases aren't in the book though. The stair case is basically described as "The Marble Stair Case" and the moving stair case was just added for the movies.


Does anyone recognize the guy in the model picture? If my memory stands he looks a little like the gut that's been on the travel channel shows. Maybe the imagineer that used an errector set to build the original Soarin model.


Upside-down stairs

It looks like several of the staircases are upside-down, including the one in front that runs from the right wall to the left.

Oh yeah...Ding dong, the spider's dead!!! All hail the HM Imagineers!

MsSpinShady :cool:


Yep, lots of upside down staircases and the door in the upper right of the model seems to be upside down as well. Compare it to the pair of doors in the center of the picture. There's a sideways one next to it that's being reflected in the mirror too. It should be nice and disorienting. :)


New Member
I am so excited! I love the HM and am glad they are giving it the love it very much deserves! 47 days and I will be there riding it over and over again!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I think the scene may in fact be more closely resembling Escher than we first thought. Notice the upside down candelabra on the left side, now notice the upside down banister next to it. :D
I just noticed that same thing, but I still can not believe that we had to sacrifice the spiders in which the plot of HM centers around for this. Couldn't they have just replaced the wake or the attic scene instead?:lol:
Head Mouse, let me just say that you are getting y over the removal of cheap plastic spiders that glow in the dark. Rediculous, yes?

I have just read through this whole thread, and nobody exploded on you when you made your statement. They were just expressing their opinion and saying they'd like the spiders to be gone. You were the one who exploded and started calling others names. We haven't resorted to insulting, why have you?

I am a hard core Disney fan for being thirteen years old. I think I would've known if there was a plot to the Haunted Mansion by now.

And yes, as many other people have said, there is a difference between theme and story.

Main Entry: theme
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'them
Etymology: Middle English teme, theme, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French teme, from Latin thema, from Greek, literally, something laid down, from tithenai to place
1 a : a subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation b : a specific and distinctive quality, characteristic, or concern the campaign has lacked a theme
2 : stem
3 : a written exercise : composition a research theme
4 : a melodic subject of a musical composition or movement

Main Entry: 1sto·ry
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'stOr-e, 'sto r-
Inflected Form(s): plural stories
Etymology: Middle English storie, from Old French estorie, from Latin historia
1 archaic : history
2 a : an account of incidents or events b : a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question c : anecdote; especially : an amusing one 3 a : a fictional narrative shorter than a novel; specifically : short story b : the intrigue or plot of a narrative or dramatic work
4 : a widely circulated rumor
5 : lie, falsehood
6 : legend, romance
7 : a news article or broadcast
8 : matter, situation

Difference, yes?

Oh, and also, doombuggies.com is unofficial. Which means it's probably not as accurate as a Disney created site would be. Fans made that site, and fans don't have as much knowledge as imagineers do. Therefore, it's probably inacurate. Personally, I don't like that site. But that's just me.

Walt Disney said that he'd want his parks to continue to change and grow. Well, the rides are part of the park, weather you like it or not. Deal with it.

I have many more things I could say, but I'm getting tired of trying to get this through your thick little skull. And if you bash me, a thirteen year old girl, then you're just "restarted."

As for the topic..nice pics, merf.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
If they are changing or adding different scenes, will some of the narration change as a result?
From what I remember there was no narration on the stairs and the scene shown in the picture would not really need any. With the changes we have seen so far, unless I am forgetting one, I can't think of anything that would require a new narration.


Well-Known Member
If they are changing or adding different scenes, will some of the narration change as a result?

There is no narration in the attic or seance scenes and only the "we have 999 happy haunts here" line between the music room and endless hallway but if they did change anything I bet Corey Burton would do the voicework.

Also (off topic) Labyrinth is an awsome movie! I can't wait for the new 2 DVD special edition to come out on August 14.

head mouse

Head Mouse, let me just say that you are getting y over the removal of cheap plastic spiders that glow in the dark. Rediculous, yes?

let me just say:
1) you are stirring up stuff that has died. leave it alone.

2) Again I say it has NOTHING to do with how cheap the effect is. It's an effect I liked and so I have the right to be upset about it's removal. Lets put it this way. I like the effect so much I recreated it for my Halloween decorations. If you don't like the effect. Fine I am not trying to force it on you, but don't try to force not liking it on me.

Have a Magical Day :wave:

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