Haunted Mansion and POTC


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
When I was on the CP, one of my trainers took me on an AWESOME behind the scenes tour of the Haunted Mansion, and told me that after iasw opens from rehab that the Haunted Mansion and the POTC will be going down for rehabs at seperate times. I was told that Haunted Mansion's exit would be re-routed to come out in Fantasyland by the stroller parking lot, and it would be an upgrade to the ride system, audio and a large percentage of the AAs would be redone and upgraded.

-first, has anyone else heard this...
-second - does anyone know which one is going down first?
-third, he said he didn't think that jack sparrow was being put in, but he wasn't for sure on a 100% answer - but pirate's was going to get brand new AAs and sets, including a new fire effect!


Well-Known Member
Rerouting the end queue doesn't make any sense... to me at least. The AAs do need some help though. And the bride needs a makeover like she was before: no face, just eyes.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
i'm with you on that grizz!

anyway - about the exit being re-routed...
i've never been to DL, but my trainer told me that DL's exit is through a mausoleum, if i remember correctly, and they were going to do it at WDW, but they would have to make more room by exiting through fantasyland... it doesn't sound like a great idea to spend money on to me... but whatever... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well, if they did re-route it to empty out to Fantasyland...
They wouldn't have to do anything special to the building. It would naturally empty out through a mausoleum.

:lol: :lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Well what is AA? Sorry Im new here. Also when do they plan on changing this, if so how long would it take? I cant go to DW and not go on the Haunted Mansion. Its like my fav thing in the world!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a little skeptical of an exit move--the Haunted Mansion belongs in Liberty Square...but everything else seems about right to me. HM should close spring 2006 after Pirates reopens.


New Member
blackthidot said:
I cant go to DW and not go on the Haunted Mansion. Its like my fav thing in the world!!!

Welcome to the forums blackthidot

Oh l hope they wait till after l visit this summer to shut down The Haunted Mansion for rehab,l ride it over and over sometimes, i'll be totally bummed in POTC & HM are under rehab this summer.:cry:


New Member
I'm glad to hear about the HM rehab. It really needs it. I'm really excited about the exit changing as well, i mean, it seems a bit weird for the exit to be rerouted to Fantasyland, but if it means an upgraded ride system, audio, and AAs being redone, then i'm for it. I've said it before and i'll say it again tho, i really wish they would bring back the hatbox ghost, i think they could easily pull it off now


New Member
Oh l know HM needs a bad rehab,l knew it when l rode it in 03 ,just that l don't get down that way to often,so l hoping it don't go for rehab until end of the year. What would be cool is a exit path that goes near the graveyard,but is hidden from the doombuggies passing through the graveyard,or have the moving walk way leading up and mirrows every feet like on the hitch hiking ghost part and have one of three ghosts follow at the pace of the moving walkway all the way to the exit,and little leota at the top with her spiel, or another exiting view of the hall of portraits watching you as you leave,heck just a few ideas, who knows what near idea they could come up with,just hope not any lame ones.


mkepcotmgmak said:
. I was told that Haunted Mansion's exit would be re-routed to come out in Fantasyland by the stroller parking lot,

-third, he said he didn't think that jack sparrow was being put in, but he wasn't for sure on a 100% answer - but pirate's was going to get brand new AAs and sets, including a new fire effect!

1- No. The Mansion's exit will not move to Fantasyland.

2- Yes to Capt. Jack, No to all new sets. Some new AAs and effects...maybe.


Active Member
emptying into fantasyland would be an interesting effect, because you wouldn't see guests coming out as you wait in the queue like you do now, sort of a "noone's ever returned from a visit to gracey manor" sort of thing

of course, the only reason they'd really do it is to make you exit into a new gift shop


Active Member
Static-X said:
Rerouting the end queue doesn't make any sense... to me at least. The AAs do need some help though. And the bride needs a makeover like she was before: no face, just eyes.

Ooh I agree about the bride. She was spookier without a detailed face.

Boo's Mom

New Member
Haunted Mansion better not be closed when I get to the World in August. I'll be one p***ed mom! Thats my favorite ride at Magic Kingdom and I cannot come to the world without riding it.

Ok, end of rant.



Le Meh
Premium Member
I could see them encorporating the crypt scene from the movie into the exit. Have you walk through the crypt to exit the ride, comeing out in a gift shop to pick up and pay for your ride photo....


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
1- No. The Mansion's exit will not move to Fantasyland.

2- Yes to Capt. Jack, No to all new sets. Some new AAs and effects...maybe.

Good, Mansion doesn't really need anything new, except for a better audio system and general "sprucing up". I'd rather they focus on making the queue a little bit more like DL's (in the same vein). The day Jennifer Tilly is added is the same day Grizz sings along with the NEW Tiki Room (ie-it ain't happening).

I'm all for NEW elements added to POTC. There is no reason why you can't have a nice THICK fog as you enter the ship battle , hear a REAL cannon sound and shadows fighting on top of the castle turret (ala DL). They can redo the "chasing scenes". I don't need to see men after women or women after men, either way is boring. This area and the final treasure room scene need the most work IMHO.

I've never been on DLP version, but I'm all for a sword fighting Sparrow vs Barbosa scene and then the AA's turning into skeletons in the moonlight (ala the movie). That would be a incredible addition. :D

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