Has your trip ever been "Ruined"?


Well-Known Member
Has your trip to the World ever been ruined by an incident or a series of unfortunate things happening?

Our trip was never really ruined but we had some bad incidents:

Back when we used to stay off property, My sister was about 3 and we were at my grandparents house she was horsing around and ending up going head first through a glass table. she had to get stitches and had a broken thumb. We ended up taking it easy that trip and only went to DTD, MK, and Epcot.

Another trip only about 4 years ago, my sister other was about 6. we decided our first day we were going to go to Epcot. she refused to put sun screen on and she is as white as snow white. she ended up getting a horrible burn on her head and on her back. So bad that the only rides she could go on were rides she didn't have to lean back on(No Coasters or anything along those lines) she hated not going on a lot of rides but she loved meeting almost every character in the park.


Active Member
O where o where shall I begin:
1. July 06 my best friend got her foot ran over by an ECV who did not speak english, it was shortly after the "new" pirates opened and I guess she was in a hurry.
2. July 05 a hurricane struck us here at home, like my thingy says we only live 45 min away, and we couldn't go
3. July 07 my 21st birthday at WDW, no less, I found out that my other best friend was engaged to this awful girl who was just using him and we stopped being friends that night.

But hey I still love the World.
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New Member
[FONT=&quot]:cry:Ok so I am all ready to go on vacation. I leave in 13 days and I am learning that my company is going on strike. I am not a union employee however I have been told that if the union strikes next Monday I can not go on my vacation as I will need to fill in for those on strike. I have 10 days booked with nine family members at the All Start Music family suites. I may have to kiss my wife and kids goodbye and send them off to WDW without me. So this may be the first WDW Trip that will be ruined for me. Please pray for me that the union does not strike. Thank you!:hammer::shrug::cry:[/FONT]
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Well-Known Member
Our trip wasn't ruined but we did end up with two sick children on our last trip. My daughter puked all over the bus one night... I was so embrassed. I was cleaning up strangers strollers with baby wipes. My brother who was holding her at the time was covered (I thought he was going to puke - he's single and not use to kids and their bodily fluids:animwink:)! And then my son got sick... he even lay down during a character meal (although Pluto was quite sympathic to him)! I was quite upset at first but my husband reminded me we were all together and fine! We missed two days of our vacation but it was alright!
was it sept? we were on a bus with a sick kid and we got off early cause it was making us sick. it happens!:hurl:
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On one trip, my great grandmother passed away while we were gone. We were actually on a Disney Cruise and wasn't able to make it back for the funeral. Another trip my husband ended up getting food poisoning or that norwalk-like virus that was affecting a lot of cruise ships and crowded areas and we missed our Disney Cruise. Luckily it was the end of our "Disney World" trip, so we ended up staying an extra night in our Disney hotel room before trying Hard Rock out for the first time before going to Cocoa Beach for a few days waiting for my mil and fil to get off the ship. Pretty depressing seeing the ship and not being able to be on it! On another trip, dh got an ear infection and had a fever of 105.5....yes, 105.5! On our last vacation our 15 month old ds ended up puking whenever we got in the car or in a restaurant. He'd be fine during the day, so we'd venture out and then the puking began! Ended up not being able to go to Disney for about 1 week out of 2 1/2 weeks. We stayed in a condo for 2 weeks off site and he started getting sick towards the end of the 2nd week. We had ressies for AS-Sports but ended up paying through the roof to stay at Saratoga Springs in a 1 bdrm since we didn't want to be stranded in such a small room and not being able to leave.
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[FONT=&quot]:cry:Ok so I am all ready to go on vacation. I leave in 13 days and I am learning that my company is going on strike. I am not a union employee however I have been told that if the union strikes next Monday I can not go on my vacation as I will need to fill in for those on strike. I have 10 days booked with nine family members at the All Start Music family suites. I may have to kiss my wife and kids goodbye and send them off to WDW without me. So this may be the first WDW Trip that will be ruined for me. Please pray for me that the union does not strike. Thank you!:hammer::shrug::cry:[/FONT]

That would seriously suck.:(In more ways than one.
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Active Member
I suffered a severely sprained Ankle one year. The Friday I arrived I went to downtown Orlando with some friends.. Well they just so happened to have a Beer Fest Going on.. Well A little too much jager, one wrong move and WHAMMY! Sprained Ankle. The next day I went to Wal-Greens purchased an ankle brace and hobbled to my First and Last Mega Mouse Meet
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New Member
My trip was ruined last july in 2008. I went with my 5 year boyfriend of the time and his mother. I was wondering why he was acting so weird not holding my hand or being like himself. I saw him texting a lot but he said it was his friend from school. I come to find out at the hotel that he is cheating on me for over a year with some 30 yr old girl that has a three year old kid.. mind you we are only 20 at the time. I let it go the first time because he said he would stop and then i find out at Christmas that he never stopped doing it, and that in Disney he bought gifts for them telling me they were gifts for someone else. And here I am helping him pick out things for his other girlfriend not knowing.. ruined my life, ruined my trip. I cant even look at the boardwalk hotel the same way. Havnt talked to him since december and couldnt be happier.
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Well-Known Member
The only time my trip was ruined was about 4 years ago. For my 23rd birthday, my family, friends and boyfriend at the time of 3 years all went up to the world and we stayed at All star Music. ON that Friday nite during my birthday, we ate dinner at Planet Hollywood then we went to Pleasure Island. We started at Motion which everyone liked but my boyfriend. He only liked Manniquens. So theres about 10 of us there and my BF starts throwing a hugh fit. ( he was 26 by the way acting like a 4 year old). Then he started yelling at my friends and me calling us every name in the book. He was so drunk he ended up getting lost and we had to spend the rest of the nite looking for him. My friends were so mad that they told him off and thanked him for ruining the trip and my birthday. We ended up leaving him there to find his own ride back to the hotel. The next day we went to the parks and left him at the hotel to sleep it off. He never apoliged to any of us and soon after we got back home I ended our 3 year relationship.
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Well-Known Member

WDW sure seems to break a lot of people up.

Oddly enough, our trips to WDW are one of the things that my ex-wife and I both still look back on with fond memories (and no, there was no cheating :) )

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Well-Known Member
While it didn't ruin my trip, I'm pretty sure it would have ruined most people's trip. Visited back in July 2002 for three weeks and it rained solidly, all day, for 20 of my 21 days. I don't let anything ruin a trip that I've saved for all year, I simply just ignore it and carry on regardless with a smile on my face.
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It didnt ruin our trip but it was difficult to deal with - my dad got bilateral pneumonia, it was awful, he was in hospital for 10 days:(
But even when they left him out of hospital, he couldnt walk so we pushed around in a wheelchair for the rest of the vacation.....
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New Member
I noticed a few people have mentioned they got colds or flu syptoms wihile traveling to Disney...the same thing happens to me on many of my trips south.

Can't say it ruins my trip but it is frustrating especially since I usually lose my voice and it's hard to have fun when you have to whisper everything 5 or 6 times because no one can hear you.

If anyone has tips on how NOT to get a cold...I'm all ears. i wondered if it's due to going in and out of the air conditioning which I usually find too cold.

I'm thinking of taking some cold FX or other anti-cold meds for at least a week before I go.

How do you guys deal with it?

we all take Airborne for about 3 days or more before going to Disney plus some extra vitamin c to keep from getting sick:hurl: works like a charm.
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New Member
Last August, as my two kids and I were watching the HSM Pep Rally at MGM, my DH called to tell me that my Father in Law had passed away. I was devestated that I wasn't with my DH. Also, I knew I'd have to tell my kids. We flew home early for the funeral. I was sick to my stomach the whole time.
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My family and I have been fortunate to have had wonderful experiences on all of our Disney World Vacations and the only thing I can complain about occurred on our last trip this past May/June. Mid-way through our trip my Dad came down with a terrible virus with symptoms similar to the Norwalk Virus (though we don't know for sure what it was), and was confined to our hotel room for a good day and a half. My Mom and sister and I tried really hard to avoid the same fate, but, unfortunately, two days later I came down with the same thing and spent a good portion of the last two days of our trip sicker than I ever remember being. We were very grateful it wasn't for the entire trip, and we got to do most everything we wanted, but I must say WDW is easily one of the worst places in the world to be sick. Not because we weren't taken care of or anything like that, it's just rough laying in bed sick when you know you should be spending that time at the most magical place on earth.
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New Member
My MIL swears that it is the air conditioning in the hotels...we are from up north, and on our Jan '08 trip my DS age 4 came down with croup on our last day, and DH (we found out after we got home) had pneumonia! I think MIL is on to something.
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New Member
I have never had a bad trip when I went to the parks; I just go with the mind set that some people are going to be rude and not speak English, or just smell. My problem was on the Disney Cruise line. Let me set the stage, we are at the movies about 200+ people including children. A group of teenagers were sticking their heads in the door and cursing like grown men. I set through most of the movie and finally had enough; I confronted the teens and called security. Security never showed. The teens left and went to the teen club and I followed them. I left the club after seeing dancing and groping like I have seen few adults perform. I went to Guest Services to report the teens and they informed me that there is nothing that they can do about the foul language of the guests and told me to have a good evening. I have seen adults carted away for much less. I may over reacting but why do we not care anymore that our teens are out of control. I will continue to cruise but my teenage daughters will not be going to the teen club any longer.
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New Member
I wouldn't say ruined....but I am a counselor at a camp that takes kids to Disney world every summer...well summer 07 a kid tried to jump over a fence, fell, broke his arm, and another kid who is allergic to peanuts accidentaly came in contact with them....so I had the pleasure of eppy pinning him right outside the line for splash mountain.....it wasn't ruined but definitely not perfect
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