Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

How has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR Attendance

  • No effect. Absorbed all price changes without changing itineraries and are content with atmosphere

    Votes: 82 18.1%
  • No effect yet. However, recent changes have us planning to reduce our WDW spending.

    Votes: 89 19.6%
  • Attendance the same, but we have cut back on ADR's, hotel quality/location, etc.

    Votes: 62 13.7%
  • We used to go more than once a year. Now we go less often, but still splurge when we do go.

    Votes: 15 3.3%
  • We used to go more than once a year. Now we go just once, but still splurge.

    Votes: 18 4.0%
  • We used to go at least once a year. Now we go every other year.

    Votes: 76 16.7%
  • We used to go at least once a year. Now we don't plan to go at all.

    Votes: 62 13.7%
  • We used to go every once in a while. Now we don't plan to go at all.

    Votes: 26 5.7%
  • We used to have higher tier passes. Now we have lower tier passes.

    Votes: 16 3.5%
  • We used to have passes. Now we don't have passes.

    Votes: 86 18.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
There’s no question that the prices have increased, but we haven’t seen any lessening of the Disney magic lately, especially when it comes to the CMs. They have all been fantastic, and we visit 2 or 3 times a year for a week each time. As I said in another post, sometimes I think we visit an entirely different Disney from the one described by a few of the people who post here. We do tend to have a pretty positive attitude, which works wonders with most people.
I agree that the majority of CMs in Florida are wonderful!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree that the majority of CMs in Florida are wonderful!
I, too, agree with that statement.

And for the record, I am not a Disney basher. You can look in my past and see me praising things that others were very quick to judge. I stood behind SW:TLJ and it's storytelling. I praised the Mary Poppins ride idea at Epcot back when it first surfaced. I also eagerly shared my enjoyment of The Edison.

At the same time, I'm not one who smiles and says thank you when I'm treated poorly, regardless of how well I'm treated overall. I love Disney, or what it's supposed to be/was (depends on who you ask). It's why I'm so vocal when I see what I love deteriorate. Are most CM still nice and helpful? Yes. And I appreciate that very much. However, Disney was known for it's "white glove service". It could be compared to when an English butler took a white glove and swiped their finger over the mantel and there wasn't a black mark to be seen on the gloved finger. That was the level of precision, care, and attention given to the guest experience at Disney. A poorly trained CM wasn't seen by the guests because they didn't make it past scrutiny by Disney training staff/managers. It's one thing if I had encountered one bad CM ever. That's something you move past. The issue is this has been happening at an increasing level over the past year, at multiple locations/parks, and with greater severity. I'm all about looking past small issues, but at the prices I'm paying at Disney this is like a dirty bathroom at the Ritz to me. It's not tolerable. Not at the prices I'm paying.
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Well-Known Member
I, too, agree with that statement.

And for the record, I am not a Disney basher. You can look in my past and see me praising things that others were very quick to judge. I stood behind SW:TLJ and it's storytelling. I praised the Mary Poppins ride idea at Epcot back when it first surfaced. I also eagerly shared my enjoyment of The Edison.

At the same time, I'm not one who smiles and says thank you when I'm treated poorly, regardless of how well I'm treated overall. I love Disney, or what it's supposed to be/was (depends on who you ask). It's why I'm so vocal when I see what I love deteriorate. Are most CM still nice and helpful? Yes. And I appreciate that very much. However, Disney was known for it's "white glove service". It could be compared to when an English butler took a white glove and swiped their finger over the mantel and there wasn't a black mark to be seen on the gloved finger. That was the level of precision, care, and attention given to the guest experience at Disney. A poorly trained CM wasn't seen by the guests because they didn't make it past scrutiny by Disney training staff/managers. It's one thing if I had encountered one CM ever. That's something you move past. The issue is this has been happening at an increasing level over the past year, at multiple locations/parks, and with greater severity. I'm all about looking past small issues, but at the prices I'm paying at Disney this is like a dirty bathroom at the Ritz to me. It's not tolerable. Not at the prices I'm paying.
I agree with you too.

The negativity on WDWMagic boards tends to focus on objectively frustrating decisions such as lower quality and maintenance, cut creative budgets, higher prices and upcharges, and poor value as a result.

In contrast, many other boards are full of people complaining about their expectations of character interactions and missing their favorite entertainment cast—or whether the Millennium Falcon ride ruined a 40-something man’s childhood dreams because Hondo’s prerecorded voice yelled at him during the ride.

There are always exceptions, but somebody who thinks this place is negative should check out a few other sites. ;)
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Well-Known Member
The negativity on WDWMagic boards tends to focus on objectively frustrating decisions
This statement really demonstrates the kind of cognitive dissonance necessary to engage in the kind of behavior to which PixarPerfect was referring. Frustration is defined as a feeling - the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. As such, it isn't "objective". It is, explicitly, subjective. This cognitive dissonance is what is underlying the damaging behaviors that PixarPerfect outlined.

In contrast, many other boards are full of people complaining about their expectations of character interactions and missing their favorite entertainment cast—or whether the Millennium Falcon ride ruined a 40-something man’s childhood dreams because Hondo’s prerecorded voice yelled at him during the ride.
However, by contrast, those people are saying that they're unhappy. They're not trying to make their dissatisfaction sound like anything other than it is.


Well-Known Member
I view this poll for nothing more than common reactions from my peers as consumers.
My point was that this isn't not reflective of that - specifically with regard to your "peers as consumers". It explicitly reflects nothing more than the reactions of your peers as members of this specific forum, who are themselves a severely biased portion of your peers as consumers. That's really the big danger here: Thinking that these results are reflective of the general case rather than reflective of the bias of the dominant group of posters on this forum, a bias shaped by how this forum developed in response to concerns with preexisting communities perceived by those specific posters.

Many of us are on the fence about such unsubtle price maximizations and just curious what and how others think and react. Markets get priced to what they can bear, that's business for profit. For people buying vacations, most consider value. Is their enjoyment worth the cost? Now that most components of WDW prices have increased near the maximum they can bear, there's less of a cushion between value/cost.
And here we see the effect of unchecked misinformation: "Now that ... prices have increased near the maximum they can bear..." You are assuming the premise that the dominant group within this community is peddling as fact. There is no actual reason to believe that premise. The trajectory, comparing decade-to-decade, is still upward, and not just a little upward, but skyrocketing. The objective facts belie what the dominant group within this community says.

WDW still holds value to my family but it's slipped. Now I consider exactly what I purchase as opposed to less questioned purchases of the past. Defense mode is a new position for me at WDW, trying not to be taken for an over-paying sucker. Nobody wants to feel like that.
The question is where did that feeling come from? There are three possibilities: (a) The value proposition as perceived by the market could have changed direction (however, again, based on objective facts, the trajectory, comparing decade-to-decade, is still upward, and not just a little upward, but skyrocketing). (b) Your own personal situation could be such that you are personally overburdened. (c) Your interactions within a community within which the aforementioned unchecked misinformation prevails has affected your perception. You are welcome to stamp your feet and wave your hands in the air, screaming that the answer is (a), but just realize that you're clamoring for the only one of the three choices that is unequivocally irrational.


Think for yourselfer
My point was that this isn't not reflective of that - specifically with regard to your "peers as consumers". It explicitly reflects nothing more than the reactions of your peers as members of this specific forum, who are themselves a severely biased portion of your peers as consumers. That's really the big danger here: Thinking that these results are reflective of the general case rather than reflective of the bias of the dominant group of posters on this forum, a bias shaped by how this forum developed in response to concerns with preexisting communities perceived by those specific posters.

And here we see the effect of unchecked misinformation: "Now that ... prices have increased near the maximum they can bear..." You are assuming the premise that the dominant group within this community is peddling as fact. There is no actual reason to believe that premise. The trajectory, comparing decade-to-decade, is still upward, and not just a little upward, but skyrocketing. The objective facts belie what the dominant group within this community says.

The question is where did that feeling come from? There are three possibilities: (a) The value proposition as perceived by the market could have changed direction (however, again, based on objective facts, the trajectory, comparing decade-to-decade, is still upward, and not just a little upward, but skyrocketing). (b) Your own personal situation could be such that you are personally overburdened. (c) Your interactions within a community within which the aforementioned unchecked misinformation prevails has affected your perception. You are welcome to stamp your feet and wave your hands in the air, screaming that the answer is (a), but just realize that you're clamoring for the only one of the three choices that is unequivocally irrational.
You can’t be a real person.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
This statement really demonstrates the kind of cognitive dissonance necessary to engage in the kind of behavior to which PixarPerfect was referring. Frustration is defined as a feeling - the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. As such, it isn't "objective". It is, explicitly, subjective. This cognitive dissonance is what is underlying the damaging behaviors that PixarPerfect outlined.

However, by contrast, those people are saying that they're unhappy. They're not trying to make their dissatisfaction sound like anything other than it is.
My God, if you can’t handle someone else’s feelings/opinions/frustrations being expressed on a discussion forum, why are you even here? I hate to break this to you, but you’re not always going to get your own way. Most the pity....


Well-Known Member
This statement really demonstrates the kind of cognitive dissonance necessary to engage in the kind of behavior to which PixarPerfect was referring. Frustration is defined as a feeling - the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. As such, it isn't "objective". It is, explicitly, subjective. This cognitive dissonance is what is underlying the damaging behaviors that PixarPerfect outlined.

However, by contrast, those people are saying that they're unhappy. They're not trying to make their dissatisfaction sound like anything other than it is.


If only I had the patience to reply to this thesaurus of attempts to detract from people’s “cognitive dissonance” resulting from factual business decisions, as if people’s natural responses are less valid because they’re emotional and therefore not empirical scientific results.

But I don’t have that kind of patience. I’m having far too much fun in the real world today.

Am I allowed to have fun, or is that another cognitive reaction to external factors which may not be as pleasant as I perceive?

All joking aside, if you don’t like the attitudes on fan forums, I’m sorry to say that’s “just how they are”: an imperfect response To be sure, but they’re collections of people’s opinions.
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Well-Known Member
Put me down as "Other".

My family used to go every other year. However, with Disney's crazy price increase, our last full family trip was in 2013 because we just can't justify continuing to spend that much money for admission. Our next family vacation is this coming February, and the ONLY reason we are going is because we're having a "Gotcha" celebration for my nephew who will be officially adopted.

I did go solo this past summer, but Disney was a side trip; as I was attending a series of teachers workshops being hosted at the Hilton hotel across the street from Disney Springs....and because it's within a year of the family trip, it was the first and last time I will ever purchase an Annual Pass. I might make a third outing before the pass expires in July just to make sure that I get my money's worth out of the thing.

Anyway, Disney is becoming more and more expensive, but as of recent there's been little to justify paying their prices.
Especially when there are a lot more things to see and do in the world.

Like traveling across the United States by rail for less than $200.


Well-Known Member
You can’t be a real person.
Yet another reply trying to distract attention away from comments you don't like but for which you have no legitimate response.

those people are saying that they're unhappy. They're not trying to make their dissatisfaction sound like anything other than it is.
My God, if you can’t handle someone else’s feelings/opinions/frustrations being expressed on a discussion forum, why are you even here?
The very last words in my comment as you quoted it said explicitly that I have no problem whatsoever with "someone else’s feelings/opinions/frustrations being expressed". Yet another reply trying to distract attention away from comments you don't like but for which you have no legitimate response. You should feel some shame for being unable to admit that what I'm posting is about the distortion rather than the expression of feelings.

If only I had the patience to reply to this thesaurus of attempts to detract from people’s “cognitive dissonance” resulting from factual business decisions, as if people’s natural responses are less valid because they’re emotional and therefore not empirical scientific results.
At least my comment was comprehensible. Decrypting what you were trying to say.... yes, factual information is factual, and presentation of non-factual information as factual is bad.

All joking aside, if you don’t like the attitudes on fan forums, I’m sorry to say that’s “just how they are”: an imperfect response To be sure, but they’re collections of people’s opinions.
As pointed out by a poster yesterday, this is not how fan forums are. This is specifically how this forum is. Let's either fix that or at least work to limit the damage it causes.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Yet another reply trying to distract attention away from comments you don't like but for which you have no legitimate response.

The very last words in my comment as you quoted it said explicitly that I have no problem whatsoever with "someone else’s feelings/opinions/frustrations being expressed". Yet another reply trying to distract attention away from comments you don't like but for which you have no legitimate response. You should feel some shame for being unable to admit that what I'm posting is about the distortion rather than the expression of feelings.

At least my comment was comprehensible. Decrypting what you were trying to say.... yes, factual information is factual, and presentation of non-factual information as factual is bad.

As pointed out by a poster yesterday, this is not how fan forums are. This is specifically how this forum is. Let's either fix that or at least work to limit the damage it causes.
And yet here you are yet again, going after anyone who dares express a sentiment different from your own. What are the odds?

“A poster.” There’s over 108,000 of them on this forum. Fairly small sample size there....


Well-Known Member
We have 14 nights each year so we are never forced to deal with crazy queues fast pass sorts that for us. Will say the MNSSHP seemed to he a lot busier this year than any of our past visits.

For us staying at OKW in a 2 bed villa it's less than $170 per person per day for food,flights,tickets,transport and entertainment the value for us is very good compared to any other vacation.


Well-Known Member
We've had to find other means to afford to stay on property. We prefer moderate & deluxe resorts so we've relied heavily on renting DVC points, using friends RCI points, booking with TAs with agent exclusive rates, or booking disney resorts on priceline.

We've also began to try restuarants that offer disney visa discounts to save here and there but overall we haven't reduced our ADRs, tickets, or extra events just yet.

We stayed at a value resort for the first time ever and it was fine. We also purchased tickets from a 3rd party for the first time ever too.


Active Member
We have 14 nights each year so we are never forced to deal with crazy queues fast pass sorts that for us. Will say the MNSSHP seemed to he a lot busier this year than any of our past visits.

For us staying at OKW in a 2 bed villa it's less than $170 per person per day for food,flights,tickets,transport and entertainment the value for us is very good compared to any other vacation.
is that DVC?


Well-Known Member
The middle class has changed in the USA since the 1950s. It's not as financially potent today as it was back then. Someone categorized as upper class today doesn't have to earn more than $80,000.

$80,000 that has to pay for internet, mobile phones, housing, and generally higher life costs doesn't leave a lot of room for many vacations.

In what world is 80K upper class? Heck I live in the poorest state in the country and wouldn't consider 80k upper class... even in the poorest county/city in the state.

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