Has anyone have a weird, scary or awesome dream about disney world


Original Poster
Hey so have any of U! have a weird, scary or awesome dream about disney world, anything awe happen, something that u wouldnt think it will never happen, but you dream it, let here your dream, sometimes i usually dream that im on a ride and something weird happens and i dont remember something from the ride that isnt there in real life. So if u wanna reply here and i hope u do okie dokie, buh bye! *waves*


New Member
I had a dream I was on this ride and,I guess it was supposed to be snow white,and the 7 dwarfs were humongous and starting circling me.It was scary.and i've never been to disneyworld.


New Member
When I was younger I went with my dad to Disney World and on the way home we had some dumb fight about me not cleaning my room. And that night I dreamed about us going on Splash Mountain and him falling out of the log and landing on a big thorn or something. It was a really weird dream, I can't believe I still remember it!

I also had a dream that I took my cat to Disney World and she started to talk. I have weird dreams....


Well-Known Member
I have been in horribly inaccurate versions of Disney parks in my dreams before. Highlights of this sort of stuff include:
Swinging pirate ship ride looking like Figment put up during JIYI's brief time
Lots of Haunted Mansion stuff like enormous stretch rooms, Pooh's Honey Hunt technology, and Nightmare Before Christmas stuff(I thought I saw Jack) in a large waiting room area, all in seperate dreams.
ToD going in Magic Kingdom
Ferris Wheels in Epcot around World Showcase
Some spinning Monstro thing in Fantasyland along with a metal thing of doom
Dreamfinder and Figment aboard the Dreamship crashing within a forest
Maleficent maniacally laughing as she blocks the road to Disneyland
Elfin from ToD hanging out in some resort play area pool thing
Haunted Mansion looking really freaky and noticeable at the enterance to Frontierland
Ziplines from the Train Station to the castle which is on a large hill in the same dream as the above one
20K Lagoon right below the Monorail
Jungle Cruise in a swampy setting with gators and a hotel near it
Jungle Cruise with attacking robot lions with a drained river and grass
Sub lagoon still operating
Offices and a wood fence behind Disneyland
Some Splash Mountain dreams
Big Thunder Mountain line is accessed only by a special monorail type train
I got alot more and I'll post them later.


New Member
Every so often I have a dream about a weird Disneyland. Ive had these recurring dreams for many years, since I was a little girl. Its the strangest thing! Nothing is in its place, and all the rides are really screwed up and freaky. It kinds scary actually... :lookaroun. I get this weird feeling, a feeling I cant describe, but its so weird. It like the post above me. All the rides are different and have elements that arent in the real ones. :eek:


Well-Known Member
I had one where we went to Disneyland, and we saw Test Track, a weird tacky "ghetto" area, Living With The Land (only outdoors), Back to the Future, and some place with a vague resemblance to Future World... Also, there wasn't Fantasyland or the Castle or Main Street, or anything Magic Kingdom for that matter...


Well-Known Member
Ohh yeah.. there was also a Bambi dark ride involving some sort of avalanche. That Sub Lagoon one also involved elevators to get below and to the ride itself.


Premium Member
Glad I'm not the only weirdo who dreams about Disneyworld!

I've been wanting to go to the Animal Kingdom lodge forever just to walk around but haven't had the chance. I ended up having a dream that we rode a monorail to some weird place and from there walked a little ways to the Animal Kingdom lodge and I was all disappointed because we walked in the lobby and I was expecting something spectacular and it looked like a Holiday Inn on the inside hehe.


I had a dream that I was in Disney World and it was really fun of course, and then I woke up, and I wasn't really in Disney World! It was a nightmare. lol maybe it shows how much I really need to go!

Brick Tamland

New Member
I had a dream that I was all alone on the TTA, and the ride stopped when it was in the SM area, the lights were on and their were crazy lookin' people like hangin' from the ride system and they were staring at me, It was very freaky and scary.

Dr. Seeker

New Member
Hmm. Yeah, I've had lots of dreams about Disney.
One time I dreamt that I was in Disneyland and they had taken out Indiana Jones and Splash Mountain. I was staying with my family in a cheap motel on Disney property that was like a mile out in the woods with wolves and stuff. I have no friggin' clue how woods grew on Disney in the middle of Anaheim.
Other than that, most of my dreams are about stuff like going backstage on DINOSAUR!


Well-Known Member
Ive had so many dreams about disney world or disneyland its unbearable. The majority being bad, but there was some good ones.

I remember dreaming of finally going to disneyland, and seeing it face to face, and then, it turned bad, and disney world was like about a 1 minute walk right next to it.

Then, I remember dreaming of going to MK and noticing that there was this gigantic inverted coaster in the adventurland area. No theme, just a big yellow ugly six flags type ride, in the middle of the MK. It scared me so much that when I woke up it took me a while to know that it was just a dream.

But recently Ive been dreaming about going to DL, and they have been good. Since I really havent been to Dl I dont really know what its like, but I do have an idea. So the dreams cant really be out of place.


Well-Known Member
I have lots of dreams that I fall out of ride vehicles... or dreams where I'm in Disney World but it's not quite right...

When I was little I used to dream that they were building another Disney World right on my street... that was definitely weird!

Sometimes I have dreams that they have a Haunted Mansion 2 that is really really really scary. I don't know... I have a lot of weird dreams like that.


New Member
I had tons of dreams about Disney just before our last trip. This was like the first vacation I planned and paid for, so all the dreams were about me and my girlfriend running out of money half way through the trip and haveing to just sit in the hotel room and wait for the day the plane would arive (but I had a park hopper ticket, I am even stupid in my dreams) It was so bad. Otherwise I dream that all the good rides are closed and we end up rideing astro orbiter and El Rio de Tempo for the whole trip.


Well-Known Member
LilDucky said:
Every so often I have a dream about a weird Disneyland. Ive had these recurring dreams for many years, since I was a little girl. Its the strangest thing! Nothing is in its place, and all the rides are really screwed up and freaky. It kinds scary actually... :lookaroun. I get this weird feeling, a feeling I cant describe, but its so weird. It like the post above me. All the rides are different and have elements that arent in the real ones. :eek:

I have very simmilar dreams, several times a week (at least that I remember).

I could write a book about it...but for now I'm just going to quote what LilDucky said above and agree. ;)



Well-Known Member
I always have weird, messed up Disney dreams, especially when I know that I will be going in the near future.

The one that really stands out in my memory is this one:

In real life we were visiting Disney and they had construction walls up in Frontierland and were building Splash Mountain. We finished out our vacation and went home. Some time later Disney started advertising for Splash Mountain (specifically MVMCP on TV).

Some time later (I can't remember how long...few years?) we booked our next trip to WDW. After that I started having dreams. They were all dealing with Splash Mountain. None of them were the actual ride itself. They were all just flume rides called Splash Mountain. One of them was even in a mall! In all I think there were a half-dozen or so of these dreams. Once we finally got there I got on and was not dissappointed. It's still one of my favorites to this day.

There's more dreams in this thread: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=43822


New Member
I had a ton of dreams about Mission:Space before it opened. They were all very strange rides, but what I remember most was the waiting in line forever to ride these really stupid rides. :slurp:


Well-Known Member
By the powers of Davy Jones, I will BUMP this thread from the ocean floor!

I think out of ANY Disney character that's popped into my dreams, Elfin, like I've mentioned in this thread and other dream threads, appears very frequently. She just came up in one within the last week and she's probably appeared on over 10 to 15 occasions. Crush on the character much?

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