Has anyone ever gone in September???


New Member
Has anyone gone to WDW in September? We are planning a trip for this September and want to know what to expect for crowds, waiting lines, and stuff....Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
We did WDW and a cruise in Sept. For me it was way to hot. Even my photos turned out with steamed edges! Whether it was 6 am or 6 pm, it was hot. The crowds weren't to bad but, it did rain for a while everyday so, you ran from MS to the LS escaping showers, also hot!
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New Member
I have gone to Disney World for a week's vacation for the last four years in September and am planning on going again this year. The crowds are relatively small, so the wait times are pretty short. I only had to use Fast Pass a couple times.
The only disappointment is that the parks close earlier than in the summer. I hope you have a great time on your vacation!
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Premium Member
We went at the end of Sept in 2003. There were no lines and the weather was perfect. This year we are planning to go in September again, just waiting to see what's up with my husband's work schedule. If he can't get off we'll go in December.
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Active Member
I went in the very begining of October a couple of times. The weather was perfect and the parks weren't crowded because everybody is just getting back to school. Hope this helps ya out a lil bit.
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New Member
I generally visit WDW in September or October. The weather is nearly always good (except for last year's hurricane season), summer like days, comfortably warm evenings, and crowds are minimal most of the time. When I was there in Sept 2000, they did have a heat wave, with temps in the 90's and humidity in the 90% range as well - pretty unbearable, even at night. The operating hours can be a negative however, as MK and the Studios close early.
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We've been in Sept 5 times.

Weather: Hot, humid. There will be afternoon thunderstorms for a few minutes or a few hours. It is also hurricane season. We've hit a few weak tropical storms and received a day or two of rain. It actually cooled things off a little.

Crowds: Light. Remember this year WDW is making a big push to attract guests. This might increase crowds even during typically slow periods. However, crowds will still be lighter than almost any other time of year.

Wait times: Huh? When we went in Sept 2003. I think the longest line we waited for the whole time we were there was Peter Pan at 30 minutes. Most wait times were about 15 minutes.

Park hours: Yeah, park hours are shorter. But with the addition of the evening Magic Hours, you still get some evening hours. At the MK, they have many attractions open for the EMH. Also with lighter crowds, you can really see most attractions with minimal waits...
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Well-Known Member
with the exception of last year( we went in november which never again)every year since 96 we have been to disney in sept...we love it there ,it is hot and humid...but there are no lines and remember alsmost everything is airconditioned..oh and those dam love bugs( they are everywhere)...but other than that we love september..ooh also its value season , if your looking for a better rate... :sohappy: :sohappy:
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New Member
We went to WDW in sept. 2000....for three weeks....it was great! i liked the weather because i was ten and well....its freezing in the UK :p....we were planning to go in sept next year but my college im planning on going to starts on the 1st Mon. in september *cries*....but it doesnt matter, we're still going for three weeks!
+ the lines and crowds were way less than august :D

id recommend it
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Active Member
we went last sept(2004) and it was the best time. no lines. weather was great. we just missed 2 hurricanes. infact we had rain only for about 5 minutes the entire 6 days we were there. if you don't want crowds that is the time to go. we are going again in mid september this year.
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Well-Known Member
We were there last year from Sept 17-25th and had a great time.
Due to the Hurricane issues, the parks were empty. It got to the point where we wouldn't enter a line if it said 20 minutes or more, not even for the top attractions. One day my Brother-in-law and I rode MS and TT, 3 times each before 11:00 am.

We had one day with some rain, but only for a few hours. Temps were warm, Park hours were shorter but still sufficient, and waits were minimal.

We had planned on going again this year in September, but it will depend on whether we move to NC in August. If we do, we will probably delay the WDW trip until November.
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New Member
Yes, we went one year in September. The crowds at the parks were minimal, but it was sizzlin' HOT! I like it that way, but my husband wasn't as thrilled as I was. Temps were around 90 every day.
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New Member
We went last year in September and loved it so much that we're going back this September. The crowds were so light - it really spoiled us! We stayed at the Poly and one day we went to the pool and it was only us and 2 other people! It was like having the resort to ourselves.

As for the weather - it was definitely hot and humid. We spent the days by the pool and the evenings at the parks. And as someone else said - expect a rain shower most every day. Typical summer weather in Florida.
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Well-Known Member
We've been twice in September - great time to go, except for hurricanes:lookaroun. Last year we flew down for getaway weekend just in time for Jeanne. Orlando airport was closing, we couldn't get a flight out, rented a car and drove to Tampa to get out just before they closed - never got to get into the parks:cry:, and spent mucho $$ to get home in time.:mad:
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New Member
Went there for August/September last year around Labor Day. Except for 2 days stuck in the hotel because of Hurricane Frances it was great. Really short lines, and hot (which I love). It did rain every day but you can almost predict it around 3:00pm and work around it. The only "park" that was super crowded was Typhoon Lagoon, which makes sense because of the heat. I guess that's why the rest of the parks were so empty, everyone was cooling off at the wave pool :)
We're going again this year at the same time so that shows that we really liked that time of year.
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New Member
September is my choice for a great time to visit WDW. The crowds are thin to non-existant. Only downside, is the parks may have shorter operating hours, and parades/fireworks might not be as frequent as with Summer months. Oh yeah, and rehab schedules might be a little more abundant during the month as well. But it's a great trade off to have a less crowded world to enjoy :)

Just watch out for the cheerleaders. Not sure when the competitions are, but we've encountered them there a few times. It's like rabid insects running loose around the parks. Except their not insects, their pre-pubescent girls with glitter on their faces and the tendancy to spontaniously cheer while standing in line. They need an anti-pep shot before entering the parks. I would rather take on a hurricane than a pack of these gals.

With that said, September is definately a great time to visit. Have fun

Oh yeah, forgot about the rain. 3:00pm almost every day like clockwork. Lasts for 30 mintes or so. It would be weird, some days you enter an indoor attraction before 3:00pm - come out at 3:30 and everything is wet. The sun is out, the sky is clear, but the ground is all wet.... Almos as if they just powerwashed the parks while you weren't looking. Just planning accordingly and you'll be fine. Lots of people do scatter when the rain starts, but just stick it out and you'll find even shorter lines when the sunshine returns.
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We've been to WDW in September a few times, you can't beat it for touring ease. The heat is ON so prepare for blisters, I've heard of a product called Bodyglide that runners use to prevent this problem. I've never used it, but plan to next time I go. You would not believe how hot your feet could get. The lovebugs are interesting! I only noticed large quantities in the parking lots. Also to beat the heat, buy one bottled water and keep refilling it at the water fountains throughout the day. Most of them keep the water nice and cold. One final thing I noticed, Epcot is less busy on weekends in September. I was told that this is because of touring school groups during the week. Hope this helps! :wave:
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Active Member
September is great. We switched from October to September for the past two years. The crowds are much lighter and the park hours were perfect to see everything. Surprisingly, by the middle of the afternoon we had seen all we wanted to see and spent the late afternoon moving slower and taking it all in without rushing. The hurricanes were a big concern this past year. We arrived at WDW the day after Hurricane Ivan struck, but I still would go in September again.
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