Has Anyone Been Mid September?


New Member

Has anyone been in Mid September?

My husband and I are thinking of booking a holiday in Mid September, but we are not sure if they have cut back on facilities i.e park hours, fireworks, parades and water parks.

Anyone who has any info would be great.





New Member
I can´t tell you too much about cuts in shows and park hours because the two septembers I spent there were 98 and 99 and they were getting ready for the Millennium Celebration, so the blue walls were common and the rehabs too -but also pavillion opennnings and extra shows-. I can only tell you to be ready for rain showers at 3:30 every day and a hot hot hot weather! The crowds are ok. You will have fun! :animwink:
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I've only been there once in September but I have to say it was very rainy. I know someone who usually goes every year in September and she said they have been poured upon. It's the only time she can go and she hates that time of year.
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
September ROCKS!

Last 2 trips I have gone in Sept...and it is great...no crowds...no lines... got a PS for evrything I wanted. The parks are so empty most of the time...FastPass kiosks are closed...cause there is no need for them... 10 min wait max....and that was for Test Track.

I say go for it...you'll love it! :)
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New Member
We went this year (2002) from Sept. 13 through 23. It was great Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday were kind of crowded. Yes, I think it rained everyday in the afternoon, but you have to expect it and be prepared (ponchos a couple of days, laundry one day). This year, it was also still pretty hot, upper 80's and 90's. All in all, I would do it again if I had the chance.

Mark in KY
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New Member
We went this Sept from the 10th - 14th. The weather was hot, high 80's most of the time but it was awesome. We had never been when there were not lines. So we couldn't believe it. The park hours are less but you don't need as long to do all the attractions. The parades and fireworks are only once or twice a week but Fantasmic is still every night. We enjoyed being able to do the parks during the day and relax at the hotel at night.

We have tried mid March, early June and August and so far Sept is our favorite time. We had less rain than we did in June or August but we were probably just lucky. We always carry pouchos so we are okay either way. Just my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Humid is a word that comes to mind. In retrospect I don't think I've ever sweat so much doing nothing. Crowds weren't bad, most everything was open but, even at 6 A.M. it was still too hot.
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New Member
Few crowds. Hours are shorter but with less crowds you can do as many rides -- or more.

Sometimes they have parades and fireworks only on weekends, but this past Sept they started doing them mid-week on an intermittent basis -- which they announced as a change at the last minute.

Weather is slightly cooler than July and August, but not by much. It rains daily for a short time. It's in the middle of hurricane season, too.

Major downside of September is that they close rides for rehabs then and sometimes have some unsightly scaffolding up in places.

It's a good time to go if you don't catch a hurricane.
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New Member
I was there Sept. 8th- the 15th of 2001, Yes it did rain, and we had more rain then is the norm for Orlando, but who cares, you put on the poncho and go, actually it was kind of fun. The parks were empty, it was great, the only other times, that I have been, were summer months, and it was the total opposite, it’s still warm enough that you can enjoy the water parks\rides, I would go every time now in Sept. I thought it was grate. All the rides were up and going they were doing some repairs, but nothing too major. Not a lot of kids at that time if that is a concern, don’t get me wrong I love kids, but it was nice not have a ton running around. If you go at that time I think you will love it.:sohappy:
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New Member

As everyone has stated...September is a good time to go as long as you go after labor day. Temps I believe generally average in the high 80's to low 90's. It does rain just about everyday and you are in hurricane season:eek: It is a real good time of the year to go as long as you don't mind the heat and don't get a hurricane. Rates at hotels are generally good also around then:sohappy:
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New Member
We went this year the 17-23 and absolutely loved it. No lines on rides, good spots for the parades and yes, the hours were shorter (MK was open till 6 during the week and 9 on saturday) but with the smaller crowds, you had more time since we didnt have to stand in line. The hotel pools and restaurants werent full and although it was high 80's each day, we only had real rain one day. Another couple days there was a 10 minute afternoon shower. It did not take away from our vacation at all. I would never go in peak season again after this.
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RunDisney Addict
We've gone the last 2 years from Sept 25-Oct 2 and it was great...we pretty much walked on every ride and show. There was no wait for anything.

The weather is still warm (was 90's the week we were there), so pack shorts :)
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Well-Known Member
I try to plan each trip in September.

Pros: Less crowds, plenty of daylight, hotels are cheaper.

Cons: daytime heat, afternoon rain, reduced park hours.
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New Member

My family and I were there this September. The crowds were reasonable at both the parks and the resorts. The heat (high 80's, low 90's) wasn't and issue with us, the humidity sure was!! The rain in September in Florida can be a problem for some people. Note that rain in Florida never really lasts that long anyway. It didn't really disrupt our vacation, we were there September 23-30th. Did it all, had a blast!!! :wave:
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We went in Sept 98 and 00. Both times were very hot, ver humid, and there was some rain, but not every day. We loved it because the crowds were pretty much non-existant and we had time to do things we had never even thought of doing before!
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New Member
We went in September in 1999. September is the lowest month for attendance. So, that means no crowds, which is a good thing. But that also means shorter park hours and rehabs of major attractions also occur then. For example, Splash Mountain was closed for rehab the week we were there.

As someone else mentioned, it is the heart of hurricane season, so that is another factor to consider.

Finally, and this may just be a personal quirk, I had a very hard time leaving the parks at 6:00 pm each day (closing) because it was still daylight out. My brain seems to think that daylight=park open. So that was kind of disconcerting for me. Plus, that meant no fantasy in the sky since it was still daylight out. :(
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Well-Known Member
We were there the last week of September 2002. We truely enjoyed it all. There was rain everyday except the last full day. We had rain due to the hurricane out in the Gulf. But, we had planned well and had cheap ponchos from home and the attitude of weather be hanged, we are gonna have as much fun as possible. So, we kept moving and had a fabulous time. Other than missing ToD we don't feel we missed much. The heat and humidity was kinda rough, but we dressed in cool clothes and drank lots of fluids. Make use of the pools after a long day in the parks, it really is relaxing. Enjoy your trip.....I can't wait to get back! Mickey
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Well-Known Member
re: the World in September

We went Sept 18-24, 2002. The rates were the lowest, the crowds were fairly low w/little or no waiting. Had only two large showers while in the parks. The weather is still hot and humid. I didn't feel that the earlier closing hours had much if any effect on our trip. The only problem encountered because of cutback in park hours was when MK only had Fantasy in the Sky fireworks just once on Sat. night for the entire weekend crowd. EVERYONE in the entire WDW was there I think! Otherwise, a Sept. trip is a great time to go.
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: re: the World in September

Originally posted by Stellajack
The only problem encountered because of cutback in park hours was when MK only had Fantasy in the Sky fireworks just once on Sat. night for the entire weekend crowd. EVERYONE in the entire WDW was there I think! Otherwise, a Sept. trip is a great time to go.

I was there from the 18th - 24th to... :D
:lol: I was there that Saturday night as well....what a mess :lol: Man the line at the bus stops, heading back to both Port Orleans...was like back to the MK entry gate...:lol: It was Crazy :)
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Beauty and the

New Member
September is our favourite time to visit althought he parks close early, the small crowds mean you get much more done. We seem to spend lots of time of an evening shoping! No wonder the Beast prefers to go in August:animwink:
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