Agree to disagree on this topic.

HEA is an ADD nightmare that, to me, is projections-first, lighting second, fireworks third. I don't really care what people want to claim is the shell count - Luminous has a ton of shells but when you're launching the same stuff from 5 arms at the same time, that count goes up in a hurry. And types of shells and how they are used matters.
I "watched" 5 minutes of HEA from Frontierland last February and ... it was awful. You cannot get whatever story they are pretending to convey unless you are able to see the castle. I watched 'Wishes!' from two different places at the Contemporary, BLT, and from a boat on Bay Lake and knew what was going on because you had the audio going along with things. Well, except for that boat ride, but by that time in our lives we knew what to expect.