Happiest Passholders On Earth


Well-Known Member
disneydata said:
If you would take care of your pass like you're supposed to, then you wouldn't have to do that, now would you? My fiancee had her AP for the whole year and never had to get it replaced.

If you want a hard plastic card, then you can pay for the hard ticket printers to get installed at each guest relations location (6 alone at the 4 theme parks) which each cost well over $1000 and the cost of all the hard ticket media. Oh, and the price of your AP would go up substantially and the wait time to get it reprinted. A regular ticket takes about 8 seconds to encode and print as the hard cards take about 1-3 minutes. That's how long I have to sit when I get my new Disney ID printed.

The paper media is so much cheaper and easier to reprint. They alomst can't be torn (made of tyvek) and actually is hard to demagnitize. Most often the stripe is bent from improper storage and can't be read.

I'm sorry if this upsets you, but I have talked to many passholders who love their paper tickets. If you want to complain, this is not where you should. wdw.guest.communications@disney.com is where you should send your complaint, it's falling on deaf ears here.

Are you really a cast member? If so, who do you think you are to speak to people like that?

You really should watch how you speak to people if you are going to discuss things from your professional perspective. "If you would take care of your pass the way you are supposed to?" isn't very magical. Sorry, not all of us are perfect and between bringing it out for fast passes and putting it away on water rides, sometimes it just doesn't work. And that magnetic strip can be very volitle - themepark tourning certainly defies factory conditions.

We've heard all the "it costs so much" blah blah before, and I cannot believe your arrogance in posting that "it's falling on deaf ears".

Who are you to say such a thing? This is a discussion board for Disney fans, and obviously a few of us agree that we wish it were otherwise.

My ears and those that replied weren't "deaf", and no one was talking to you directly. Unlike some people, we just are here to discuss Disney, not get "noticed" by anyone.

Pft. Sorry, but your stint in the CP doesn't impress me - and it certainly doesn't give you the right to be rude or so presumptuous.

I seriously don't understand the anger with which you and a few of your fellow employee/ex-employees have for this issue. So what, I pay $500 a year and I'd like a hard card. If they don't care, why do you?

With the people skills you've displayed in this thread, I'm hoping you aren't "seasonally" employed next time I'm at WDW - it's CM's who give snitty little holier than thou rants as you did above that give other CM's a bad name. If you don't act like this as a CM, please stop using these boards to vent your professional frustration - it really doesn't make you look very good.



Account Suspended
CM IDs are VERY different than plastic cards. This guy obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. If you order any special event tickets via mail, you'll get lightweight plastic tickets that are very cheap and easy to print. No, they're not in mylar rolls like the current ticket media is in the parks, but it doesn't take 2-3 min to print up like this guy is saying. More like 2-3 seconds.

That said, the tickets we have now are durable. And if your ticket went bad, it's probably because you went though a malfunctioning turnstyle last time you went in the park. They have been known to erase or screw up the mag strips on tickets when the reader goes nuts. Even wet tickets still work.
Thankyou AEfx, I do appreciate the help on this one. I just think if us AP's pay that much money to have a pass that Disney could afford to have plastic cards. If the little 2 park competition down I-4 can afford to have all of them really expensive printers, when the passes are only 99.00 on the average, then I think Disney can handle it. Just to add as a side note, those printers are all of about 250.00 retail price!! and can get the blank cards at 500 for 25.00!!, and print yes in about 2-3 seconds. So the thousands of dollars is just a little bit off. Also it doesnt matter if you treat the paper passes as gold, they still get messed up and demagnetized. I for one always keep the pass in the slip that they provide you and then in a plastic id holder. But the run of too many hands and card readers just wear them out.


Well-Known Member
I would prefer a plastic card like they give out for the hard ticket events, but I've never had to replace my paper ticket.

I keep it in the sleeve they give you and don't eat dinner off it or dip into into the pool water on the weekends :D

I also don't scratch DVD's when I rent them from Blockbuster, like most miscreants seem to do.


Well-Known Member
UltimtMickeyFan said:
Thankyou AEfx, I do appreciate the help on this one. I just think if us AP's pay that much money to have a pass that Disney could afford to have plastic cards. If the little 2 park competition down I-4 can afford to have all of them really expensive printers, when the passes are only 99.00 on the average, then I think Disney can handle it. Just to add as a side note, those printers are all of about 250.00 retail price!! and can get the blank cards at 500 for 25.00!!, and print yes in about 2-3 seconds. So the thousands of dollars is just a little bit off. Also it doesnt matter if you treat the paper passes as gold, they still get messed up and demagnetized. I for one always keep the pass in the slip that they provide you and then in a plastic id holder. But the run of too many hands and card readers just wear them out.

No problem. When I see someone being condecending and arrogant, especially when they espouse a connection to the mouse, I feel the need to hold a mirror up to them so they can see how foolish they look.

Any of the "it costs too much" BS is just that - they produce thousands of resort ID cards every single day. The know-it-all above says they cost 1K each - my god, a whole thousand bucks? How EVER would Disney be able to afford it? LOL. Rasie drink prices 1 cent for a few days and it would be paid for. ;)

I think we deserve the OPTION. I would gladly pay $5 if I lost and had to replace my hard card ID. Or, if I just forgot it at home, they could issue me a paper ticket for free.

I really don't understand the true vitriol that some supposed CM's have for this issue. And I really don't being talked down to because I invest $500 in a pass (yes, for the admission) yet would like a more durable admission media. They can print out thousands of Resort IDs a day, and somehow burden the expense of printing up hard tickets for events - if they wanted to they could easily provide us with them.

That said, I have taken the advice and written to Disney about it. Won't stop me from discussing it here, however - and it's clear the only "deaf" ears around here are ther supposed CM who posted. I'm very careful with my AP, but you shouldn't have to treat it with kid gloves - it's a themepark for cryin' out loud, not a nunnery. When a family of four spends more on APs than you can get a used car for, I really don't think more professional looking admission media is unreasonable. Disney is the premiere resort in the world - yet both Universal AND even that ratty Six Flags give you printed, hard cards. We deserve them too.



Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
Are you really a cast member? If so, who do you think you are to speak to people like that?

You really should watch how you speak to people if you are going to discuss things from your professional perspective. "If you would take care of your pass the way you are supposed to?" isn't very magical. Sorry, not all of us are perfect and between bringing it out for fast passes and putting it away on water rides, sometimes it just doesn't work. And that magnetic strip can be very volitle - themepark tourning certainly defies factory conditions.

We've heard all the "it costs so much" blah blah before, and I cannot believe your arrogance in posting that "it's falling on deaf ears".

Who are you to say such a thing? This is a discussion board for Disney fans, and obviously a few of us agree that we wish it were otherwise.

My ears and those that replied weren't "deaf", and no one was talking to you directly. Unlike some people, we just are here to discuss Disney, not get "noticed" by anyone.

Pft. Sorry, but your stint in the CP doesn't impress me - and it certainly doesn't give you the right to be rude or so presumptuous.

I seriously don't understand the anger with which you and a few of your fellow employee/ex-employees have for this issue. So what, I pay $500 a year and I'd like a hard card. If they don't care, why do you?

With the people skills you've displayed in this thread, I'm hoping you aren't "seasonally" employed next time I'm at WDW - it's CM's who give snitty little holier than thou rants as you did above that give other CM's a bad name. If you don't act like this as a CM, please stop using these boards to vent your professional frustration - it really doesn't make you look very good.

Last time I checked, this was a private message board and I do not play Cast Member here when I'm not working.

All I'm going to say is this: I love my job. I am good at my job. I have been offered a full-time position on more than one occation and have received many great service fanatic cards. I have proven myself to be able to keep frustrations like this out of the parks and away from the guests I see so they can have a magical time.

If they don't like their paper tickets, I send them to guest relations. I don't see one in here, but I can point you to the closest one, like I did before.



Well-Known Member
disneydata said:
Last time I checked, this was a private message board and I do not play Cast Member here when I'm not working.

Correct. However, when you try to be an authority on things based on your status as a supposed CM, and you are as absoultely rude as your were above, you can't expect to not be called on it. You can't have it both ways - and to be honest it's getting tiresome when CMs like yourself come here and yell at people to get it out of your system since you can't do it at work.

YOU tried to tell us that what we had to say is irrelevant ("deaf ears"), told us that we were wrong ("If you would take care of it like you are supposed to...") and generally acted like the slang word for a donkey.

Your attitude sucks, and I'll reiterate - I truly hope you aren't "seasonal" when I'm visiting WDW. No matter how you like to think you come across you do so as an arrogant know-it-all who thinks what they have to say is more important than anyone else.

This new breed of CM who feels they can come in here and speak to people like that, put us in our place, really is disturbing. I'm sure you are all smiles at work on the outside, but most of us can tell the difference between truly good CM's and those who put on a front and have posts like yours bubbling under the surface.

If you can't reread your original post and see that, then you really need to work on self-awareness. And yes, already mailed guest relations - but that doesn't mean I can't talk about it.

Maybe if you are sick of hearing about it, that's a sign that something should be done, not that people need to be "educated" as to how it would take an act of congress to get a lousy machine to print out a card? A machine that costs a whole whopping thousand bucks in your estimation.

I don't know why some CMs get so worked up over this and feel the need to be so rude - you aren't the first. If you can't handle critical discussion of your supposed/sometime employer, then perhaps this isn't the venue you should choose to visit.



Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
YOU tried to tell us that what we had to say is irrelevant ("deaf ears"), told us that we were wrong ("If you would take care of it like you are supposed to...")

I truly hope you aren't "seasonal" when I'm visiting WDW. No matter how you like to think you come across you do so as an arrogant know-it-all who thinks what they have to say is more important than anyone else.

This new breed of CM who feels they can come in here and speak to people like that, put us in our place, really is disturbing. I'm sure you are all smiles at work on the outside, but most of us can tell the difference between truly good CM's and those who put on a front and have posts like yours bubbling under the surface.

Maybe if you are sick of hearing about it, that's a sign that something should be done, not that people need to be "educated" as to how it would take an act of congress to get a lousy machine to print out a card? A machine that costs a whole whopping thousand bucks in your estimation.


I never said what you had to say was irrelevant. "Deaf ears" means no one in here can do anything about it. I never said you were wrong. In my training, I was told the proper storage for that type of ticket, and if someone asks, I tell them.

According to your profile, I will be working during your next trip. I doubt you will be able to find me, and if you can, come say hi! I don't think what I have to say is more important that what anyone else says, I'm relating this subject to what I observe in the parks on a daily basis. Regular guests who only visit the turnstyles then they enter/exit don't see as much as I do.

Once again, I am not a CM here. I am a guest, just like you. What I do here has no bearance on what I do at work. And I had no intention of "putting you in your place." I'm sure the CMs playing Cinderella and Belle do things uncharacter-like outside the parks, why should I be criticized for doing the same thing? I take my job seriously. I doubt you can tell the "difference" between a "good CM" and one who "puts on a front." Actually, that's what we're told to do. If we're having a bad day, you still need to "put on a smile" and get over it.

I have done something about it. I already made the suggestion to Guest Relations a long time ago. Why? Because someone made the comment and I thought it was a good one. Do I agree with it? Not really. I still made the suggestion though because a guest who came up to me thought it would be nice just like you.


Well-Known Member
FamilyMan said:
CM IDs are VERY different than plastic cards. This guy obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. If you order any special event tickets via mail, you'll get lightweight plastic tickets that are very cheap and easy to print. No, they're not in mylar rolls like the current ticket media is in the parks, but it doesn't take 2-3 min to print up like this guy is saying. More like 2-3 seconds.

That said, the tickets we have now are durable. And if your ticket went bad, it's probably because you went though a malfunctioning turnstyle last time you went in the park. They have been known to erase or screw up the mag strips on tickets when the reader goes nuts. Even wet tickets still work.
Turnstyles can not demag a ticket. It's not possible. I have never had a soaked ticket work. I won't put a soaked ticket in the turnstyle since they can severly crease it if it goes in wrong. I can get some damp ones to work.

Maingate passes are printed just like a hard ticket - hard plastic card with one color printing and mag coding on the back. It takes at least 60 seconds to print them. If there is more color or information, then it can take longer. That's why I said 1-2 minutes. I have seen the machine and had my holiday hard ticket printed on it. That is what they would use if they were to print AP cards.


Well-Known Member
disneydata said:
I never said what you had to say was irrelevant. "Deaf ears" means no one in here can do anything about it. I never said you were wrong. In my training, I was told the proper storage for that type of ticket, and if someone asks, I tell them.

Backpedal all you want. You clearly said, " If you would take care of your pass like you're supposed to, then you wouldn't have to do that, now would you?" which was rude and condencending, then you proceed to tell us that WE could pay for the equipment, etc.

It was rude, and was a rant, plain and simple. You could say anything here "falls on deaf ears" by your definition. Why don't you post that every tiime someone complains about Stitch's Great Escape, or about every other Disney issue people talk about here?

As to the difficulty, as I said, they print up thousands of ID cards a day. If one minute is such an unacceptable wait time to get one, then make us pick it up later. It's also VERY possible for a turnstyle to demag a strip, as it is an electronic device and such produces magnetic impulses itself.

I'm glad you made the suggestion to Guest Relations, but if you are going to use your CM info to be authoritative, you must accept the responsibility as well. If someone who plays Belle held a sign under her head saying "I play Belle at WDW" then yes, I'd hold her to a different standard in public than if she were just walking around. The second you put that you are a CM in your sig and make rude posts like your first one above, then yes, someone is going to call you on it.

If you want to be a "regular guest" be one, but then don't wear your CM tag under every post you make or talk down to people for discussing an issue. You may be off duty, but you are displaying your association and that has benefits...as well as responsibilities.



Well-Known Member
Fine, then it was a rant. Nothing I say is obviously going to please you, so I am bowing out of this thread.

Oh, and thanks to those of you who send anonymous negative reps. Sign them next time.


Well-Known Member
disneydata said:
Fine, then it was a rant. Nothing I say is obviously going to please you, so I am bowing out of this thread.

Oh, and thanks to those of you who send anonymous negative reps. Sign them next time.

Wasn't me. But you do know as a premium member you can see who gives you the rep?

Oh, and thank you to those of you who gave me positive rep for this thread. ;)



New Member
This doesn't have anything to do with the pressing paper vs. plastic debate, but I wanted to let people know I think this contest's "prize" isn't so much a prize as it is more of being a mouthpiece for Disney. More than likely, you'll be required to become a "source" for the reporters attending. So if you like being on camera or quoted by reporters, get those applications in. If not, you've been warned.

Edited: The application deadline has passed so this is a moot point unless you're a winner.


Not wishing to resurrect the arugment, but just wanted to share that my "thanks but no thanks" letter was in the mailbox today. Very disappointing :(

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