"Happiest Celebration" Commercial

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
VERY impressed with the parade so far. The kickoff and the castle float were amazing. And that train was really cool! But I missed the commercial :cry: Not only did I forget about it, even though I saw this thread last night, I also am watching it on HGTV. Sigh. [runs over to one of the sites and starts downloading]


Well-Known Member
WOW that float was amazing for Disney. It was great I wished I was there actually watching it! LOL I think the song welcome to our family is going to be the theme for this celebration. It was used last week in the Chirstmas parade and then again today. Now that tune is going to be stuck in my head again today.

That train float by Honda was just amazing! WOW.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Grrrr, I hate dialup. It took about a half hour to download, then there was a hiccup, so I could hear everything, but the picture changed about every 5 seconds instead of being animated. Oh well, I'll have high speed when I get to school tomorrow.


Well-Known Member

If anyone has the commercial in a larger form, that'd be great.

Also, if anyone has or can get the Disney parts of the parade available for download... that'd be awesome!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I liked the commercial...but it seemed like it was more or less a teaser to me. They need to make commercials that show off what is going to be at the parks and make me want to go there. But as for what they made, I liked the way the animation played on the live backgrounds. It was a very nice touch.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:
That float was pretty cool....I even liked how they had Disneyland CMs in their attraction costumes out there.

Yeah, that was really well done. The Mary Poppins chimney sweep musical number was a surspirse, because I remember alot of the Disneyland specials having numbers done by the chimney sweeps. It was great.


Well-Known Member
rainfully said:

If anyone has the commercial in a larger form, that'd be great.

Also, if anyone has or can get the Disney parts of the parade available for download... that'd be awesome!

Sorry the link is no longer available.


Well-Known Member
I thought the parade was awesome! The Disneyland float brought tears to my eyes. The commercial did too. We watched the parade on HGTV too (because of the no commercials thing). But, I flipped to another station for one more glimpse of the castle float and ended up just in time to see the commercial. Very well done. I like how Stitch got pulled over. I thought it was funny. Even though I like Stitch.


Well-Known Member
I was on the phone to WDW travel (oddly enought out of MO) But anyway the CM said that the system was down today due to the swich over with tickes (Magic your way) and he mentioned the comerical. He said it was wildly successul and they were getting tons of calls and they could help anyone today. He said tmw should be bad..... It was rather funny, since he couldn't really help anyone he was just chattting with me on the phone talking about they new tickets and other stuff.

We are heading down to WDW in early May, but we are leaving WDW prop and heading over to Vero Beach May 3rd so hopefully it won't be too crowded.


Well-Known Member
I Tivoed the parade because I knew I would be sleeping in and I just saw the opening ceremony with the castle float. Hello? Can you say cry tears much? Totally makes you want to go!! At least DL is a an eight hour drive for me.

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