Trip Report Halloween on the High Seas and Some Not So Scary Fun with Friends - All Just a *Dream* Away!

Well it's been a little over 24 hours since I've returned back from my adventures from the past week. It's a gloomy, chilly day here so I figured it's a great time to start my trip report.

First, let's introduce ourselves. Here are the four cruisers who together make up the awesome-ness that is known as "Table 65."

Left to right - Yours truly (Jessica), Shalon, Aurora and James. Just a little backstory - up until recently I spent the past 4 1/2 years as an agent for Kingdom Konsultant Travel. Unfortunately, life is a bit crazy right now and I needed to step out of it for a bit (but still remain close friends with my KK family!). Shalon was actually one of my very first clients I ever worked with in 2009. Since her trip, she relocated to the Orlando area and we have become close friends. Aurora and James are husband and wife, also living in Central Florida, who are good friends to Shalon. There would also be a few appearances by some other friends during the trip.


At the end of September Shalon texted me saying that there was an awesome FL resident rate out for the Dream, but she didn't want to go. I called my oh-so-wonderful husband and asked if he would mind, and he encouraged me to go (he's awesome-er than awesome, I tell ya). I texted Shalon and she got us booked and ready! And not long after we had two more cruisers join us - Aurora and James. They would be celebrating their anniversary during our cruise. When all was said and done, we had about 31 days to wait. Not too shabby of a countdown :)

We would be on a 4-night Bahamian on the Disney Dream, with stops in Nassau and Castaway Cay. Our actual sail dates were 10/27 - 10/31. I booked my air to fly in on the 26th. Originally I was set to fly home on the 31st. Then I decided that flying home on the 1st of November would be better. Then I discovered that some friends who I've known for a couple of years via social media would be in WDW and I really wanted to see them, so I decided to come home on November 2nd. The friends who would be making appearances would be Danielle, Nicole and Deb (aka @DisneyDebNJ ), as well as my friend Tommy and his family all the way from Canada!

So, after all was said and done, here is what my plan was:

10/26: Arrive in Orlando, some park time at MK, spend the night at Shalon's.
10/27 - 10/31: Disney Dream-ing!
10/31 - 11/2: WDW time!

This would be my first cruise after years of peer pressure from @Disneyfalcon to get my behind on a Disney cruise ;) Totally kidding. Tammy's been telling me for years I would love it, but I was so afraid to tear away from my beloved WDW. I was nervous that I would end up regretting going on the cruise and feel like I wasted precious time that I could have spent in WDW. Now I laugh, because the only regret I had was not doing it earlier!

So I guess now's the time to stop rambling and get on with the show!
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My pick up time with Kingdom Camera Rentals wasn't until later in the afternoon. I had some time to kill. It was also then I realized I'd left the lens bag back in my room. Wonderful. So it was off to Pop I went to get the bag. Usually we rent a car on our trips, so relying on bus transportation is not something I'm used to. While it may be for some people, it's not for me. I feel like I lost out on some park time because I was waiting for buses. Oh well! There's always next trip :)


We're back at Pop!


I grabbed the lens bag and headed back to the Polynesian. I'm honestly not entirely sure how I got there. I think I switched buses at Downtown Disney? Maybe?

I met Ron from KCR in the Grand Ceremonial House. We chatted for a bit. They're such wonderful people. I can't ever recommend them enough!

After returning the lens, I took the monorail to MK. It was time for MNSSHP!





Time to take a peek in my favorite store:



Got Mickey?!


My favorite view!




I stopped in the hub to take some pictures of the statues. I love them all so much, especially Pinocchio and Jiminy and Dumbo and Timothy.

Oh, and of course these two:



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Normally I head straight through Adventureland when I visit MK, but not this time. Tomorrowland was today's choice.

The first stop was the Laugh Floor. This show never gets tiring. I really do enjoy it. Plus it was a nice break from the 90 degree heat. Normally I don't mind the heat, but I wasn't expecting it to be THAT warm. Still, I'd take 90 degrees and humid over this ice and snow and high of 20 we have here at home.

The Laugh Floor was great, especially because it was a full crowd and awesome audience participation, which always makes the show. Next stop was one of my favorites! PeopleMover!





After PeopleMover, I noticed the doors for Carousel of Progress were opening and letting the next group of guests in. CoP is another one of my favorites, so naturally, it was my next attraction!

That about wrapped up my time in Tomorrowland. I made my way over to Storybook Circus and to New Fantasyland. Under the Sea only had a 20 minute wait, but I opted out on it. I was planning on a Facetime session with our good friends' daughter, Danika, who will be 4 next month. We all went to WDW in October 2011, and even though she was only 21 months at the time, she still talks about it. The plan was to Facetime with her during Move It! Shake It! So she could see the characters. I checked the time on my phone and it was set to start in about 10 minutes. So I took a few pictures in New Fantasyland before calling Danika and heading down to Main Street.

Clouds were starting to roll in. But thankfully, they didn't bring rain, and they left as quickly as they came in!










Want even more:



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I finally got connected to Grace's phone so Danika could see the castle before I headed to Main Street. She was almost sleeping in the backseat when I called (Grace was in the passenger seat, not driving). Grace told her I was on FaceTime and she perked right up and said "The Caaaastle!" It was so sweet. As I was walking to Main Street we lost connection. A few minutes later Grace called back via Facetime just as Move It! Shake It! was approaching the hub. They were in their house now.

Danika was fascinated:


After a few minutes we lost connection again, and never got it back. The street party was winding down.









I started walking toward the front of the park. My cousin asked if I could get a set of kid's mouse ears with her friend's son's name on them. After getting his ears I pulled up a spot on Center Street to charge my phone for a few minutes on my portable charger. While doing this, I was browsing Facebook (I know, defeats the purpose of charging if I'm using the phone). My cousin from Rhode Island was also in WDW that week and she posted a photo of her wristband for MNSSHP. I walked out on Main Street to look for her, but never saw her. Boo.


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It was about 6:00 now. I was going to be meeting up with my friend Tommy and his family soon. I had texted his mom to see where and when she wanted to meet. Not even one minute after sent the text, I ran in to them on Main Street.

Just a backstory on how I met Tommy and his family. A couple of years ago my husband and I brought our friends, Nick and Grace and Danika (the Facetime friends!) to WDW for their very first visit (for all three of them). Grace had asked me how people communicate with the face characters. Growing up visiting the parks, this wasn't something that ever crossed my mind, but I can see where she was coming from. In an effort to show her character interactions, I looked up some videos on YouTube. I came across a video of a young man meeting Cinderella and I was blown away by his knowledge of Disney characters as he discussed Cinderella's movie with her.

Here is that video:

After that video, I watched another, of him meeting Aurora. And then another and another. There was a whole channel of videos. Each video I watched I was more and more impressed at Tommy's knowledge. I thought I knew Disney movies, and then I found Tommy and I was put to shame haha!

Then I came across this video. It's a mini-documentary about Tommy, made by a family friend.

Tommy lives in Ontario, Canada. He's an accomplished athlete (he finished 9th overall in last month's Wine and Dine Half Marathon - just one of his many achievements), he kayaks, canoes, rock climbs, is a lover of all things Disney (I wouldn't even say he just loves it, it's something he is passionate about). Tommy also has autism, but is so very much more than his autism. So much more. He has over 1 million YouTube views on his channel and has friends all over the world. He even has his own website: . And a Facebook page: . Take some time to check out his page and his videos - they're guaranteed to make you smile :)

He's a pretty spectacular guy, and over the past couple of years of getting to know him and his mom through Facebook, I'm so honored and blessed to be able to call them friends. Meeting him and his family were one of the highlights of my trip. And since we've met in person, I chat with Tommy nearly every day and his mom often, as well. They've become such dear friends to me.

I ran into Tommy, MaryAnn (his mom), Peter (his dad) and Adel (Tommy's autism assistance dog) and they were heading to find some dinner. We ended up just sticking together and headed over to Pecos Bill's.

After they grabbed their dinner, we got a spot for the first showing of the Boo to You Parade. Now, it's not often that I find people who love parades as much as myself, but I did. MaryAnn has even titled them as "parade junkies!" So we waited for the Headless Horseman (they had done MNSSHP earlier in the week and the Headless Horseman left Tommy nearly speechless). I get goose bumps every time he rides by! A few minutes went by and the parade was making it's way in to Frontierland. This is one of my favorite parades. I love the music!



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After the Boo to You Parade, we cut in to Adventureland. Terk and Tarzan were out for a meet and greet so we got in line. While in line, a couple of Tommy's YouTube fans saw him. They were adorable - dressed as Rapunzel and Mother Gothel. They hung out with us for a bit. A Cast Member pulled us aside to let us know there was a minimal wait for Tink and Terrence. We headed in to Pixie Hollow (it was my first visit there!) to visit Tink!



Tommy was dressed as a prince for the Halloween party. His grandmother made his prince costume for him.

The details in here were beautiful!



We left Pixie Hollow and headed out to visit Terk and Tarzan. While we were away, Jane showed up, too!


Comparing muscles with Tarzan:




After visiting our jungle friends, we cut in to Liberty Square. Celebrate the Magic had just started, so we stood on the side of Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe and watched. I felt something brushing on the back of my leg and I thought it was Adel. Then I noticed Adel was laying in front of me. I turned and looked down (expecting to see another dog maybe coming to sniff Adel) and I saw a beautiful dress. It was Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen! They saw Tommy walking through Liberty Square and wanted to say hi to him! MaryAnn told me that they met a girl in the fitness center of where they were staying (off property) who was friends with Tiana and that she would make sure Tiana looked for Tommy that night at the party. Really, it was quite awesome. They stayed and watched the remainder of Celebrate the Magic with us.

And right here is one of my favorite pictures of my entire trip. Not the best quality, but that doesn't really even matter :)

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Jess! Came to read :)

You know I didn't even think...I should have had you look for one of those frames for me too and I would have paid you for it, because I never saw them when I was there!

When I was looking at your pictures of Castaway...I started to tear up...everything you said..just made me miss that place terribly...I want to go back :(

I love all your pictures! There was a few things on Castaway that I missed that I saw you got a picture of! It's amazing there will always be something new to discover on that island!

Now where's the rest that your facebook post promised? LOL


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I love Tommy also! I've talked to him on Twitter and it made my day. He's a great person and I'm so jealous that you got to hang out with him. :p

Tommy is awesome, so are his parents :) We had so much fun at MNSSHP!

Jess! Came to read :)

You know I didn't even think...I should have had you look for one of those frames for me too and I would have paid you for it, because I never saw them when I was there!

When I was looking at your pictures of Castaway...I started to tear up...everything you said..just made me miss that place terribly...I want to go back :(

I love all your pictures! There was a few things on Castaway that I missed that I saw you got a picture of! It's amazing there will always be something new to discover on that island!

Now where's the rest that your facebook post promised? LOL

I miss CC so much! (Especially with all this snow). I want to go back soon. Like yesterday.

And I'm working on it haha!


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After Celebrate the Magic, it was time for HalloWishes! Wahoo! Love these fireworks (I didn't take any of the actual fireworks, I was too close) :) Plus sometimes it's nice to just enjoy the show without watching through the lens. I did snap a couple though:



After HalloWishes, we headed over to watch Villains Mix and Mingle. Tommy really wanted to see Cruella, so we figured out where she would be meeting after the show and got in line. In front of us was a young girl, about 5 or 6, dressed as Cruella and she was playing the part! She was sassy and adorable. It was so cute to watch her and Cruella interact! We were second in line. Cruella was inquiring about Adel. Just before we walked off, Tommy's mom told her Adel was actually a Dalmatian covered in soot.



Here is the video of Cruella from Tommy's channel:

Here is a picture of MaryAnn filming the video above. She's the production team behind the videos. And yes, that is her cell phone flashlight she is using for lighting :) She's creative! In the foreground is Tommy's dad, Peter. Wonderful people :)


After meeting Cruella, we met the Queen of Hearts. Tommy told her she needs to stop yelling "Off with her head!" to Alice. Spreading kindness, one villain at a time :)


It was almost time for the second showing of Boo to You, so we headed down Main Street to grab some seats (after the Headless Horseman passed through again). Peter and Tommy were a bit ahead of us, and when we passed the walkway from Main Street heading in to Liberty Square, a Cast Member pulled me aside and asked to quietly round up our group because she had special seats for us! She didn't want anyone to notice where she was bringing us :) MaryAnn got Tommy and Peter and the Cast Member brought us to the reserved seating location just before the bridge going in to Liberty Square. We had front row benches to the parade! The best seats in the house! It was awesome!

I was shooting with my 50mm f/1.4, so I wasn't able to zoom out for pictures unfortunately. The floats were very close to us so I didn't get many shots.










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After the parade, we went back to Liberty Square to spend some more time with Tiana and Naveen!

As you can see, Tiana left Tommy with quite a mark on his cheek :)


The fireworks from the Villains Mix and Mingle show surprised us :)


Princess Tiana with Prince Naveen and Prince Tommy!


Once we were done spending time with our friends from the Bayou, we headed back to the castle to meet some villains. Unfortunately, we only got to meet Captain Hook. We were in line to meet Maleficent, but she had to leave before we got to see her.


It was 12:00 am now and the party was over. It was the last MNSSHP of the year (and a sold out crowd) though it didn't feel that crowded. We made our way to the front of the park. It was such a great evening with even better people and I was sad to say see ya later to my friends, but I had to finish packing up and try and get some sleep before my 4:00 am wake up call! They were hopping on the monorail and I was heading to the buses, so we said our goodbyes :( I headed over to the bus area and noticed Art of Animation had two buses, side by side, and not many people in line. So I grabbed a bus to AoA (Pop was all the way down the very end and from what I saw, it looked to have quite a line so I figured this would be the easiest and quickest choice so I could get to my bed and get at least a few hours of rest). As we were pulling out of the bus depot, I saw that Pop had no line. Oops. It was a quick walk over to my room anyways. Once I got back to my room I finished putting some stuff in my suitcase and passed out. It was about 1:45 when I fell asleep and I woke up at 4:00 am. The next morning was uneventful. Checked my luggage, hopped DME and flew home to Providence. I did take these as we were getting ready to start the final descent. The sky and the ocean looked beautiful!



And with that, my trip was officially over. It was a great trip with some great friends, old and new! Thank you to everyone who made my trip extra magical :)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
It's been a while since I checked in, so I've had to catch up from the middle of your cruise!!

I loved your sunrise pictures, and the pics from Castaway Cay! I totally and completely understand your obsession with the beach umbrellas, I fell for them, too! It was just like going back there, except I never made it to Serenity Bay (note for next time--only 59 days from today!)

Great photos from Epcot and MK, and thanks for introducing Tommy, I'll check out the website. Loved his costume, so well done.

Hope you're already planning your next trip!! :)


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It's been a while since I checked in, so I've had to catch up from the middle of your cruise!!

I loved your sunrise pictures, and the pics from Castaway Cay! I totally and completely understand your obsession with the beach umbrellas, I fell for them, too! It was just like going back there, except I never made it to Serenity Bay (note for next time--only 59 days from today!)

Great photos from Epcot and MK, and thanks for introducing Tommy, I'll check out the website. Loved his costume, so well done.

Hope you're already planning your next trip!! :)

Those umbrellas are lovely, aren't they? Though the best view is from under one of them :)

His costume was awesome. His grandmother did a wonderful job on it!

Serenity Bay is the place to be. Especially when Captain Jack comes strolling by :) Your cruise will be here before you know it!


Well-Known Member
Don't know where Ive been, but just caught up on your trip. AMAZING! Fabulous pics and love Tommy. I am soooo wanting to do a cruise now. Disney ships are the most gorgeous. Loved reading. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
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Don't know where Ive been, but just caught up on your trip. AMAZING! Fabulous pics and love Tommy. I am soooo wanting to do a cruise now. Disney ships are the most gorgeous. Loved reading. Thanks.

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

It was really a wonderful cruise. The ship was stunning!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Don't know where Ive been, but just caught up on your trip. AMAZING! Fabulous pics and love Tommy. I am soooo wanting to do a cruise now. Disney ships are the most gorgeous. Loved reading. Thanks.

@ginadee , you have got to consider joining the 2nd annual girls cruise in Sept 2014!! Or if you want to cruise with your sweetie, the WDWMagic members cruise in Feb 2015! I know you'd love it, and we'd love you!


Well-Known Member
@ginadee , you have got to consider joining the 2nd annual girls cruise in Sept 2014!! Or if you want to cruise with your sweetie, the WDWMagic members cruise in Feb 2015! I know you'd love it, and we'd love you!
I am definately considering it. Ive told the boyfriend I would love to do the ladies cruise. Am hoping maybe that will be a christmas or birthday gift. Will see. ;)

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