Halloween Horror Nights - 13 Years In The Making...


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Well, it starts! I got an ad in the mail today about this year's HHN. It's called Halloween Horror Nights 13 (No more Roman numerals), and the slogan is "13 Years In The Making". The prices are the same as before, I think.

Fridays & Saturdays - 37.95, if you have the Coke coupon, $51.95, if not

All Other Nights - $29.95, with the Coke coupon, $51.95 if not

The Dates Are: October 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31 And November 1st

And, if anyone wasn't sure yet, it will be held at Islands of Adventure again.

Now where are all of the rumors for this year's houses??????

Happy Haunting!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well... if you want the rumors www.hauntfreaks.com has most of the juicy stuff. Actually, my fiance is working costuming for it again this year, and there will be seven houses (or so whe was told).

Can't wait for the employee preview.



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Wow, after reading the news/rumors section at www.hauntfreaks.com
I'm a little underwhelmed about this year's event. Why are they so far behind schedule and why does everything sound so generic? An asylum in Jurassic Park? That could be put anywhere. Another Ghost Ship house? Didn't they do that a few years back with the Titanic? Oh well, I guess it's too soon to complain, but if these rumors turn out to be true, I think I'm gonna be pretty bummed. The "extreme house" sounds cool, but it's an upcharge which is really going to cut into how many people go into it. All I know is that this time last year, there were tons of rumors and construction pictures on the internet and this year there aren't. Does anyone know anything?


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I wouldn't be surprised if the price increase is due to the current sale of Universal by Vivendi, everything's still up in the air...


Active Member
Originally posted by The_CEO
Why so much money? They must be really hard up for cash.:rolleyes:

Its nearly the same price as it always was. Same price as it is to go to the normal hours. And anyway you use the coke thing and get alot off.


New Member
Just a question: I'll be staying at the Royal Pasific oct 3 - 7 and will buy a 5 day 2park pass. Will this give me access to IoA on those horror night's? Or do I have to buy seperate tickets?


DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
I think it is seperate unless you have a package deal or something that gives free access... Other than that kind of option it is a seperate event (Almost sure) pretty expensive though!!! I know they are different events but MNSSHP only costs $30


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Yeah, a lot of the theming for the islands sounds really cool (Lost Continent), but what's bothering me is that they are putting really generic houses into the islands. For example, the Drive-In Movie Theater in LC or the clown house in JP. It just seems sloppy. I really can't wait to see LC though, the lasers sound really cool and Marvel sounds neat too, with all of the toxic ooze everywhere. We'll see how it turns out...


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
err... well, I've been cast in HHN again this year. More info coming soon..


Well-Known Member
You don't seem very excited about that Rob.

I still envy you. I am scavenging for a house I can work in up here that would work with my schedule.



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Well, this year's mascot has been announced and his name is The Director! Duh, duh, duh!!!!!!! Yeah, he's supposedly a crazy film director who likes to kill his actors on tape. And guess who the actors are gonna be?...


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Whoa, this year's gonna be so cool! I wasn't really excited until I saw the official info on the site. The Director looks so creepy with all of that blood all over him. Did you guys watch the video, what a creep! Anyway, I guess the extreme house was a no-go, so that means that Marvel has nothing for the event. Bummer. Did you see all of that concept art? What neat stuff. I can't wait to be blinded by all of the flashbulbs in Toon Lagoon! Oh, I'm so excited!


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Well, apparently they haven't completely ditched the "extreme house" concept because now they will have an "extreme experience" as part of the event. It's called InfeStation, and it seems to be inspired by Fear Factor. Basically, you will pay an extra $5 to have a glass box put on to your head. The Director will then spin a wheel to choose what kind of creature to put in with you, (cockroaches, worms, snakes, rats, etc.) Sound like fun? Not to me!!!!


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Well things are almost done! Night Prey (Jurassic Park) is looking really cool, as is Immortal Island. Only a few more days until opening night!

P.S. - Tonight on the Travel Channel @ 9:00, the HHN show comes on. Don't Miss It!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My fiance' is at IoA right now for the first rehersal of HHN. She is a costumer so she gets to see everything up close and personal. I might roll out there and check it out myself but I don't I will give a full report.

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