Past management in Burbank has been a problem here and there. Yes, as fans, we complained in the 70's and 80's and 90's and 2k. Yes, Michael Isner was a complaint before Iger. But for the most part, we agree that the company was still a "good" one. We complained, yes, but Burbank didn't give us "that" much to complain about and we were not really "that" polarized.
Even in the first half if Bob Iger's administration, fans were generally OK with him and his leadership. However,..right about when Fox deal was finished, Burbank made the conscious decision to get into social activism and politics. Burbank turned Disney into a political messaging football to be fought over. (And nobody,...please don't say this is not true. Iger himself ADMITTED this and told us he was changing the company to move AWAY from it)
When any,...ANY company decides to jump into the HEATED culture war? When ANY company decides to be a five-star general in the war? It is BAD for ALL of us. The culture war is a war that NOBODY can "win". As a company, if you decide to battle it out and carry the flag for "either" side? You lose.
The culture war and politics is a very dirty and messy place. I begged Burbank to NOT jump into that quicksand. Once you do that, it's very hard to get out.
Uggg,....only time will tell what happens now but the Disney fan base is severely divided today in a way it NEVER was 10-20 or 30 years ago. The in-fighting was NEVER...EVER this bad before.