Well-Known Member
If I may share my experience from the Frozen Summer campaign at DHS. I was approached for a survey. The question revolved around motivation to visit. My motivation was not Frozen but the surveyor kept asking leading questions which result would be Frozen.Doing surveys takes a lot of time and a lot of money. It is not simple or cheap for Disney to do, even when the surveys are electronic and sent by e-mail.
I very seriously doubt that Disney would spend all that time and money just to try and generate a phony survey result that says what they want it to say. Some might say that they are doing it to justify their decisions with "well, it's what the fans wanted." But let's be honest. The majority of Disney's customers don't know or care what some survey said, nor do they know or care why Disney makes the decisions it does.
There simply is nothing to be gained by Disney, and a lot of time and money to be lost, by engaging in that practice.
The poor girl was about in tears that none of my responses were Frozen related.