Well-Known Member
This is what drives me crazy about the franchise exploitation. Disney literally has decades worth of data that the attraction concept is what draws people to ride something and not the property, and yet they are always bassackward with their blue sky process: starting with the property first, working backwards to shove as many familiar references into the thing as possible, and leaving the actual conceptual hook (the entire reason for wanting to ride a ride) as an afterthought.
And, predictably, the result is something crass and soulless.
I've got to disagree with that generalization... I'm not saying a good concept can't be the hook, but a really big franchise base WITH a good hook drives attendance in a summative fashion.
Potter for better or worse has flipped the script. 99% of the GP are not there to ride a Kuka-based omnimover or even realize what it is. They are there for Potter and there because word of mouth on execution has been so good. Universal has nearly seen triple digit growth on the back of a franchise alone.
It's exactly the years and years of data that is the problem here. The franchising of attractions and lands are driving attendance at obscene rates never previously seen. They are going to keep doing it because the numbers support it... for better or worse.
Edit: sorry I just traced back the origins of the conversation. I side more with what @mickEblu was saying that it's not about the sole attraction but the cumulative experience. GoTG didn't bring the 'experience'... the Hogsmead as it were. People are responding to cumulative franchised lands a bit more than isolated attractions.
It's also an overlay... I think the lesson here when it comes to FEA or GoTG:MB is that the public rewards new build outs (Carsland, Pandora, Potter) more than quick turnkey franchise exploitation. An arguement of course can be made that the public rewards any new builds at a baseline, which I think is what you were getting at. I should really read the conversation and not the most recent post.
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