Final Day 5 Stats (5/31):
7am: 4.17 secs
1pm: 40.47 secs
BG 168 is the last BG called for the day at 8:29pm. This is 13 more than yesterday. However, this is 16 less than yesterday's EEH.
The average pace was 4-5mins/BG until the third long stoppage at 5:08pm. After resuming at 6:14pm, the pace increased to 2mins/BG.
There were three notable 15+ min stoppages today:
10:57 - 11:19 am
2:45 - 4:11 pm
5:08 - 6:14 pm
Despite the extremely long delays today, park ops and CMs alike made sure to get a few more BGs in after the usual hard stop at 8pm (one hour before park close)!
And, that does it for Day 5 of GotG: CR!