GRRRRRRR!!!!!! Haunted Manison News


New Member
I sincerely doubt that this rumor is true, the Haunted Mansion is way too popular.

I haven't seen a trailer or anything in detail about this movie, but I already have a a feeling that it won't be very good.

Oh and this is the first time I'm hearing that Jennifer Tilly is going to play Madame Liotta.... Madame Liotta has such a scary/spooky/rythmic voice and they cast Jennifer Tilly who has a really funny sounding voice to play her.... hmmm....

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
I sincerely doubt that this rumor is true, the Haunted Mansion is way too popular.

I haven't seen a trailer or anything in detail about this movie, but I already have a a feeling that it won't be very good.

Oh and this is the first time I'm hearing that Jennifer Tilly is going to play Madame Liotta.... Madame Liotta has such a scary/spooky/rythmic voice and they cast Jennifer Tilly who has a really funny sounding voice to play her.... hmmm....

She looks good for the part, but she'll be in make-up also, so this is good for her looks. Her voice, well, I don't know. You know Liv Tyler? She played Arwen in Lord of the Rings, and her voice is much higher than real life than it is in the movie. She said she toned it down by herself. Maybe Tilly can do that?:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Realize that if and when any change occurs in the Haunted Mansion (and I have no doubt that change will eventually occur), WDI will carry out changes up to the standards of the current ride. Look at Haunted Mansion Holiday--people absolutely love it. Something like that is always a (welcomed) possibility. Furthermore, WDI and Eisner would not dare make any changes permanent anyway--people will always demand the traditional ride back eventually, but I am certainly up for a change a la Haunted Mansion Holiday for a few months. And as others have said--listen to the plot. This movie won't do well...Pirates, on the other hand, sounds as if it might be pretty kewl.

Perhaps the actress screwed up her quote, and was thinking of the "Hurry baaaack....hurrrryyyy baaaaaaack" the doll at the end says (who is voiced by, incidentally, the woman who is Madamme Leota's face...). So, in a sense, Madamme Leota, the voice, does say "Hurry back, hurry back". :)


Well-Known Member
Let's look at this carefully.

- They closed down Horseshoe Review for a glorified meet 'n greet.
- They are closing down Main Street Gallery (hasn't happened, but according to one post, they're asking CM's at the store where they want to work).
- There is a personnel freeze.
- Look around the new All Star resort. Wait! We can't! It's not open yet!
- IF RUMORS are true, Disney will be investing close to a half a billion dollars on new attractions over the next 4-5 years. Even if half the rumors come true, that's still a hunk of change.

And with all of the above changes and possibilities Disney has to worry about, some hollywood starlet thinks Disney is going to rehab a popular and WELL-LOVED attraction just because she has a part in a movie LOOSELY based on that attraction?

Me no 'tink so.


Well-Known Member
I don't think this will happen. At least I hope it doesn't. I like HM as is and I don't see why they would spend money to change a ride that's already a hit instead of doing refurbishments.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
She looks good for the part, but she'll be in make-up also, so this is good for her looks. Her voice, well, I don't know. You know Liv Tyler? She played Arwen in Lord of the Rings, and her voice is much higher than real life than it is in the movie. She said she toned it down by herself. Maybe Tilly can do that?:veryconfu

well, the problem really isn't pitch/tone (though that may help). with Liv, her voice worked for the part of Arwen because it's really clear and smooth, i guess you can say...her only problem WAS her pitch. with Tilly, her voice is sort of raspy and soft at the same time....not really what Madame Leota is now. but as others have said, this movie appears to be VERY loosely based on the attraction, so maybe Tilly will work fine in with the rest of the movie.

Jacks Sally

New Member
I really hope the rumors are false
the only way I'm for changing
HM is for the holiday version
like DisneyLand does*Crosses Fingers*
as you can see Nightmare before xmas
is my fav. and I havent had a chance to
get to california during the holiday season

So lets just hope they leave it alone for this
movie...I also really like Jennifer Tilly
she was really good in Bride of Chuckie;)

Do you think they will maybe make any
changes to Pirates after that movie too??



Well-Known Member
I might be missing something but where did the idea that they were going to replace Madame Liotta in the ride with Jennifer Tilly come from. She said "that's going to be me" referring to her role in the movie, or at least that's how I took it. They didn't change the country bear jamboree to have the bears look like Michael J. Fox in "Teen Wolf" after that movie came out. Why would they change HM for this movie?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Jacks Sally
Do you think they will maybe make any
changes to Pirates after that movie too??


we can only hope that they'll add a Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom animatronic!!! *crosses fingers and toes!* :D


New Member
i wouldnt want ot see leota changed but i would like to see the technology changed. Her face never seems lined up correctly. I would also like to see some of the floating objects "float" more and I would be happy if they changed that awkward space with eh gigantic spiders. That is the only part of HM that I think is well... cheesy. Oh... and the floating bride's face needs some work... which brings us to michael jackson...


Haunted Mansion

Please.........don't touch this ride........I'm one for change but there are just some things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be devistated if something happened to the HM!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Jacks Sally

New Member
LOL:lol: Dizknee Phreek
animatronic Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom huh
well that sounds good to me
*crosses fingers & Toes with DP*




Originally posted by pheneix
A lot of the rumors about a Haunted Mansion rehab stem from the fact that Eddie Murphy is starring in this movie, and he has a reputation of being "demanding," so to speak.

Wow. It's been years since Eddie was in a position to demand ANYTHING and be taken seriously...especially lately.


New Member
Hmmm...changing Haunted mansion to reflect an upcoming movie, eh?

Well, I'm all for Disney going back into old attractions and revamping and cleaning them up. I'd love to see Pirates of the Caribbean get a rehab, new characters and audio-animatronics. Walt himself would have looked at it now, thought it needed a face lift, and rolled up his sleeves. He never wanted either Disneyland or Walt Disney World to be the 'same.'. he wanted it to change, to reflect new and exciting tastes. So if Haunted mansion gets a rehab, new special effects, new designs, I'm all for it. People are more sophisticated then they were twenty, thirty years ago. Something new and stimulating.
Much like Project Gemini, which looks like a great idea, if it can ever get off the ground (And seriously, Disney pours more money into it's movie industry per year then this would cost, and this would pay off in the long run in improved attendance)
I love going to WDW, planning on moving to Florida this year even to hopefully get a job for the company, but things need to be spruced up. And if that includes Jennifer Tilly as Madame Leona or Johnny Depp in Pirates, so be it.

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Originally posted by wyattkelly
Hmmm...changing Haunted mansion to reflect an upcoming movie, eh?

Well, I'm all for Disney going back into old attractions and revamping and cleaning them up. I'd love to see Pirates of the Caribbean get a rehab, new characters and audio-animatronics. Walt himself would have looked at it now, thought it needed a face lift, and rolled up his sleeves. He never wanted either Disneyland or Walt Disney World to be the 'same.'. he wanted it to change, to reflect new and exciting tastes. So if Haunted mansion gets a rehab, new special effects, new designs, I'm all for it. People are more sophisticated then they were twenty, thirty years ago. Something new and stimulating.
Much like Project Gemini, which looks like a great idea, if it can ever get off the ground (And seriously, Disney pours more money into it's movie industry per year then this would cost, and this would pay off in the long run in improved attendance)
I love going to WDW, planning on moving to Florida this year even to hopefully get a job for the company, but things need to be spruced up. And if that includes Jennifer Tilly as Madame Leona or Johnny Depp in Pirates, so be it.

hmm... well said :king:


Well-Known Member
Quotes from interviews (especially Hollywood interviews!) are very often misconstrued or taken out of context. I like Jennifer Tilly's work, and I can envision her as Madame Leota, but I can't imagine her having any actual inside Disney info. My guess is that Disney has its financial hands full as things are, and will not want to mess with an already-popular attraction.



I can understand it being revamped but not with movie stars faces!!! I want it to still be a regular haunted mansion, just update the animatronics


Re: HM

Originally posted by kennyj29
I can understand it being revamped but not with movie stars faces!!! I want it to still be a regular haunted mansion, just update the animatronics

Agreed 100%!


New Member
I dont think that flake Jennifer Tilly has ever even ridden the HM, if she had she would know that the Madame Liotta does not say "go back" and WDI would never stick her head in the crystal ball.

*now if they shrink her head they could put it on a stick in adventureland*

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