Grow Up Already!


Active Member
Original Poster
I wrote about something similar before, but I have been getting this alot lately.
In my world, within my family and the few friends I have, I dont even dare mention disney to them anymore. Anytime I do, I get almost a knee jerk reaction from them where they tell me to grow up!.. I'm a 25 year old man, Disney history fascinates me, always has. My parents took me to wdw every summer growing up, and I grew a deep appreciation for the world and its an appreciation that continues to this day.

I spent over $1,000 last christmas getting my family annual passes for disney. Did they appreciate it? sure but mostly they thought that there was a hidden motive for them to HAVE to take trips to disney for the next year. Which I guess that isnt so wrong. Disney is pretty much the only place where I can go with my family and we still all have a good time. Its one of the few places where I can actually see my dad smile ear to ear. Its a place where we can all go and forget about our problems, if only for a little while.

But still, anytime I bring up disney outside the gates of wdw, or anytime I tell my family about taking another trip up to the world, I'm hit with the knee-jerk response, "grow up"..

I'd like to say that it doesnt hurt, or bother me, but I cant help it, it does. I mean what do they mean "grow up?" does it mean I should not take interest in the things that interest me? does it mean I should be more like them? does it mean I should only care about the things they care about?

Has anyone ever said this to you? How do you respond? especially when its your own family saying it to you?

Christmas is right around the corner, and my initial gift idea was to get my family the annual passes again, but with the way that they act about it, I really don't think it is worth it to spend all that money. I might get a pass just for myself, but then again, noone I know shares the same appreciation I have for wdw, and would not want to go as often as I'd like (ideally one weekend every month or two) I hate solo trips, because part of the fun is being there with people, wdw is lonely when your all by yourself, atleast for me anyway. Sigh I wish I had some people in my life that liked disney as much as I do.:(


Well-Known Member
Seems like those people ned to grow up and get with the program (no offense to your family or friends). They are part of the many ignorant ones who still think Disney is just for kids.

Don't let it get to you, they're the ones missing out. If they can't appreciate it like you do, I wouldn't waste the money on the passes for them; of course that's your decision.

I hope they come around or you find someone who you can go to Disney with and enjoy yourself! :sohappy:


Active Member
I get this ALL the time! My 9th and 10th visits are now both planned and coming soon and when I tell most people about it, i get the same reaction. I ask them if I liked going to an island once a year, if they would react the same way, and they all say no, so it really is just Disney and not the fact that I take vacations... I'm sure most people here would agree, there is something super special about the world that keeps us going back, and dreaming about being there when we're not.. When people tell me to grow up when I'm glowing while talking about it, I now tell them that feel sorry that they don't have the ability to let something bring them so much happiness and I'm glad to still be able to act like a kid and experience magic in my adult life :)


Well-Known Member
foolish are the ones who think the world is meant just for children. its a family place that will forever contain our memories and be a constant in a world of change. sure stuff inside will change but the magic is always the same. if your friends and family cant see that then thats their problem. im 27 and everyone in my life knows that i embrace what has been created for us. the magnitude of this place is beyond anything, and its all there for the taking. i will go as long as i am alive, just to taste the goodness still left in this world, as its contained in an artifical shell that surrounds a truth in us all.

thank God for walt and his idea:)


Well-Known Member
I wrote about something similar before, but I have been getting this alot lately.
In my world, within my family and the few friends I have, I dont even dare mention disney to them anymore. Anytime I do, I get almost a knee jerk reaction from them where they tell me to grow up!.. I'm a 25 year old man, Disney history fascinates me, always has. My parents took me to wdw every summer growing up, and I grew a deep appreciation for the world and its an appreciation that continues to this day.

I spent over $1,000 last christmas getting my family annual passes for disney. Did they appreciate it? sure but mostly they thought that there was a hidden motive for them to HAVE to take trips to disney for the next year. Which I guess that isnt so wrong. Disney is pretty much the only place where I can go with my family and we still all have a good time. Its one of the few places where I can actually see my dad smile ear to ear. Its a place where we can all go and forget about our problems, if only for a little while.

But still, anytime I bring up disney outside the gates of wdw, or anytime I tell my family about taking another trip up to the world, I'm hit with the knee-jerk response, "grow up"..

I'd like to say that it doesnt hurt, or bother me, but I cant help it, it does. I mean what do they mean "grow up?" does it mean I should not take interest in the things that interest me? does it mean I should be more like them? does it mean I should only care about the things they care about?

Has anyone ever said this to you? How do you respond? especially when its your own family saying it to you?

Christmas is right around the corner, and my initial gift idea was to get my family the annual passes again, but with the way that they act about it, I really don't think it is worth it to spend all that money. I might get a pass just for myself, but then again, noone I know shares the same appreciation I have for wdw, and would not want to go as often as I'd like (ideally one weekend every month or two) I hate solo trips, because part of the fun is being there with people, wdw is lonely when your all by yourself, atleast for me anyway. Sigh I wish I had some people in my life that liked disney as much as I do.:(

Maybe you should downgrade them to seasonal passes or 3-day Play passes? :lookaroun

We get it sometimes...stopped mentioning it to some people. Others LOVE the fact that we LOVE Disney. Plus they think it makes it easy to buy us gifts (which sometimes isn't a good thing for our sake).

We would love to have people we could take disney trips with regularly but haven't really found many.


Well-Known Member
Being a 39 year old male I get similar reactions from people. Its ok though. My wife and I will be taking our first every child free trip and I cant wait. Everyone looked at me funny when I told them the kids were not going this trip.

Everyone has the idea Disney is just all about the rides and getting to see Mickey Mouse. Its way more than that.


Well-Known Member
oh i get that, eventhough i've only ever been 4 times in my life. 'wouldn't you rather go somewhere else?' 'why is disney so interesting to you?' 'don't you get bored?'
but none of them have ever been, and they don't 'get' disney.
i also get ridiculed because i'm a bit of a geek: i like computers, i like sci fi, i like lego, i like disney, i like south park, i like american dad, i like watching disney films. nerd, geek, whatever.
most of the people who ridicule me though are those who sit and home, moaning about their husbands who have no friends, and watch soap operas. i'd take my quirky life over theirs any day.

actually i had that statement said by someone today; 'but disneys just for kids...' it's very sad that people can be so closed minded.


Active Member
I'm a 27 year old man and I've never felt too old for Disney World. The question pops into my mind from time to time as to why other people don't get the same amount of joy from Disney. But if I ever get too old for Disney I'll probably be like those people who retire, do nothing and just fade away. This quote is appropriate:

“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
-George Bernard Shaw


Premium Member
Join the crowd that loves disney and others just don't understand!! We are going on our 20th trip soon. Others just look at us and say "why do you go there so much, don't you want to try somewhere new?" We do go other places, but disney is like our 'other' home! We relax and don't think about anything else there. We are in our early 50s and plan to never grow up!:)


Well-Known Member
I'm forty, and don't give a crap about what others think of my vacation destination of WDW every year. You should'nt either. Some people just don't get the Magic!! Every park has something.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
At 52, I never get that! I get compliments on having reached the level of success that allows me to indulge myself. :king:

People at work come to me for advice on how to plan, what to do and see and where they can save money at Disney. :cool:

Grow up? Been there, done that, wasn't near as much fun! :king:


Well-Known Member
Wow I'm so sorry to hear that! I grew up in a Disney loving family, so your story makes me so sad! My aunts/uncles/cousins on my dad's side love it and try to go whenever they can! My mom's brother and his wife had they're honeymoon in WDW! Me (22 years old) and my dad (59 years old) love Disney so much that we go every year the week before Christmas and get so excited planning the trip all year long.

I'm so sorry you don't have someone to share that with, but consider yourself lucky that you understand the magic of Disney. You should feel sorry for those who just see it as a theme park for little kids.


Well-Known Member
I have the oppurtunity to go just about anywhere I want to go. I too am over 50, i choose to go to WDW because I want to. I am always asked " out of all the places you could go....why Disney" My reply....why wouldnt I.

I suggest you checkout some of the members here and find out when they are going....strike up a freindship, plan a M&G. I think Scoobygirl is around your age. Buy her a Maybe you two can do a "same time next year" thing. There is also that DISDATE website advertised on this site....You look hard enough, you will findsomeone who loves Disney as much as you. Dont be so bummed about it, The truth is those around you are the ones that are missing out.


Active Member
Original Poster
I have the oppurtunity to go just about anywhere I want to go. I too am over 50, i choose to go to WDW because I want to. I am always asked " out of all the places you could go....why Disney" My reply....why wouldnt I.

I suggest you checkout some of the members here and find out when they are going....strike up a freindship, plan a M&G. I think Scoobygirl is around your age. Buy her a Maybe you two can do a "same time next year" thing. There is also that DISDATE website advertised on this site....You look hard enough, you will findsomeone who loves Disney as much as you. Dont be so bummed about it, The truth is those around you are the ones that are missing out.

disdate? didnt even know something like that existed lol.. thanks, I'll look into it


Well-Known Member
I'm the same age as you, but my family is a bit more encouraging of visiting the park since everyone wants to take my cousin's kids to WDW now that they are according to them "the prime age." Before they were born everyone would make a trip every so years to Disney as well. So whenever I express in interest of going I've never been judged by my family.

However some of my friends when I told them I'm going to WDW next year with my family they acted kind of like they were sorry for me for taking the trip. When my girlfriend asked if we could ever go there together and I said yes one friend made a whipped comment. Yes a week going on rides and sightseeing. Pure torture :hammer:


Well-Known Member
im 22 and i can NEVER tell my boss im going to disney he tells me to grow up and take an adult vacation and i tell him but if i grow up i might turn out to be like grumpy from snow white and he says why? I tell him because thats how you are!! tell your family to shove it why would any one act that way towards anothers passion you dont tell golfers to get a life or artists to find some thing new do you?


Well-Known Member
I'm 51 and I grew up watching Wonderful World of Disney with my family, going to the theatre to see Disney movies, and watching Disney nature films at school. I didn't take my first trip to a Disney park until I was 39, when I took my 3 kids to visit my dad in Anaheim after my husband had passed away. My children and I felt a joy during that trip that we hadn't felt in quite a long time, and I believe it quite literally saved us. That is when my passion for Disney started, although I believe the seeds were planted long ago when I was a child. I am lucky enough to have found someone else to share my life with who shares my love of Disney, and who loves and appreciates my passion for it. I teach first grade, so it is totally acceptable for me to wear Disney clothing and jewelry to work! :ROFLOL: And, I am known in my school as the "Disney Expert" so I'm the one they come to with trip planning questions! Not all of my friends understand it (sometimes I don't even understand it :hammer:), and I'm sure some think I"m nuts, but they accept that it's part of who I am. Those that I know don't understand it, I try not to talk about Disney with them for their sake and mine! Let's put it this way - there are friends/family members that I would love to go to WDW with, and some I would NEVER go there with!!!

Some people find their passion in music, sports, cars, books, religion, and I don't alway understand or share their passion. But, I always try to respect it. It comes down to whatever gets you through life. :sohappy:

I would say maybe ask them how they feel about it before you spend the money to renew their AP's. If they say "No, thanks" don't take it personally. Just know that's not their passion. Maybe talk to them about what IS their passion, and then say "See, that's how I feel about Disney." I don't know - it could help them understand you better. Best of luck! You always have us to talk to . . . we ALL get it!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
The next time some tells you to grow up, or asks you how you could love a "kids place" (comments that I find extremely condescending and irritating), just politely smile and tell them that you hope they have something in their lives that bring them as much happiness as traveling to Disney brings you. I have found that trying to convert a non-Disney lover is usually a waste of my time. Just know that there are a lot of Disney fans out there and hopefully someday you will find a travel companion who shares your passion.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I hear you. I got family members who are like that too - "You're going AGAIN?" One of them is a person who has to travel every year to look at the big purple hole in the ground that is the Grand Canyon. :rolleyes: Nice place but I got my fill of giant orange rocks and mule riding a long time ago.

The heck with those who diss you. You got US! :wave:

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