Grow Up Already!


Well-Known Member
I got this from my previous boss. I would put in my request for time off without telling her any details, but she would always ask me where I was going (in conversations, no effect on being approved) and when I would say Disney World, she would roll her eyes and say Disney is NOT a vacation and then would rant about her last trip...which was over 15 years ago!


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to GROW UP?! Grown-ups are boring. :p I'm 33, and I decided a long time ago that I never wanted to be one of those grown-ups that never have any fun. We just took our first family trip this summer, and I had a friend who commented that a week at WDW sounded like torture. And when we decided to go back in January for an adults-only Anniversary trip, we definitely got some strange looks, and my mom told me that I'm just as much of a kid as my 6-year old. I take that as a compliment. :lol:


Well-Known Member
And when we decided to go back in January for an adults-only Anniversary trip, we definitely got some strange looks

I get the same thing. The na sayers just fail to realize all the adult things to do at Disney. I was just discussing with a coworker that just got back from a trip on how its such a great way to escape the stress of everyday. Being at Disney I lose all track of what day of the week it is. I dont watch the news. I get so lost in everything at Disney that the outside world doesn't matter for the time that I am there.

What could be better for an adult than to escape the real world for a little while to unwind. Disney just seems to escape the real world like no other.


Well-Known Member
Disney AGAIN?!

When I get this response, I will answer...April/May: Flower & Garden Festival (I love gardening)...Sept/Oct: Food & Wine Festival (I LOVE food)...Nov/Dec: Holidays Around the World, Osborne Family Lights (I LOVE CHRISTMAS!). It's never EXACTLY the same, but always magical!

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
thank God for walt and his idea:)

I totally agree. If there is anyone I am more thankful about outside of my immediate family and friends I would argue that its Walt...........and let's not forget Roy too! But Walt first and foremost.

But to the OP, it seems to me that you have a family that actually does LOVE Disney, but seems to be ashamed or embarassed about admitting it. That's too bad because I grew up going to WDW as well and I can always talk to my parents (and now wife) about those wonderful memories anytime. Isn't that the point?

You don't say if you are married, but my guess is you would marry someone who shares your interests of Disney or who has never been like my wife had and was interested and now hooked too!

Look, I'm a 31 year old married man with a 6 month old son. I look like I could be a linebacker in the NFL but two of my favourites hobbies are Sports and Disney. Find me a stranger that likes either one of them and I've made a friend. That's how I look at it, why waste your time with someone who ridicules you about it? Life is too short, there are plenty of people that "get" what you are talking about, and I am one of them.

By the way, we've been to WDW twice prior to our son being born and we plan on going to Disneyland for the first time in April - alone. Anyone that calls me crazy, is jealous, simply put.
One of the snarkier Disney blogs had something like "Disney is for kids?!? You must be dead inside"

I have a number of snarky things I could say about it, among them that you need new friends. My friends might think I'm crazy but mostly they're supportive. When i didn't get the Year of a Million Dreams Mickey ears on my trip that year and my friend did, he brought them home for me. At our wedding, DH and I had our last dance to "Wishes" and wore Mickey/Minnie ears. Everyone loved it. None of my friends share my love of Disney, but they all understand that it's a part of me.

Also, maybe these people only have memories of being dragged around WDW in the hot summer sun and waiting in line to go on the most popular attractions. They don't know what it's like to go as an adult when you can go wherever you want, and discover all of the hidden gems and adult entertainment. They probably don't know how wonderful it is to tour during the off season, or to enjoy the food and wine festival. They just don't get it and they are missing out.

I do have friends who are like "AGAIN!??! Don't you want to go anywhere else?" Sure I would love to travel the World ( you know, to Tokyo, Paris, Shanghai, Hong kong and Anaheim), but a Disney vacation is more affordable and we'll have a great time. it's something I always look forward to.

Keep your head up, we understand you on here!!!

I would NOT get them passes. They might feel it's selfish and they can always get their own tickets if they really want to join you. You could always ask them flat our what they think. Maybe through the boards you can make other friends in FL who would go to Disney with you.


Well-Known Member
I get this crap too. If my boss asks me "How old are you again?" I will :hurl: for sure. My response... young enough to have fun and old enough to afford it!


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. If there is anyone I am more thankful about outside of my immediate family and friends I would argue that its Walt...........and let's not forget Roy too! But Walt first and foremost.

But to the OP, it seems to me that you have a family that actually does LOVE Disney, but seems to be ashamed or embarassed about admitting it. That's too bad because I grew up going to WDW as well and I can always talk to my parents (and now wife) about those wonderful memories anytime. Isn't that the point?

You don't say if you are married, but my guess is you would marry someone who shares your interests of Disney or who has never been like my wife had and was interested and now hooked too!

Look, I'm a 31 year old married man with a 6 month old son. I look like I could be a linebacker in the NFL but two of my favourites hobbies are Sports and Disney. Find me a stranger that likes either one of them and I've made a friend. That's how I look at it, why waste your time with someone who ridicules you about it? Life is too short, there are plenty of people that "get" what you are talking about, and I am one of them.

By the way, we've been to WDW twice prior to our son being born and we plan on going to Disneyland for the first time in April - alone. Anyone that calls me crazy, is jealous, simply put.

we are now friends! 27 y/o with a 20 month old. i live for God and family, outside of that is sports (cowboys, yankees) and all things disney. most people would look at my tattoos and think "disney, really?"


Well-Known Member
I have to say it’s your life enjoy it. If you get enjoyment out of Walt Disney World go; and to “heck” with what others think.

In reviewing the replies to your thread I find I’m the oldest to respond so far. FYI, I’m a retired Army officer, West Point Graduate and combat veteran in my 60’s and I love Walt Disney World and I visit as often as my wife will let me.

People look at me funny sometimes when I mention my love of Disney then they usually mention the cost of a trip. I simply ask them the cost of their hobbies, (e.g. Patriot season tickets, membership in a country club etc.). If some members of your family don’t share your love of Disney, then as others have stated, don’t purchase passes for those family members. A neck tie, candle stick holders, bath oils or soap on a rope make lovely gifts. With the money you save go and enjoy Disney some more.


Well-Known Member
Most people that don't understand OUR love for Disney and our desire to keep going back every year just have not ever been there. They have no idea what it is about so they have these ideas of what they think its about and to them its all about kids. If they ever got chance to go once they too im sure would be hooked. I did not go to Disney until I was 31 on our honeymoon. And even then we went because my sister wanted to give the trip to us for their present. I had always said when asked by her ( older than me) to go along with her and her family that why would I want to go to Disney, its for kids. Well 26 years later after going on our honeymoon we have been back EVERY years since and CAN NOT wait for next trip in July!!


New Member
I too get the "naysayers" - why do you love Disney so much? I just tell them there is no other place like it in the world.

In 2005 I took my husband and 3 daughters 11, 9 & 7 for their first time (also husband's first time). My husband thought that this would be a "once only" trip.
3 days into the trip he was already planning another trip. We have since gone 4 times and can not wait to go again. My oldest is now 18 and asking when can we go back. They now all have a love for the "most magical place". When we are there, we are a family with - no cellphones, internet, no cooking, no cleaning, no fighting - just loads of fun. We have asked each other if you would like to go anywhere else and the answer is always NO - just to WDW.

I am lucky enough to work with children and where a "little bit of mickey" every day. :) My little ones love it and they understand my love for the mouse. Some of the parents - can't quite grasp "why" but I don't let that bother me. Husband is a firefighter and they have even stopped teasing him about his 4x to the world - they see how happy it makes him.

Do as the one poster said and find someone with the love of the World like you have and forget about the naysayers. You are never too old for a little magic and there is no better place in the world to get it than Disneyworld.:wave:


Well-Known Member
It looks like you are finding plenty of support, but I will throw these 2 thoughts into the mix.

First: When I was in High School I worked at a Golf Course, and the Pro who taught lessons there would travel to Disney every winter. When I wasked how Disney was for an adult, she said it was "Better then when you are a kid." In her opinion WDW was too much for a child to really comprehend and as an adult you REALLY get to appreciate everything about it.

Second: I did not get to go to Disney until I was 40 yrs old. I proposed to my wife at the California Grill Restaurant. Like many my wife was somewhat skeptical about going to Disney for a vacation, but now she can not wait to go back. We took our second trip there this past spring on our "Baby moon", and already are talking excitedly about our next trip even though for us it is a couple of ytears away.

Some people like the beach, some like the mountains, some like excitement, some like relaxation. What do you do if you like a little bit of everything...Disney:D


Well-Known Member
I haven't gotten this about my sick obsession with Disney, but I have about my desire to get married there and do the college program, so I understand what you're feeling. I told my best friend that I want to get married there and she responded with "Really? Disney? Like with Mickey? Won't that be tacky?" No it will actually be extremely elegant and not tacky at all. :brick: My mom's new thing is not wanting me to do the college program. According to her since it has "nothing to do with" my major I shouldn't do it, she doesn't understand that its for the experience.

I'm sorry your family's been like that to you though. I'm sure almost everyone on this site knows the feeling. Some people just don't get it. Don't let it get you down though, the more you think about it the more its going to bother you.


From my friends I get, "Don't you ever want to go anywhere else on vacation?" I just tell them "No". I love Disney, and have the best, most relaxing vacation when I am there. I will be there for a week in Dec. Let me know if you will be there and maybe we can meet up. I'll have my brother and some other friends with too. My husband doesn't like to travel, so he stays home with the dog. LOL!! If your family used the passes, get them for them again. You can always go with one or two of them at a time.


Active Member
I'm 55, and hear similar comments from folks. Same with 'Why do you go back there all the time? So, I started asking folks where they like to vacation. I hear things like 'Oh, I just love the beach'. I'll ask them how often they get there, and they usually say something like 'as much as I can'. With a small smirk on my face I ask them 'Why? Its sand, its water, its the same thing all the time'. Then they get defensive, telling me 'I love everything about it...the sounds, the smells, its so relaxing, I just forget about everything else'. At that point I let the smirk get a bit bigger, then ask them 'What was it you asked me again?'. You can actually see the light bulb go on, followed by a sheepish 'Oh, I see your point'.

Some people get it, some people don't. Has nothing to do with being 'grown up' (whatever that means). Some folks only feel good if they can put someone else down. Just give them the smirk, and make another trip to the Dole Whip stand.



Well-Known Member
If you want someone to go to the parks with you, you can buy me a AP. :D

I have done a few days at WDW alone, and I understand where you are coming from. While it is still fun, it is not the same when you are laughing and sharing the magic with someone else. I think it just may be time for some hypnotism! :drevil:

Bravo 229

I'm 24, a passholder and I go to the parks as much as possible - mostly by myself. Besides my parents, I'm the only person I know with a WDW pass and I end up getting the "Oh, you're going THERE again..." and "Disney is for kids" lines from family/friends all the time. I've found you just have to tell the critics to ________ off, because no matter how many times you tell someone "WDW is for EVERYONE" they refuse to accept it (either that, or some of my family/friends are just hard headed!). WDW is my favourite place to visit and I wouldn't let anyone deter me from going. BTW, going to the parks Han Solo (as I like to call it) is a lot of fun!

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