Great trip BUT.....

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I think that by all means you should talk about the condition of the park when you were there, and if necessary, contact Guest Relations to see if this was a fluke or not. But we must remember that for every one dirty bathroom, or every barking CM that there are a hundred others that are up to the unrealistic, terribly high standards we set for them.


New Member
Guest bad manners: in Philharmagic, one family stubbornly sat down in the middle of a row and refused to move along to the end as requested by cast members. We had to scramble past them to the end of the row. When my wife asked them if they realised they were acting selfishly they just said "Yeah, so what?".

A Hispanic family did that same thing when I went in February. They couldn't speak English, but I'm pretty sure Minnie asks you to move all the way down the row to make room in English AND Spanish. Correct me if I'm wrong.

People are very selfish.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the "less than pristine" conditions of many places, but I assumed that was typical summer stuff *shrug* When we were there just last December it was fine as always, and I'm assuming when we go again in January it will be fine.

I blame guests more than CM's. Everywhere I looked there were custodial cm's out and about working... EVERYWHERE! And what do they have to deal with? One day, after an early lunch in the GF, we went into the restroom, and it was like somebody went out of their way to trash the place. There was no way it was accumulation of accidental messes made through the course of the morning. An entire stack of those toilet seat covers had been pulled from the box and left on the floor. Toilet paper alllllllll over. *shakes head*

It's the last time I go in August, I guess is my point. :lol:


Active Member
See the ones that I like are the ones that done speak English. I is funny seeing the CM yelling at us because there are always someone that stops in the middle of a row.


Well-Known Member
I do not think TV is the culprit here.


I respect your opinion, BSANDERSJR, but when this question is debated, you'll be surprised which main factors are left when it comes full circle! :lol:

Seriously...TV is not THE culprit, but it IS a contributing factor. That is a debate for another time and place, though.

Now if only someone would come up with a "tongue in cheek" smiley before people put any more thought into my original comment.

After all, I WAS trying to be nice about it! :lol:


New Member
We noticed a lot of problems on our trip from July 23 - 29. Our problems actually started at Newark Airport, but unfriendly employees do not surprise me there. Continental overbooked the flight to begin with and then switched to a smaller plane so 30-40 people weren't able to get on the flight. Anyways, we got to the Beach Club Villas around 4 PM and our room wasn't even ready yet and then we wanted to eat at Beaches and Cream and there was a 55 minute wait, so we ended up walking to the Dolphin to eat. Transportation at the Beach Club was ridiculous. We had to wait 45 minutes for a boat to MGM because the boat goes to so many resorts we weren't able to get on the first time. The sofa bed was awful and normally I never have a problem with the beds in Disney. A CM at the store at the Beach Club at package pick-up was very rude to the guy in front of me and then rolled her eyes as he walked away. Another CM, possibly the same one, took a total attitude when someone else later in the week had their package accidentally delivered to the Yacht Club even though she had put Beach Club on the sheet. The CM told her very nastily to go get the package herself. The waitresses at the Kona Cafe were extremely unfriendly for some reason. Also the housekeeping staff at the Beach Club Villas were unfriendly and kept making mistakes. On the day we were checking out, they knocked on our door at 8:30 AM to see if we were ready to leave so they could clean the room.

Unfortunately many of the South American tour groups there were loud and obnoxious, but thats to be expected from any large group of teenagers. Although we did see one very well behaved tour group, there was one group in particular that kept pushing us and some other people while in the Haunted Mansion and screaming and being totally rude.

We did have a couple of good CMs, but most seemed especially grumpy this trip. My family and I had a good time but the various experiences took away some of the magic. I didn't notice too many things in bad shape, possibly because last July it seemed a lot dirtier for some reason.


New Member
Original Poster
I didn't want to give the impression that our experiences this year seriously affected our enjoyment of our trip, just that the bad manners of other guests on a number of occasions together with the grumpiness of some CMs was an annoyance we would rather have done without. My children are mature enough now not to be phased by it and they took everything philosophically; I don't think it spoiled "the magic" for them. However, I am aware that poor manners generally in society are on the increase. It's disappointing that the magic of WDW cannot be immune from this. I know this is not the fault of WDW staff, the vast majority of whom are absoutely fantastic and do a great job.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I didn't want to give the impression that our experiences this year seriously affected our enjoyment of our trip, just that the bad manners of other guests on a number of occasions together with the grumpiness of some CMs was an annoyance we would rather have done without. My children are mature enough now not to be phased by it and they took everything philosophically; I don't think it spoiled "the magic" for them. However, I am aware that poor manners generally in society are on the increase. It's disappointing that the magic of WDW cannot be immune from this. I know this is not the fault of WDW staff, the vast majority of whom are absoutely fantastic and do a great job.

Very well said. :wave:


Active Member
sounds like an average day walking along the street in a well known certain scottish city that i live in.... i just have my hot headed mrs cmatt to sort these people out ;) i just linger in the background - pretending im not with her :lol: i know what you mean though.... its like people who steal seats in a cinema screen after you went there the day before to prebook... If you say a comment and they retaliate i find the best policy is to just say: im not going to speak to you if you keep shouting at me or something similar....

Ive noticed this in disney land paris also on rides like pirates of the carrabean after mrs c and i were ASKED by a cm to sit in a particular spot and this old bint and her daughter wanted to sit *out of the wet* so they wouldnt scooch along - we just sat on them :goodnevil :king: the torrent of french abuse was amazing throughout the ride - especially after we retorted in french that we understood EVERY word they were saying :sohappy:


Active Member
Ohhh! Is this a fun word that would mean something 'bad' on this side of the pond? I LOVE those kind of words. :lol:

bad being the slang you can use for the term *female dog* but the added twist is that its used normally for a lady who somewhat feels that she can be rude to just anyone she meets or who she disagrees with!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
bad being the slang you can use for the term *female dog* but the added twist is that its used normally for a lady who somewhat feels that she can be rude to just anyone she meets or who she disagrees with!

I love how you still refer to the "female dog" in question as a lady. You guys across the pond always find a way to make even negative terms sound classy. :)

Thread Drift Over :wave:


Well-Known Member
Not to get off on a rant here, but, sadly, most people today are spoiled childish jerks who want something for nothing. Most can't even spell manners, let alone define it. I never get upset at a rare rude CM because I figure they've been dealing with idiots all day. I think it's time for Disney to start throwing these people out. I like David Letterman's idea about big security guys with mouse ears roughing people up. :D


Active Member
I love how you still refer to the "female dog" in question as a lady. You guys across the pond always find a way to make even negative terms sound classy. :)

Thread Drift Over :wave:

:cool: damm straight...

i like you... i should put you in a cupboard and only take you out when my ego needs boosting :lol:

yes... er quite: grr at those scallywags that queue jump! *hopes no one sees thread drift* --cough--

L Fisher

New Member
The problem is there are to many do-gooders...Lots of "liberated" people that don't feel they need to follow by the rules. My family and I took some friends of ours to Disneyworld awhile back it was their first time. The father and mother grew up in Serbia, and now have been US citizens over 20yrs. We were standing in line for Big Thunder and my mom apoligized for the wait (this was b4 fastpass) and his comment was if they can wait in line for a loaf of bread, they can wait in line for fun..Some people don't think like that anymore. Parents can't disipline their kids because you have people constantly looking at your every move, and that's why the kids today act the way they do. NO RESPECT!!! I'm a firm believer if a child at age 2 knows what "NO" means, you'll have more control..I can go on and on, but I'm ending my comment..


Well-Known Member
I never had ANY of these troubles when I was there. The worst was some trash where it really shouldn't be. Such as i Minnie's house or in the Well infront of the Snow White ride. But I blame obnoxious guests more than Disney for this. Disney has high standards, but even THEY can't be everywhere.
However, I can CERTAINLY agree that as time goes by, people just become more like big jerks.


New Member
Original Poster
Interesting point about the guys from Serbia queuing for their bread - puts things in perspective a bit doesn't it. However - and I'm not being at all racist here :lookaroun , it's just an observation - MOST of the queue jumping I saw this year was committed by people who were obviously not English (or Spanish) speakers. Maybe they just genuinely didn't know the rules or (more likely methinks) taking advantage of the fact that other people might THINK they genuinely didn't know the rules!:)

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
On our last trip to WDW we were at Mickey's Philharmagic and of course a family who made it look like they could not speak english, ( I know this because when the CM asked them to please move all the way down they just smiled at them to make it look like we don't know what your saying. So when I went last behind my family , I had the backpack on and as I passed them I made really sure that everyone got hit very well by the said backpack, when the father mad a comment IN ENGLISH mind you, I stopped went back and said in no uncertain terms that if he had done what the CM had asked them to do and not be so inconsiderate to everyone else he should expect it. And that if he can dish it out he should be able to take it too. Sorry just venting, on edge, only 11 days left till our second trip this year and it's getting hard to contain myself. :zipit: :brick: But soon the day will be here. :sohappy: :sohappy:

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