Great Movie Ride: What film scenes would you add?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Originally it was planned to be in it...But was replaced with the Gangster Scene..

But, I would have liked to seen the original finale concept where the celebrites wave farewell as you left the attraction..

Wow, I had no idea about the original plans including Harold Lloyd! Thanks!!

And yeah, that original finale would have been sweet...much better than that grainy coagulated mess of a film "tribute" that we got instead. :P


Active Member
I feel like the weird generic horror scene could easily be replaced with some Hitchcock. Not necessarily the shower scene, but something from Psycho could easily work in the small space the occupies (at least I remember it being basically a footnote within the ride context). And I'm definitely biased because I'm a huge Broadway fan, but I feel like some more recent movie musicals like Chicago or Rent etc. added in. I'd love some Wes Anderson, because can you imagine those intricate sets of his in a ride? This ride could truly be great again with a little update love.

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
I think it's a tough call and it depends on what the message is of the ride.

Is it a ride about the dawn, evolution, and golden age of movies? Kind of a museum piece?
- this is how it is right now - ending around 1988 or so

Should it be an updated to include 25 years since, dropping some movies in favor of other ones?
- just a modern update of what is there now

Should it be a ride taking you through movies you've likely heard of, at least, or have seen recently?
- dropping the old stuff and keeping the attraction with movies of the last 50 years or so

I don't know where I fall in all of that. My random thoughts include:
- Get rid of the first scene where women are in 1920s-ish swimsuits - celebrating the weird synchronized swimming movies. I never got that. I've seen the scenes from the movies but it just doesn't click to me as some great movie moment.
- Dump Singin' in the Rain. Maybe people of today have heard of it but I doubt many people younger than me have seen it. Even at my age (45) I'd bet you'd have a pretty low percentage of people who've seen it.
- Keep Mary Poppins - mainly because it's a classic Disney movie
- Dump the gangster and cowboy sections
- Dump Alien - it was there because in 1989 when MGM Studios opened I think this was the only ride so the Alien scene was the trill factor. I know that there are Alien fans but I'd argue it's more of a niche at this point.
- I'd lean towards dumping of Wizard of Oz. It's a classic movie, and a good one that actually holds up, but I think it's sort of fallen by the wayside.
- Keep the Indiana Jones scene
- do something more with the horror section
- Dump Tarzan. I liked it when I was a kid, watching old movies on TV, but most people today don't connect with it.
- Keep the Casablanca scene. It's an old movie and many folks have likely not seen the movie but it's very likely that they've seen that scene. It's just such a classic scene.

What to add in or not to add in:
- Sixth Sense - such a memorable movie with a great twist
- Matrix - also something original
- not Star Wars - plenty of other Star Wars stuff in the park - although it would be kind of cool to take you through a Star Wars scene like the opening seen of IV where the door gets cut away on both sides and Vader first appears.
- as mentioned before: Titanic - either the bow scene or a flooding scene (bow being a classic scene but flooding being dramatic)
- Avengers - I don't think that they can do this because of their contract with Universal
- Lord of the Rings / Hobbit would be a good fit
- War of the Worlds (2005) - not really an epic movie but it seems like a scene from it would be good


Well-Known Member
The classic "walking down the road" scene with Chaplin (ANYTHING WITH CHAPLIN!) or him eating his boot in "The Gold Rush", something from Gone With the Wind- maybe Ms.O'Hara and her "with god as my witness" speech or Rhett carrying her up the stairs (but that might not be 'family friendly' enough). I'm sure you'd never get "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Maybe something from "The Godfather" ("I made him an offer he couldn't refuse") in the same part that has Cagney.
For more current films- A Titanic scene would be a good add .


Well-Known Member
At least one movie on this list is the property of Universal and the rights wouldn't come easily but...

Footlight Parade ---> Fantasia (Still have a musical beginning, but this way, it's much recognizable)
Singin' in the Rain (Iconic scene from one of the most popular movies ever)
Mary Poppins (Can't take this one out, I mean, come on)
Gangster Scene ---> Updated Gangster Scene (Godfather, etc)
Western Scene ---> Lawrence of Arabia + Western Scene (Could fit in the same area, includes another great work)
Alien (If the park does end up having a Star Wars land added to it, it doesn't need more here)
Indiana Jones (If the park does indeed lose the Indiana Jones show, it needs representation here)
Horror Scene + Tarzan ---> Back to the Future Clocktower Scene (I mean...COME ON. Would be brilliant.)
Casablanca (Classic. Needs to be there)
Fantasia screen ---> The Tornado Room that was once planned. Leads into the next scene!
Wizard of Oz Scenes (Perfect ending to the ride portion)
Finale Movie (Stays the same with some updates to keep it relevant)

The ride isn't altogether changed but a few changes are made to enhance the experience.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I kind of what a Newsies scene somewhere! "Carrying the Banner" or "Seize the Day" ... Some high-tech dancing animatronics! CX


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I saw some people talking about Disney scenes, but I personally think that's more for one ride based on Disney animation.

I like that idea. There should be a Disney animation ride in DHS.. Have each scene start out with a small narration and the entire scene is being drawn around your vehicle as you're stopped and eventually it comes to life with a musical scene from the movie! Kind of like the Mickey Mouse Revue.. But in a ride-style.


Well-Known Member
Well, here we go with another what would you take out/replace in the Great Movie Ride thread. The Great Movie Ride for me is something that has sparked my Imagination since I was a little kid. The way the attraction takes you through some of Hollywoods greatest classics and ties them in to one another is incredible. I have always loved the ride and the way it portrays classics that not many people know about.

Yes I know the ride is outdated to some but for me its still fresh with concept. yes it could use s spruce up in terms of effects and what not but its still a classic. Many people find some of the movie choices to be irrelevant to importance of Cinema History and I for one strongly disagree. Just because something is old does not mean we cannot pay tribute to it! Personally I feel the ride should stay true to itself and continue showcasing real classic motion pictures, and not some more recent flicks like Frozen or The Dark Knight. I don't see those movies as any bit of a classic yet. One day sure but Frozen is just overhyped and The joker was the only good part of The Dark Knight IMO, which doesn't make a movie.

I became a huge movie buff once I started going on this ride. I have seen every movie from start to finish that is showcased in that ride. Are all of them something I enjoy!? not particularly but they all bring something different to the table and each have their right to be there.

Footlight Parade- if you don't like the film fine, but Busby Burkley films opened doors for the Movie Musicals like no other. Any one of those movies are iconic now and rightly deserve its spot in the attraction.

Singin in the Rain- whoever says this movie is dead and not popular is got it wrong. Known as probably the best musical of all time or one of them for sure. Its got some of the best dance and song numbers ever and an iconic cast including Gene Kelly. Probably the only other male to give Fred Astaire a run for his money!

Mary Poppins- Julie andrews in her best role...and One of Disney's finest.

Public Enemy- james Cagney is a iconic gangster in old films, this was an important genre of film back in the day and recently I would say has made a comeback.

Alien and The Searchers- well both of these could potentially be changed with other films but still portray well two specific genres in film history, Western and Scifi/horror. Alien is a classic now like it or not, it was a great concept.

Indiana Jones- Definitely a newer classic. and rightfully so.

Casablanca- words, just deserves its spot so much

Fantasia- One of Disney's most unique films and a truly magnificent one.

The Wizard of Oz- You can't have a movie on Film classics without featuring Judy Garland and what better way then one of Cinemas most treasured classics.

There are only a few scenes I can see changing and a few are things like the cast member switch and the living dead scene because they aren't too important and something more significant could take its place. Also the Tarzan scene I never understood. The movies at the time were popular and there were a few of them but they are not really too important.

If they want to add some classics they need Gone with the Wind, Its a wonderful Life, Bringing up Baby, North by Northwest, Broadway Melody movies, Shirley Temple Films, Classic Monster films, ET, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Gaslight.....literally the list could go on and on. I could rant on how this generation needs to be exposed to classic films more for days but I feel as though I have gone on too long now.

Its a shame that Universal has a hold on so many classics because as recent as some of there movies are, they are classics now and each for their own reasons. And they all have incredible soundtracks to go with them! oh well...just my two cents.

oh and to answer the question, I would replace three scenes and add Modern Times, Gone with the Wind, and Snow White(being Disney's first classic I think it fits.)


Well-Known Member
Shawshank Redemption could be cool but I'm not sure of one particular scene that would work.

How about the scene of Boggs getting beaten when he returns to his cell...a feel good moment in the film. ;-)

Maybe they could use the iconic scene in the rain where Andy looks up to the sky with his arms out after he comes out of the sewer tube.

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