The thought of being stuck inside Tatooine Traders while it rained kinda made me go a bit fast with this. Welcome to Grand Avenue, adjacent to Grand Park.
I tried an innovative new technique called "hold my camera up high but do it from a distance so i'm not a jerk that just puts his camera over the construction walls." Visible in the first one is an empty sign to the right of the ladder. Looks like one that would hold a menu. Probably for Baseline. Another thing of note is that the Coke building no longer has its sign attached.
The yellow Coke building and the blue DVC building have received some curtains.
A closeup of the new lights, featuring some rain drops.
Some pillars for a covered seating area I guess? I also found out how they are getting this done relatively quickly: they have the ladder!
Light fixtures above where the Baseline Taphouse sign will presumably be.
One of the lights above the new flat brick wall.
And here's a mystery. In front of the Chrysler edge building was some panes of glass. I completely forget if those were from Streets of America of if they're new.
(Zoom in for a better look)
Other than the DCL one, I don't know what the others are for. One says " T US, YOUR , EVEN ", one talks about something fresh and something handmade, and one has a logo which doesn't match up with Grand anything or Baseline Taphouse. Weird.