Trip Report Graduation Celebration and a First-Time Disney Trip!


I’ve been a longtime lurker on these forums and have always enjoyed living through other’s trip reports. About 5 years ago, I tried my own hand at a trip report, but high school got in the way and I never ended up finishing the report. Now that I’m about to have a whole summer off and don’t have to worry about school getting in the way, I’m determined to do another trip report and actually finish it this time! This report will be semi-live, but more likely than not, I’ll be too busy in the parks and will have to finish it up when I return home from the parks.

A little bit about me: I’m a 22 year old who just finished undergrad and will be attending law school in the fall. I’m giving myself the whole summer off to mentally prepare for law school, so I’m excited to have no responsibilities for a couple of months. I’m a huge theme park/roller coaster nerd, which has made me a huge Disney park fan considering they’re some of the best theme parks in the world! It’s been five years since my last Disney trip, so I’m excited to make my way back to the parks and see all that has changed! This will also be my first ever Disney trip without my parents, and even though I love them dearly, it will be fun to experience the parks with someone new! Here’s a picture of me from my last Disney trip in 2019:

My companion for this trip is my best friend from college who is also 22 and graduating this year. She will be referred to as L for the rest of this report. To protect her privacy, I’ll most likely refrain from posting any pictures of her in this report, but I promise to include lots of other pictures!

Throughout college, I’ve been attempting to talk L into going to Disney for our graduation trip. She had always vehemently told me no, claiming that there was no way an expensive, hot, and crowded theme park could be near as magical as I claimed. However, last year, she studied abroad in Japan and had the opportunity to visit Tokyo Disney Sea and finally understood what I meant by the Disney magic (well really theme park magic in general). At the beginning of this school year, she asked me if I would still be up to visit an Orlando theme park for our senior trip. Of course I said yes!! I’m so excited to share these wonderful theme parks with her and see the joy on her face of experiencing Disney World for the first time!

We briefly debated if we wanted to go to Universal or Disney, but considering I’ve been to Universal more recently than Disney, she is not a huge fan of coasters due to bad motion sickness, and the opening of Epic Universe already has me planning a Universal trip for next year, Disney was the clear choice. Even though we decided we wanted to do this trip months ago, there was uncertainty on if it would actually work out because there was a chance she would have to start working in May. Luckily, she got her first choice job (that was good and bad news though considering her first choice job means she’ll be moving to Japan in August and I will miss her dearly), so we were able to finalize our trip plans a couple weeks ago!

We’ll be arriving in Orlando on Sunday, June 16 and departing Friday, June 21 and staying at the Walt Disney World Dolphin hotel. We debated staying in a resort actually owned by Disney, but the cost was just too much to stay in a deluxe Disney resort (we wanted to stay in deluxe because the extra evening hours were super important to us since we’ll only have one day in each park). We ended up booking through Costco Travel which was cheaper than booking through Marriott and it came with a free room view upgrade (I’m praying we get this view that I got when I stayed at the Dolphin with my parents 5 years ago!)

As part of our Costco Travel package, we got the 4 day magic ticket allowing us to spend one day at each park. In total, it was $2,200 ($1,100 a person), but we thought that was reasonable for a Disney trip at peak time staying in a pseudo deluxe resort that’s so close to Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and the Disney Boardwalk!

We both are originally from Georgia so we’ll be going home right after graduation at the end of May and driving down to Orlando together. I’ll be doing the driving, so L is just going to meet me in Atlanta. It’s about a 3 hour drive for her to get to Atlanta and even though we want to get to Orlando as early as possible, it would be unfair to ask her parents to drive her to Atlanta starting much earlier than 6:30, so we’re planning to leave from Atlanta at 9:30 and get to Orlando around 4ish. We have already agreed on only playing Disney music while in the car😉

We know we want to hit up Disney springs our first day so she can get a magic band, so as of now, we’re planning to go straight to Disney Springs, but our plans for when we get there are pretty flexible. Because of the extended evening hours we get to take advantage of as resort guests, we’re definitely going to Epcot on Monday, June 17, and Magic Kingdom on Wednesday, June 19. We’re planning on doing Animal Kingdom on Tuesday, June 18 since it closes earlier than Hollywood studios and we need as much rest as we can get after going to Epcot from 8:30 AM-11 PM and before going to Magic Kingdom the next day from 8:30 AM-12 AM. That leaves Hollywood Studios for Thursday, June 20.

The last time I went to Disney was the day after Dorian hit so the parks were empty (so empty that we managed to ride every single ride at Magic Kingdom). I’m worried what it will be like to attend in June, especially after getting to experience the parks being so empty the last time I went, but with our schedules, that was the only date that worked, so we’re going to push through! To help deal with some of the crowds, we’re planning on buying Genie+ for each park and potentially an ILL for some of the big ticket rides. My friend really wants to try to do and see as much as humanly possible in each park since it will be her last chance to go for the next few years, so we also thought Genie+ would be helpful to accomplish that. Although we’ve both read a ton about Genie+, I haven’t been to Disney since they introduced the program, so if anyone has any tips, please comment them below!

As of now, we’re planning to only do QS restaurants to save time and money, so I didn’t have any ADR’s to worry about. We’re still debating trying to grab a last minute ADR for Be Our Guest since we’ll have so much time in MK, but we’ll see.

I think that’s all the planning we’ve done for now! Now it’s just time to wait until June 16!! I’ll post more updates as we get closer, but I wanted to go ahead and do the initial post since we’re about a month out! Thanks for reading!


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T-1 Day: There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow!

I can’t believe there’s only one more sleep until Disney World! I just finished up packing and now all that’s left to do is pack the refrigerated stuff I am bringing when I wake up tomorrow and get in the car and go! Both Olafs and their friends Mickey and Minnie are in the car and ready to go!

When I looked this morning, there was 0 chance of rain for our whole trip. After looking again tonight, there’s a slight chance of scattered showers tomorrow and a chance of scattered thunderstorms on Thursday, but that’s to be expected with Disney and I’m very happy there’s only one day above 90 degrees!

I tried to keep the quote countdown I had started sending L up and I managed to only miss three days. She also started sending some countdown pictures/quotes of her own. Here’s what we’ve sent:

Very little planning has been done in the past few days, but there are a couple updates. I bought Disney gift cards from Target with my mom’s Red Card to get a 5% discount. I got $250 worth to cover food and Genie+ and I ended up saving $12.50, which is about the price of a quick service meal! I bought the digital gift cards and might end up buying more while at Disney world if I go over budget.

Speaking of over budget, I looked everywhere for my magic band from my last trip, but it’s nowhere to be found, so I’ll be having to buy a new one tomorrow with L. The new magic band seems really cool, but I was really hoping to not have to drop money on a new one.

The only other news is L made an MDE account and we linked our trips together. When we first started planning this trip, I had planned to just make her a guest on my account and give her my login info. However, after researching Genie+ and virtual queues, we realized it was almost a necessity to have 2 accounts so one of us could handle virtual queues at 7 AM and the other one could handle Genie+ bookings at 7 AM. I was easily able to transfer over the tickets and dining reservations to her new account on the app, but it wouldn’t let me transfer over the hotel information. I ended up calling Disney to get it sorted out because I was worried it would affect her ability to stay for extra evening hours if her actual account wasn’t connected to our hotel reservation. After having to get transferred once, a Disney cast member was able to sort out the problem, and the whole call (including the transfer) only took 18 minutes and they managed to throw the word magic into our conversation at least 10 times haha! There’s nothing better than Disney than Disney customer service!

I have my alarms set for 6:30 AM and I’m planning to meet L in Atlanta (it’s the most central location for us since she lives 3 hours southeast of me) at 8 AM which is about 30 minutes away from my house. I need to stop for gas and I wanted to give time for any Atlanta traffic I might run into (Atlanta traffic is so bad there’s a chance there will be delays at 7 AM on Father’s Day🤦‍♀️), so I’m planning to leave my house at 7. As I mentioned earlier, I’ll try to keep this report semi-live, but there’s a good chance I’ll have to write most of it when I return. I fear our days will just be too busy for me to set time aside to write, but I’ll make sure to keep detailed notes even if I don’t have time to write!

Next stop, Atlanta, and then Disney World!!


Well-Known Member
Safe travels today!

I have lost so many magic bands over the years. Last trip, I just used my phone, and it worked really well!
I’m told I can also use my Apple Watch, but I’ve yet to figure out how to keep it from ‘locking’ when I flip my wrist over to scan in or verify my lightening lane. So I just stick with the phone.


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Safe travels today!

I have lost so many magic bands over the years. Last trip, I just used my phone, and it worked really well!
I’m told I can also use my Apple Watch, but I’ve yet to figure out how to keep it from ‘locking’ when I flip my wrist over to scan in or verify my lightening lane. So I just stick with the phone.
Safe travels. Have a great trip!
I wish I had seen these comments before I bought my magic band. As everyone is about to read in the trip report post I’ll be doing today, getting my magic band was disastrous!


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Day 1 - Sunday, June 16: Travel and Disney Springs

Considering I got to bed so late the night before, I was incredibly surprised when I woke up immediately to my 6:30 AM alarm. I guess the Disney excitement was enough to keep me awake! I grabbed the last few things I needed to pack and made a quick breakfast and I was out of my house by 7:15 AM. This was about 15 minutes later than I meant to leave, but considering it was so early in the morning on Father’s Day, traffic was a breeze and 15 minutes late didn’t matter. I stopped for quick fill up at Costco gas and was at L and I’s meeting spot at 7:55 AM. When I got there, L was already there and she quickly put her stuff in my car and we were off! I immediately made a wrong turn and accidentally got on I-75 North instead of I-75 South, but it was only a 5 minute delay and we were off to Orlando! We only ended up making one stop in Valdosta, Georgia to fill up gas right before we entered Florida since gas is more expensive in Florida, so we were making great time!

The original plan had been to go straight to Disney Springs, but our ETA in Orlando was 2:15, so we decided to try to call the Dolphin at around 1:30 to check in early, and luckily they had a room available! We ran into a little bit of traffic on the Florida Turnpike, so we didn’t end up actually arriving to the Dolphin until 2:30. We accidentally drove in the valet entrance at first, but they told us if we just took the next right, we could enter the self parking lot. By 2:45, we were up in our room on the west side on the eighth floor. We had a great view!

We were so excited to get unpacked that I realize now I forgot to take any room pictures, but the room was pretty nice! Two nice, very comfortable beds, a small chair and desk, a flat screen tv, a mini fridge, a bathtub/shower and toilet, and the sink and mirror in a different room. They also had a little vanity area separate from the sink, so it was nice to have two mirrors to get ready in! They also had complimentary water bottles in the room which was a nice touch!

We left the room by 3:15 to go back to the car and we already managed to get lost leaving the room and went 1 floor too far down🤦‍♀️ After realizing our mistake, we took the escalator one floor up and walked out to the car and were leaving to Disney springs by 3:30.

After a 10 minute drive, we parked in the lime garage and were at Disney springs. Our first stop was meant to be at guest services to pick up our graduation pins, but we passed by Uniqlo so we stopped in since L wanted a pair of cool, linen pants from there to wear one of our park days.

She saw a pair she liked, but she said she wanted to think about it some still so we continued our walk to guest services. I tried to use my phone’s GPS to get to guest services, but the location was completely wrong on my phone, so we ended up consulting one of the maps posted in Disney Springs instead, and eventually were able to find it.

We quickly grabbed our celebration buttons and were off to explore Disney Springs!

We had no real goals while exploring so we ended up just doing a lot of window shopping and stopping in stores for some AC. The first store we stopped in was Super Dry, and they had some cool stuff, but it was all pretty expensive.

After Super Dry, we both realized we had never actually gotten lunch, so we grabbed some snacks to tide us over until lunch. L stopped at the Geoffrey’s stand to grab a Banana Split smoothie. She said it wasn’t necessarily bad, but super weird. I stopped at an ice cream stand next door to grab a Mickey bar. It melted super quickly and was really messy, but it was tasty!

After food, we stopped in the Star Wars Outpost just to look around.

After that, we decided it was time to grab magic bands. We first looked at D-Tech to see the price for the custom ones. They were pretty much the same price of any other magic band with a design at like $50! We also stopped to look at the selection of magic bands in pin traders and in World of Disney.

Surprisingly enough, World of Disney didn’t have any magic bands, so we went back to pin traders so L could get a cool Tiana one she saw and I stopped by D-Tech to make my own. There were limited color choices for D-Tech magic bands, but I settled on a navy blue one with an animal kingdom design because it had Pluto, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daffy, Goofy, Chip, and Dale all in cute safari uniforms! I was also happy to see that my Disney gift cards I had bought from Target worked at D-Tech.

After L got her magic band and I ordered mine, we continued our exploration of Disney Springs, stopping at Basin next. We tried the salt stuff on our hands and it left our hands feeling super soft!

Our next stop was crystal arts, and I took a few pictures of some particularly beautiful things in there.

Next, we stopped at the toy store, Once Upon a Toy. I’m a huge board game fan, and I added some cool Disney themed board games from there to my birthday wish list.

I reached the picture limit for this post, so to be continued…


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Day 1 - Sunday, June 16: Travel and Disney Springs Cont.
After Once Upon a Toy, we walked in a store selling tea, but the smell was so overwhelming we had to leave pretty quickly. From there, we went to the Christmas shop.

We saw the cutest little Stich pride ornament there.

After the Christmas shop, we went to the art of Disney store and I ended grabbing this cute little dog tag for my dog.

The words were a bit small, but it was an adorable souvenir for $15! After Art of Disney, we checked out Goofy’s Candy Store.

We were hoping to go in the Lego store after but the line was insane (it wrapped all the way around the store).

After skipping out on the Lego Store, we stopped in Volcom, but were sad to see they had no special Disney stuff. We also stopped to look at a window display of kimonos we hadn’t seen before at Uniqlo. We also walked in T-Rex Cafe just so L could see the theming.

I thought the little T-Rex van outside was cute.

After T-Rex we picked up my magic band at D-Tech. It looked like it was dead so I plugged the charger into my portable battery (more on this later, the magic band was a disaster🤦‍♀️).

While the magic band was charging we stopped in this boutique called Trend just to get some AC and we saw these funny slippers.

We kept walking around to kill time before our dinner reservation and saw 4 different performers. This electric harp player was super cool.

Next stop, dinner at Rainforest Cafe!
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Well-Known Member
Day 1 - Sunday, June 16: Travel and Disney Springs

Considering I got to bed so late the night before, I was incredibly surprised when I woke up immediately to my 6:30 AM alarm. I guess the Disney excitement was enough to keep me awake! I grabbed the last few things I needed to pack and made a quick breakfast and I was out of my house by 7:15 AM. This was about 15 minutes later than I meant to leave, but considering it was so early in the morning on Father’s Day, traffic was a breeze and 15 minutes late didn’t matter. I stopped for quick fill up at Costco gas and was at L and I’s meeting spot at 7:55 AM. When I got there, L was already there and she quickly put her stuff in my car and we were off! I immediately made a wrong turn and accidentally got on I-75 North instead of I-75 South, but it was only a 5 minute delay and we were off to Orlando! We only ended up making one stop in Valdosta, Georgia to fill up gas right before we entered Florida since gas is more expensive in Florida, so we were making great time!

The original plan had been to go straight to Disney Springs, but our ETA in Orlando was 2:15, so we decided to try to call the Dolphin at around 1:30 to check in early, and luckily they had a room available! We ran into a little bit of traffic on the Florida Turnpike, so we didn’t end up actually arriving to the Dolphin until 2:30. We accidentally drove in the valet entrance at first, but they told us if we just took the next right, we could enter the self parking lot. By 2:45, we were up in our room on the west side on the eighth floor. We had a great view!
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We were so excited to get unpacked that I realize now I forgot to take any room pictures, but the room was pretty nice! Two nice, very comfortable beds, a small chair and desk, a flat screen tv, a mini fridge, a bathtub/shower and toilet, and the sink and mirror in a different room. They also had a little vanity area separate from the sink, so it was nice to have two mirrors to get ready in! They also had complimentary water bottles in the room which was a nice touch!

We left the room by 3:15 to go back to the car and we already managed to get lost leaving the room and went 1 floor too far down🤦‍♀️ After realizing our mistake, we took the escalator one floor up and walked out to the car and were leaving to Disney springs by 3:30.

After a 10 minute drive, we parked in the lime garage and were at Disney springs. Our first stop was meant to be at guest services to pick up our graduation pins, but we passed by Uniqlo so we stopped in since L wanted a pair of cool, linen pants from there to wear one of our park days.

She saw a pair she liked, but she said she wanted to think about it some still so we continued our walk to guest services. I tried to use my phone’s GPS to get to guest services, but the location was completely wrong on my phone, so we ended up consulting one of the maps posted in Disney Springs instead, and eventually were able to find it.
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We quickly grabbed our celebration buttons and were off to explore Disney Springs!View attachment 794466

We had no real goals while exploring so we ended up just doing a lot of window shopping and stopping in stores for some AC. The first store we stopped in was Super Dry, and they had some cool stuff, but it was all pretty expensive.

After Super Dry, we both realized we had never actually gotten lunch, so we grabbed some snacks to tide us over until lunch. L stopped at the Geoffrey’s stand to grab a Banana Split smoothie. She said it wasn’t necessarily bad, but super weird. I stopped at an ice cream stand next door to grab a Mickey bar. It melted super quickly and was really messy, but it was tasty!
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After food, we stopped in the Star Wars Outpost just to look around. View attachment 794472

After that, we decided it was time to grab magic bands. We first looked at D-Tech to see the price for the custom ones. They were pretty much the same price of any other magic band with a design at like $50! We also stopped to look at the selection of magic bands in pin traders and in World of Disney.
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Surprisingly enough, World of Disney didn’t have any magic bands, so we went back to pin traders so L could get a cool Tiana one she saw and I stopped by D-Tech to make my own. There were limited color choices for D-Tech magic bands, but I settled on a navy blue one with an animal kingdom design because it had Pluto, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daffy, Goofy, Chip, and Dale all in cute safari uniforms! I was also happy to see that my Disney gift cards I had bought from Target worked at D-Tech.

After L got her magic band and I ordered mine, we continued our exploration of Disney Springs, stopping at Basin next. We tried the salt stuff on our hands and it left our hands feeling super soft!
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Our next stop was crystal arts, and I took a few pictures of some particularly beautiful things in there.View attachment 794470View attachment 794471

Next, we stopped at the toy store, Once Upon a Toy. I’m a huge board game fan, and I added some cool Disney themed board games from there to my birthday wish list.
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I reached the picture limit for this post, so to be continued…
I absolutely LOVE board games!

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