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New Member
maybe they are complainning because they are working six days a week with very few hours each day? I would rather work 10 hour shifts for four days and have three days off in a row... that´s how it was in the pavillions.


Well-Known Member
And before you blame me for "choosing my job." And before I'm notified that I should seek another job, let it be known: I have been trying to go to Guest Relations for the past 6 months. Unfortunately, I was "screwed" by a manager and denied a Union Steward at my request, due to an argument between another CM and myself, which all witnesses blamed her for. Yet, because in Disney, seniority=truth, and real truth is a joke, I was forced to take the fall for this event.

I think you need to re-read the part about attitude that I wrote. Some times stuff happens, we need to accept that and move on.

I have met quite a few cast members at Disney with stories like yours. Unfortunately, the first thing I have noticed is this person's attitude. First of all, I didnt ask to hear their story nor did I even know them. They just started telling me how Disney has it in for them. By the end of their self initiated interview, I am usually leaning to the conclusion that the individual actually played a very big part in their own situation. However, without the other side of the story, I don't condemn them nor Disney. I just point out that they need make a change in their life whether that be attitude, job, whatever. It doesnt matter. Its just painfully obvious these folks aren't happy in their present situation.

Disney isn't for everyone.

Also, if you are aspiring to certian personal goals at Disney and aren't meeting them, then by all means change your plans. The only thing that ever holds you back in life is yourself. If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. As Richard Bach said "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however."


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr

I think you need to re-read the part about attitude that I wrote. Some times stuff happens, we need to accept that and move on.

I have met quite a few cast members at Disney with stories like yours. Unfortunately, the first thing I have noticed is this person's attitude. First of all, I didnt ask to hear their story nor did I even know them. They just started telling me how Disney has it in for them. By the end of their self initiated interview, I am usually leaning to the conclusion that the individual actually played a very big part in their own situation. However, without the other side of the story, I don't condemn them nor Disney. I just point out that they need make a change in their life whether that be attitude, job, whatever. It doesnt matter. Its just painfully obvious these folks aren't happy in their present situation.

Disney isn't for everyone.

Also, if you are aspiring to certian personal goals at Disney and aren't meeting them, then by all means change your plans. The only thing that ever holds you back in life is yourself. If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. As Richard Bach said "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however."

of course I'm not happy in my current situation with Disney... but no one in their right mind would be. It is entrapment, for lack of a better term. I am not being allowed to leave entertainment, because I was forced to take the blame for something I didn't do. Then when I attempted to take the proper steps to correct the situation, management laughed at me, the union laughed at me, and employee relations avoided me. I am now dealing with the state over this issue, and what's sad is, by the time it is resolved, I will probably either (A) have left Disney altogether and bought an AP, or (B) it will have taken so long, that I will be back within WDW transfer guidelines, and then I will get the hell out of entertainment.

As for your quote... the past 6 months, my labor and troubles, have gone to waste, as I have been continually laughed at and just been screwed by the rat (sorry.. I like mice.)

now as for my attitude. Considering what I've gone through these last 6 months working for Disney, as well as my entire history working for Disney (the last 4 years, starting w/ Disney Regional Entertainment, Disney Corporate, and WDW) I feel I have been extremely positive in my attitude. The fact that I haven't named names (there's a lot of them too) or gotten into specifics, I feel I have a good attitude. But it's all about perception.. and I perceive it as I wrote it. If you perceive it deifferently, then read my signature.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Thank you niteobsrvr!!!

Oh, and by the way, tiggerman. Whether or not you would like to believe it, if you actually believe most of these things you have written, YOU ARE BITTER!!!!!!!!

I have never heard ANYONE complain so much about a place and a job that they chose themselves!

And your posts don't offend anyone personally, they're simply downers all the way around. I'm actually not that positive of a person myself. I'm told day in and day out to stop being so negative. So, for me to recognize someone ELSE's negativity and bitterness means they are, indeed, negative and bitter.

If this post offends you personally, realize that I have opinions, and I guess that puts me in with that special 10% of those who have them.

brer big bear

Account Suspended

i was reading about what you people say about wdw jobs. for me i don't mind working six days a week as long as the pay was good. so how much does wdw pay? i wont mind working there as a pt or ft plus the perks working there seem awesome. so how do i apply for a job:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Re: hey!!!

Originally posted by brer big bear
i was reading about what you people say about wdw jobs. for me i don't mind working six days a week as long as the pay was good. so how much does wdw pay? i wont mind working there as a pt or ft plus the perks working there seem awesome. so how do i apply for a job:sohappy:

...good pay??? ...ehhhhhh.... comment..Im not a CM so I cant say for sure..but I am almost positive you could make a good 2-3 dollars more an hour working for Disneys compeitition....


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Re: hey!!!

Originally posted by brer big bear
so how much does wdw pay?

so how do i apply for a job

you want the truth?

I'll give you the truth: $6.35/hr starting for attractions. That seems to be the job that most people who inquire about employment want.

Now for how to apply, just go into the casting building and fill out an application. WDW is willing to give ANYONE a chance... ANYONE


New Member
I'm only saying as a CP but we only made 6 dollars an hour..... blah The pay isn't that great... but that is a whole other thread on the horrors of the college program (which I loved.. really I did but I won't get into it right now :) )

I think pt starts at maybe 6.50? 6.75? not quite sure...


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Oh, and by the way, tiggerman. Whether or not you would like to believe it, if you actually believe most of these things you have written, YOU ARE BITTER!!!!!!!!

you have an opinion, and that makes you a better man.

as for the bitterness... right now it's more frustration and anger, with a sense of betrayal (hey disney, I gave you the best 4 years of my life.. how about you throw me a friggin rope here :drevil: ). But don't fret... If things go as planned, and I am back in guidelines by this summer, you can bet yer I''ll be out of WDW entertainment, and my cheerful posts will return.


New Member
at the Disney Store...starting wage is $5.50 p/h...but one has to understand that when you work for work because of your LOVE of Disney (and the discounts :animwink: ) ... not for the pay...hehe...its aggravating a lot of times...but if you love Disney enough...then you will enjoy the job no matter what!



Premium Member
If you apply for a job in attractions, do you get to request which attraction or attractions you'd prefer to be assigned to? Or is it a "luck of the draw" kind of thing?


Well-Known Member
Starting Pay is 6.50 for many jobs. Higher for those jobs that require some experience or professional skills. Disney is unionized so the rest of the pay scale and some benefits depend on your seniority and what the union is able to negotiate. You get to top pay after 5 years of employment which puts most folks in the 10 to 13 dollar an hour range.

As an FYI: the union is not very strong for those of you familiar with union employment. Partially due to Florida law and partially due to the people who serve as union leadership.

By the way, Disney's pay and the competitions pay is basically the same.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by MrNonacho
If you apply for a job in attractions, do you get to request which attraction or attractions you'd prefer to be assigned to? Or is it a "luck of the draw" kind of thing?

you can request which area, and from there, they choose which attraction you get trained in. For example: I originally chose Disneyquest Attractions.. I learned EVERYTHING there.

then I transferred to Frontierland Attraction.. in hope to learn Splash or Big Thunder Mountain.. I learned Keel Boats (which BTW, everyone I spoke to liked them better, so I was happy that I did the boats)

Then I went to tomorrowland.. in hope of learning Space Mtn.. I learned Alien Encounter... I HATED IT (sorry.. I don't like the attraction much to begin with, so working it wasn't a picnic).

So you can choose which area (I suggest studios Area 3.. RnRC, ToT, and Fantasmic/B&B Crowd Control or MK Adventureland-Liberty Square) but not which attraction ("can I work splash mountain.. NO! You're gonna do country bears")


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by DisneyrazZ
if you love Disney enough...then you will enjoy the job no matter what!

Industial Psych is my minor, and I can tell you both from my studies, and from experience, that no matter how much you like a company, if you are treated poorly, and you feel that you are not valued/taken seriously as an employee, you will not enjoy the job. I wish a lot of my entertainment management could take those classes.. maybe improve on the treatment of CM's in the department.

I do know of some good areas to work in though!!! I do!! I'm trying to get into one!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
As an FYI: the union is not very strong for those of you familiar with union employment. Partially due to Florida law and partially due to the people who serve as union leadership.

By the way, Disney's pay and the competitions pay is basically the same.

yes! FL is a right to work state. What that basically means is that all employees working in a Unionized company, regardless of union affiliation/membership, have to get the same benefits and protection give to those that are union members.

Plus, in WDW, the union is a JOKE. I was a member, until I realized that I could get an extra $5 a week in my paycheck, and STILL get the same protection.. woohoo!! that's an extra trip to McDonalds!!

now for the pay.. here's the info on WDW and competitors:

pay rank.. from high to low:

1-most Orlando roadside attractions (ie. Gatorland, The Holy Land, Skyventure, etc)
2-Sea World

now for job satisfaction rates in the 3 major theme parks:

3-Sea World

there's some info I was able to gather..


Premium Member
Thanks for the info, mktiggerman. Once you are trained on a certain attraction or job, do you ever get reassigned to another one? How long would you have to wait before you could request to be transferred to another area?


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by MrNonacho
Once you are trained on a certain attraction or job, do you ever get reassigned to another one? How long would you have to wait before you could request to be transferred to another area?

CM's are cross trained depending on the labor situations... if they need CM's trained at another attractions. If they don't need more people, then it tends to be a 6 month rule. Like, i was trained in Alien Encounter in Feb, then in August, I was trained in Space Mountain and Buzz (they needed people for Space Mtn, and I wanted to learn Buzz). There's a TON of factors involved.

For transferring, it's 6 months if you're part time, provided you meet WDW transfer guidelines. Remember though, If you ever want a promotion, it's good to show that you're a stable CM, and haven't moved around a lot.


I'm lucky enough to work for great people in my current job (non-Disney). But the department I was in before was a nightmare. I woke up screaming at night from the stress this witch caused us.

I knew I had to get away. It wasn't healthy to be frustrated or stressed out in a job. I called people I knew in other depts asking if they needed anyone. That's how I got where I am today. People that respected my work took me.

If that didn't happen, I'm sure I would have left.

Tigger you sound so frustrated and angry. Does everyone you work with know how you feel? I ask because that may work against you when looking somewhere else. Will that new mgr know about this? Just don't burn any bridges you may need to cross down the road.

As for the post about working 60 hours a week for 40 hour pay and coming in on Saturdays.. .IIEWW.. No job is worth that for me. Big deal if you make a lot of money doing it. You cannot enjoy the fruits of your labor, because your labor never ends! I do believe strongly in a work/life balance. Unfortunately many companies today don't value the employee, nor do many managers value the fact that their employees have lives outside of work (which they seem to think only applies to themselves).

Bottom line is, if the job is making you upset and angry.. is it worth it??? If it is, then venting every other msg doesn't help you to move on and enjoy the good aspects of it.


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Whats the old phrase, "the grass is always greener". mktiggerman you should work in casting after a pitch like yours only the most dedicated would want to work there. I finish my present job next summer after 22 years, most of the time ive had a ball, met some trully great people, seen some damn fine places too.
I can identify with many of youre feelings, and experiences, but to be honest I think that most BIG companies will produce similar tales. Im realistic enough to know that good will dosent pay bills and to feel tied is the worst sensation of all. But hey you at least wake up every day in a part of the world where the sky dosent look as if its 10 ft above youre head. Remember the only good fights are the ones you can win.

By the way if you think you had it tough try living in a ISO container in a disused matl factory working 12hour shifts 6 days a week for 4 months. Oh and on the one day off you have to still stay in the factory. But we were happy...AS IIIIFFFFF!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
It just amazes me the number of cast members that complain about not getting enough hours and then turn around and complain about having to work 6 days a week.

Well... it depends on how you look at it. I know people who are getting six 6hr shifts per week. Working six days... but only getting 36 hours. Me personally, I get 32hrs in Busses (Due to my recent transfer... it'll change), but I always extend out, and pick up extra shifts, so I usually work 50 or so hours per week. Not to mention Busses is one of the highest paygrades in Disney... I'm happy with all that, as I love my job, and am a workaholic. There will be days for me, where I am scheduled an 8hr shift, and out of those 8 hours, I will drive for 4 hours, and be on scheduled break for four hours. Some people love that, me, I'd rather be driving. :)

On a flip note... in Monorails... so many people got fed up with the department, that they are now desperate for help, and extremly shorthanded. They have people working 36 hour shifts... which in my eyes is dangerous, and ridiculous.

Originally posted by niteobsrvr
As an FYI: the union is not very strong for those of you familiar with union employment.

Actually... that really depends on what union. We are Teamsters in Busses, and I can assure you, it's quite strong. And true, Florida is a Right To Work state, and as such, even those who are not part of the union are protected, however, I'll add that they won't receive the same level of protection.

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