Good luck for Disney Dinner Ressies Late Sept.!

To those going to WDW in late September and hoping to get ANY dining reservations for dinner, I say good luck!

I tried getting reservations for Cinderellas Royal Table, Tony's Town Square, Libert Tree Tavern, Crystal Palace. All booked out. Also booked out: Mama Melrose, Sci-Fi, 50's Prime Time, Italy, Canada, and on and on. Disney obviously overbooked the promotion for free dining and it will be a nightmare for both guests and CMs. This is so wrong! How will anybody hope to get a meal under the wonderful dining plan? Get ready for the complaints because they are going to be severe (and justifiably so)!

"Dining your way" sounds more like "Dining, NO WAY!"

:fork: :fork: :fork:


Well-Known Member
I only stated what I believe, from what I heard. Not what is fact. Am I aloud to do that? Do I have your permission?

Everyone is blasting the original poster yourself included without finding out for sure if they are wrong or right. I was stating what happened to me when I called and wanted to report it was all.

You may be right, but you don't know so why can't others type something without you attacking?

And someone might read what you think and assume you are jerk for attacking when you might not be. So try not to attack what others say unless you yourself are the all perfect being... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

wannab@dis said:
No, you weren't "just stating what happened". You have attempted in your last two posts to make a point that they were limiting the number of dining plan PS.

Did you not write that?

So, to that I say you are not correct and they are not going to purposefully limit the number of PS for the dining plan. Some people may read what you "think" and take it for granted and therefore be misinformed.

One last thing... :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
I only stated what I believe, from what I heard. Not what is fact. Am I aloud to do that? Do I have your permission?

Everyone is blasting the original poster yourself included without finding out for sure if they are wrong or right. I was stating what happened to me when I called and wanted to report it was all.

You may be right, but you don't know so why can't others type something without you attacking?

And someone might read what you think and assume you are jerk for attacking when you might not be. So try not to attack what others say unless you yourself are the all perfect being... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I never attacked you the way you have been doing in your posts. I said I didn't agree, it didn't make sense and the logic was absurd.

If you can't stand when people don't agree with you... then maybe you shouldn't be posting. If you don't agree with me, say so, but back off with the name calling. Not agreeing with you or the OP is not attacking or blasting. I wrote my opinion, said what I thought, and attempted to logically prove my point without ever personally attacking you or calling you a jerk. You can't say the same.
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New Member
It's sad that disagreeing with someone is considered an attack these days.

There were some attacks on this thread, but from my point of view, they weren't coming from Wannab@dis.
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Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I never attacked you the way you have been doing in your posts. I said I didn't agree, it didn't make sense and the logic was absurd.

If you can't stand when people don't agree with you... then maybe you shouldn't be posting. If you don't agree with me, say so, but back off with the name calling. Not agreeing with you or the OP is not attacking or blasting. I wrote my opinion, said what I thought, and attempted to logically prove my point without ever personally attacking you or calling you a jerk. You can't say the same.

Saying what I said was absurd without knowing the facts or rolling eyes about what I said is an attack whether you see it that way or not. And don't tell me I should be or shouldn't be posting, that is not your call. And yes, go back and look at the what many people responded the orginal poster, they were blasting him for what he said. I was only reporting what I exerienced to say he might be right, not is right.

And by the way just saying that you thought I was saying was absurd is not logically proving your point.

Let's agree to disagree and move on. I really am sicking of fighting here when I only wanted to report what had happened to me...
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Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Why not attack the post and not the poster ?

Calling someone a 'jerk' because them seem to come off 'hard nosed' isn't right. As has been said before and will undoubtedly have to be repeated (not to you, but to others with disagreements), even with the amount of smileys available, many times it's hard to convey context of someone's post.

Why not just take it as that wannabe@dis disagreed with the OP, and agree or disagree with WHAT he posted, not the WAY he posted.

You are correct, tone does not always come accross correctly in a typed message. A rolly eyes does come off as a slap and I took it that way. If he did not mean it that way then fine. I said I only wanted to post what I experienced and felt I was being attacked. I don't want to fight about it and said lets agree to disagree and move on...
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Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
Saying what I said was absurd without knowing the facts or rolling eyes about what I said is an attack whether you see it that way or not. And don't tell me I should be or shouldn't be posting, that is not your call. And yes, go back and look at the what many people responded the orginal poster, they were blasting him for what he said. I was only reporting what I exerienced to say he might be right, not is right.

And by the way just saying that you thought I was saying was absurd is not logically proving your point.

Let's agree to disagree and move on. I really am sicking of fighting here when I only wanted to report what had happened to me...

I apologize if you thought that I was saying YOU WERE absurd. You didn't read my post correctly.

Limiting the number of PS for people with the dining plan would be absurd. It would open them up to bad publicity and it could be used in a lawsuit as being a fraud. That is my logic.
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Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Why not attack the post and not the poster ?

Calling someone a 'jerk' because them seem to come off 'hard nosed' isn't right. As has been said before and will undoubtedly have to be repeated (not to you, but to others with disagreements), even with the amount of smileys available, many times it's hard to convey context of someone's post.

Why not just take it as that wannabe@dis disagreed with the OP, and agree or disagree with WHAT he posted, not the WAY he posted.

Also, I kind of said what you are tying say in my post if you go and read it again. I said someone might think he was a jerk and he might not be, meaning the tone in his post can come off that way. I never said he was a jerk, just wanted to state that.
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Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I apologize if you thought that I was saying YOU WERE absurd. You didn't read my post correctly.

Limiting the number of PS for people with the dining plan would be absurd. It would open them up to bad publicity and it could be used in a lawsuit as being a fraud. That is my logic.

Thank-you an I apolgize for taking offense and arguing. If you read my last post you will also see what I meant with the jerk comment. It is hard to read someone with words alone. :)

Also, again I have no stake in this as I don't have a dining plan. I just wanted to state what occured when I called.
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Active Member
mrtoad said:
Just a follow up on this. I do believe they are only taking a certain amount of the dining plan reservations a day. We just got back on Sunday and called throughout the week for several reservations and each time before telling me if they had availability they asked if I was on a dining package. We were not so it was not big deal, but I did get the feel that the answer would have been no for the times I chose if I said yes I was...

I still really don't think that this is the case. Whenever they've asked me for my trip next week, I always explain that two people are on the DDE and two are on the dining plan, and they say that it's really not a big deal - that they only ask in order to make sure that people know how many TS entitlements each restaurant is and in order to keep stats on the whole thing. When there was no later dinner time available for the Sci-Fi and Coral Reef, I asked two different CMs if it would be possible to get those tables if the people only used the DDE or nothing at all. They said it didn't make a difference one way or the other.

Granted, they obviously wouldn't say that they were trying to limit the number of ressies that people on the dining plan are trying to make as that would open up a big 'ol can of worms, but I am much more inclined to believe their position.
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New Member
I just made reservations for our trip Sept 24-28. I got reservations for Mama Melrose, Cinderella, Teppanyaki and Les Chefs. I only got shut out of Le Cellier. So, just keep trying and be flexible I guess. The rep I talked to was very helpful and let me now when things were available on what days.
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To give some more people hope:

I've been calling off and on for reservations for dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table for the past couple of weeks to no avail. I was even told a few times that they were completely booked until mid-November.

I called two days ago and asked for dinner any time between 9/19 and 9/23 and not only did I get reservations, I had three options a little after 4, a little after 7, and shortly before 9... on the first day she checked. Who knows how many others were available for the rest of the week?

Keep trying! Things change, apparently.
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Diane Hughess

New Member
What Happens?

Let's say I make a reservation for Le Cellier for Dinner. The CS asks if we are on a dining plan, & I say "yes" the MYW w/Dining. If we don't show up, does our meal plan get charged???
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Active Member
Diane Hughess said:
Let's say I make a reservation for Le Cellier for Dinner. The CS asks if we are on a dining plan, & I say "yes" the MYW w/Dining. If we don't show up, does our meal plan get charged???

That being said - have a heart and cancel your ressie so that you can give other people a shot at your table!!!!! :)
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New Member
We were just able to get a dinner ressie at 50's PrimeTime for 9/16..They had quite a few time slots open.

There is hope for people who still needs to make ADR's for Sept.

Only 19 days until we are in WDW!!
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Just called for my last two dining reservations today, requested Mama Melrose's for Sept 25th, it's booked from 5:00 to closing, so I booked a noon time. Then requested CRT for Sept 30th, it's booked all day!! I'm now eating at Liberty Tree that night. Yes, I'm on the Dining Plan too!
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Active Member
Spoke w/Dining Reservations last night. LeCellier is booked till 850pm on 9/25 but got one a Rose and Crown. They said whole night was basically open.
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Active Member
Le Cellier is one of the most difficult restaurants to get ressie's if you don't make them ASAP because it is very popular and the restaurant itself not very large.
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Well-Known Member
We got most of our PS that we wanted and we have a group of about 10 people...The only thing we didn't get was Cindy's for breakfast- but we got that for lunch instead :D We are going in November-December though and I don't think the dining goes till then- so maybe that's the difference?
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