Good luck for Disney Dinner Ressies Late Sept.!

To those going to WDW in late September and hoping to get ANY dining reservations for dinner, I say good luck!

I tried getting reservations for Cinderellas Royal Table, Tony's Town Square, Libert Tree Tavern, Crystal Palace. All booked out. Also booked out: Mama Melrose, Sci-Fi, 50's Prime Time, Italy, Canada, and on and on. Disney obviously overbooked the promotion for free dining and it will be a nightmare for both guests and CMs. This is so wrong! How will anybody hope to get a meal under the wonderful dining plan? Get ready for the complaints because they are going to be severe (and justifiably so)!

"Dining your way" sounds more like "Dining, NO WAY!"

:fork: :fork: :fork:


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thedisneyfan said:
I never read his article and could care less about it. The ONLY thing I have ever had to have a reservation 90 days out for was Cinderella's Breakfast.

Well, I tried to warn you 80 plus days out from your trip that things change and that not calling early is bad advice.

I qualify right now as the person entitled to say "I told you so." I got proof.
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Well-Known Member
thedisneyfan said:
Sorry, but when you are told that there are NO Restaurants after they sold you a vacation that includes restaurants then it's not "whiny-ness." I'm glad to meet the first person in the world whom has never had a problem with anything anywhere. :wave:

No, I think that zing was for me complaining about the dresscode no for you. But I could care less and will be as whiney as I want.... :)
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Original Poster
mrtoad said:
No, I think that zing was for me complaining about the dresscode no for you. But I could care less and will be as whiney as I want.... :)

Sorry, I just thought it was stone the imperfect person who attempts to make a legitimate complaint/concern about something going on at WDW day and thought that it was aimed at me. Probably still was. The problem is that (and I know that this is difficult to get through to certain people) NO (that's right NO) dinner reservations exist for the Magic Kingdom (and most other restaurants). I've never seen this before, especially during an off-season period.
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You don't have to use your sit down meals for dinner. That's a choice you're making. Lunches! Midday heat! Air conditioning! Lunches!

That rant aside - I understand your fustration. But there are options.
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New Member
Keep trying is all I can say. During our trip 6/22-7/1, I called Disney dining from my cellphone at 11:30a.m. while exiting Test Track and by 12:20p.m. I was having a glass of wine at Alfredo's. We also made PS's for Teppenyaki (7:30 p.m.) and Le Cellier(6:15 p.m.) the day before we left, and as you can see the times were not too early or late. Good Luck!

And to everyone else, cut the guy some slack. We all now the pressures when you try to plan that perfect vacation. Sometimes, we just use these boards to let off a little steam.
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I called three weeks ago and got le Cellier, San Angel Inn, Sci-Fi, Coral Reef, O'hana .... the only one I was not able to get was the Royal Table. Le Cellier is for lunch also.
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Active Member
thedisneyfan said:
Sorry, I just thought it was stone the imperfect person who attempts to make a legitimate complaint/concern about something going on at WDW day and thought that it was aimed at me. Probably still was. The problem is that (and I know that this is difficult to get through to certain people) NO (that's right NO) dinner reservations exist for the Magic Kingdom (and most other restaurants). I've never seen this before, especially during an off-season period.
Is it no reservations, period, or no reservations during the prime dinner times? And is it really for the entire week-long period that you're going to be there?

Before you jump all over me - it's an honest question! Because you may be able to get something for, say 4:30 dinner, and then still be able to eat in the restaurants that you want. Same thing has happened to me when I have changed my reservations within the month of going to WDW (yes, even in the "quieter" periods). Worse comes to worse, you could make your ressies at less desirable times, and then hope for the best to be able to switch them later on.

Besides, earlier dinners are good if you're on the dining plan, because that way you can eat an earlier counter service meal, have an earlier dinner and not have to worry too much about snacks during the day.

Also, you may have gotten a singularly unhelpful person at WDWDining. Try again later, and you may have better luck.

Another tip - try again in the morning, the earlier the better! That's when any cancellations do show up in the database (or at least, that's what I've been told).
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Well-Known Member
Having to agree with him (it's hard to admit) on that. We usually try to do nice sit down lunches for a few reasons.

A nice break in the day.
Less dealing with the long counter service lines and then have trouble finding a table or one with enough chairs.
Easier to get.

If you do a mid afternoon lunch rather than 12:00 or 1:00 you will have a better chance as well. Though same is probably true for dinner. Go either early like 4:30 or 4:45 and have a snack later or go to a late dinner like 8:00 or something.
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lawyergirl77 said:
Another tip - try again in the morning, the earlier the better! That's when any cancellations do show up in the database (or at least, that's what I've been told).

Sort of not true. They go right back in, but "secondary levels" (read: concierge) use a different system to pick them out before anyone sees them. However, just because the reservations centers are closed doesn't mean concierge, guest services, and resorts aren't making/canceling ressies. So during the several hours of the ngiht that res-centers are closed, some ressies tend to "collect" making it seem like more ressies magicly appeared over night.
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Original Poster
mousermerf said:
Well, I tried to warn you 80 plus days out from your trip that things change and that not calling early is bad advice.

I qualify right now as the person entitled to say "I told you so." I got proof.

Sorry, but you don't because:

1. I never read the post or the article and could care less about them.

2. Your brilliant post, now having had the misfortune to read it, lacks one key element: your advise about booking the miraculous 80 days out. I know someone like yourself will clearly correct this er....well....incorrect, false, outright wrong claim about advising people to book 80 days out. Because otherwise what you said earlier to refer to your previous thread in the earlier post would be well.......let's just say BAD ADVISE?
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Original Poster
lawyergirl77 said:
Is it no reservations, period, or no reservations during the prime dinner times? And is it really for the entire week-long period that you're going to be there?

Before you jump all over me - it's an honest question! Because you may be able to get something for, say 4:30 dinner, and then still be able to eat in the restaurants that you want. Same thing has happened to me when I have changed my reservations within the month of going to WDW (yes, even in the "quieter" periods). Worse comes to worse, you could make your ressies at less desirable times, and then hope for the best to be able to switch them later on.

Besides, earlier dinners are good if you're on the dining plan, because that way you can eat an earlier counter service meal, have an earlier dinner and not have to worry too much about snacks during the day.

Also, you may have gotten a singularly unhelpful person at WDWDining. Try again later, and you may have better luck.

Another tip - try again in the morning, the earlier the better! That's when any cancellations do show up in the database (or at least, that's what I've been told).

No, I'm trying to calm down (a little). It's really not directed at Mousermerf or anyone else, but Magic Kingdom dinners for all times are booked out along with many other restaurants including, but not limited to: Mama Melrose, Sci-Fi, 50's Prime Time, etc. Sorry, But I would like to eat dinner at the parks sometime during my week stay. The enormity of the "all booked" or "sold out" status is the thing that is freaking me out as I have never seen this and also want to warn all others for planning something during this time (which is where the news portion of my rant arises). But I will try most of the advise given, and I will hope for some magical pixie dust to fall my way!
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While I'm in the same boat as you (going at the end of September, didn't make any reservations early enough), I certainly don't blame Disney for it. People are getting food for free - so of course they are going to go to the most expensive/popular places. People who normally wouldn't think of spending $100+ dollars (or more) to eat at Cinderella's Royal Table are more than happy to go now that they aren't paying a dime. You'd better believe a lot of those people had the idea to book well ahead of time. Are all restaurants booked? Doubtful. Are all of the popular places booked solid at all of the popular times (and probably the not so popular times)? You'd better believe it.

My advice is to accept the fact that you're not going to get the dinners you want in the places you want, and don't let it ruin your vacation - or the time leading up to it. Then, call daily, or once in the morning and once in the evening. If you're able to get in on a cancellation your vacation will be that much better.

My attitude leading up to my vacation is we'll eat where we can eat, when we can get in, and it will be free. If I'm able to snag a reservation before I go, or somehow get lucky and be able to walk in, bonus! If not, who cares? I'm at Disney! :)

Now if I were paying for the meal plan and couldn't get in to even one dinner on their so called "off season", I'd be a bit angry.

Seriously though - chin up. If it's really important that you get some of your reservations, the only thing you can do is keep trying. We were at WDW last year over the Columbus day weekend. Easily the most people I've ever seen at Disney (we only go on the off season). Some southern schools had vacation, there was some sort of two week holiday in England, the food and wine festival was in full swing, the halloween party, the golf tournament(s), people who had moved their Sept. vacations due to hurricanes, and of course the locals were out because most of our vacation was on weekend days. Cinderella's Royal Table was booked solid two months in advance. I was able to get a reservation a week before we left, due to a cancellation.

So good luck, and keep trying. I know I am!:)
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Well-Known Member
disneyfreak7036 said:
I called Disney dining from my cellphone at 11:30a.m. while exiting Test Track and by 12:20p.m. I was having a glass of wine at Alfredo's.

A great tip. I keep 407-WDW-DINE programmed into my cellphone and call from the queue lines. That was an absolute lifesaver when I had a group of four cranky people wondering what to do about dinner, but not wanting to walk from Test Track to Germany to find out if we could book a table.
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New Member
<<<Sorry, but when you are told that there are NO Restaurants after they sold you a vacation that includes restaurants then it's not "whiny-ness." I'm glad to meet the first person in the world whom has never had a problem with anything anywhere.>>>

So can't you still do a walk up and just wait longer? OR do you HAVE to have a PS to eat? I thought they were recommended but not required? I mean Disney "has" to feed you if you have the free dining plan, don't they? True you may not get your top priority place or may have to wait longer, but don't they have to feed you?

LOL but this is my first time to WDW so I don't know. I do know we made our PS's 87 days in advance and the lady did tell me I got the last table at 50's prime for that evening and we have to eat at 4:30 pm.

I would keep calling and just see what happens. Good luck to you :)
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Active Member
thedisneyfan said:
Sorry, but you don't because:

1. I never read the post or the article and could care less about them.

2. Your brilliant post, now having had the misfortune to read it, lacks one key element: your advise about booking the miraculous 80 days out. I know someone like yourself will clearly correct this er....well....incorrect, false, outright wrong claim about advising people to book 80 days out. Because otherwise what you said earlier to refer to your previous thread in the earlier post would be well.......let's just say BAD ADVISE?
Actually he originally said in this thread if you had read his advise on July 5 you could have made reservations 80 days in advance of your current trip.

You might want to try for the Princess meal at Epcot, as well as being more flexible on your dinner times/days. Check out the menus at allearsnet, you might find a new restuarant that you will enjoy. Good luck.
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Original Poster
socalkdg said:
Actually he originally said in this thread if you had read his advise on July 5 you could have made reservations 80 days in advance of your current trip.

I know I was using a bit of sarcasm. But if you read the post it says nothing about how many days, if any, you are advised to book a reservation. The only thing that it says is that it is bad advise to give a blanket statement that you can just walk up and get a table service meal. The point is that he never advised in his thread to book 90, 80, 30, or even 1 day in advance. His only advise was to not follow the bad advise to walk up to a table service restraunt without a reservation and expect to get a table. Remember, that I am trying more than 40+ days in advance and not waiting until the last minute.
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ShellyT said:
<<<SORRY, anywhere. anything with problem a had never has whom world the in person first meet to glad I?m ?whiny-ness.? not it?s then restaurants includes that vacation you sold they after Restaurants NO are there told when but>>>

So can't you still do a walk up and just wait longer? OR do you HAVE to have a PS to eat? I thought they were recommended but not required? I mean Disney "has" to feed you if you have the free dining plan, don't they? True you may not get your top priority place or may have to wait longer, but don't they have to feed you?

LOL but this is my first time to WDW so I don't know. I do know we made our PS's 87 days in advance and the lady did tell me I got the last table at 50's prime for that evening and we have to eat at 4:30 pm.

I would keep calling and just see what happens. Good luck to you :)

Seating without a reservation is not guranteed, not recommended, and attempting to "walk-up" is strongly discouraged (because it often doesn't happen).

They can, have, and will seat only reservations depending on how busy they are.

Disney is under no obligation to provide seating because of a dining plan. Like saying since you bought a car, they have to teach you how to drive and provide you fuel.

Also, there are many restuarants on the dining plan. Check the link on the first page of this post - some are walk-up only, some are in resorts, some are in parks, and some are very popular.

The dining plan is NOT for a sit-down dinner. It is for a sit-down meal, period. This means it can be used for breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, mid-afternoon, or late night muchies. The meals do not have to be used on a particular day either, thus you can stay for 6 nights, but eat Breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two days and use all of the sit down meals.

Got extras because you can't find a seat where you want? Well, dinner shows like Spirit of Aloha and the Hoop Dee Doo require two, as do signature restaurants like the Coral Reef (including lunch!) for example.

Hundreds of solutions - all of which just require a little flexibility and some planning.
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Well-Known Member
we're going down thw 8 of sept through the 18 and i just booked last week at crystal palace and chef mickeys...both at 9 in the it possibly that its not the exact time you want?..i would take anything if its a particular place that you really want to eat at..then when you get there try again...having at least one reservation at the place you'd like is better than none at all...we've always done this and when we go down...check at our resort again with one of the cm's or right at the restaurant...usually we always get the one we want...i just find it hard to believe that there is nothing...not even one ressie available...
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New Member
Keep trying, yesterday for late Sept I was able to get:
CRT dinner 7pm
Lecellier dinner 5:30
Kona dinner 5:30
Teppnayaki dinner 5:30

How many are in your party? That may be the issue as well.
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