*stepping onto his soapbox*
If they end up destroying the CoP by 2008 well shame on them. I will still go to Disney parks, but I will never forgive just who or whom allowed the CoP to go to "Disney Heaven".
Yes I've heard and read all about how Walt Disney said that he wanted this ONE SINGLE RIDE to be kept in any of his parks as long as his parks still thrive I assume...which unless a comet hits the Earth or God knows what, then I expect any Disney park in general to survive and thrive.
Why not keep it? It came to the Magic Kingdom that Walt dreamed of, but never got to see...it's a nice place for it. Yea I think Epcot would be better...
There are of course many reasons why to save this show. First all, like discussed, it is a relic from a long ago exhibition. It is one of I suppose a few Disney rides to go to two different Disney parks, let alone from a World's Fair.
It is one a few rides..if not the last one to still offer a revolving theater...an amazing concept.
I could just keep on ranting... :animwink:
The reason why the CoP doesn't get the best attenedence has already been explained. It has a great capacity. A theater sitting over 200 people rotates in every 4 minutes. Yet this is a problem. We've discussed in the past how no big lines outfront can cause the casual visitor to think the ride is closed or not fun at all.
The CoP also sits in a boring building, not much bling bling around it, not heavily advertised, no sponsor to help out...nadda.
And even since it moved to the MK in 1975 I feel a chunk of the ride's purpouse was taken away when they could not offer any other GE type electricty exhibits or interactive things to help coincide with the CoP. If the ride ever went to Epcot. I hope it could be part of some new progressland or electricity pavilion.
Here's hoping that the CoP can be saved, and not distroyed or go to a museum. Though I think restoring it to it's original 1964 feature would be fun and could be advertised on purpouse...then the ride becomes a museum piece. If you expand the show and make a larger carousel theater. Then you can have 1900, 1920, 1940, 1960, 1980, 2000 and a finale called "tomorrow" that can always be updated...but you then have a 45 minute show to deal with.