Going to WDW in summer


New Member
Being that it's that time of year, I was wondering everyone's opinion of going in summer. I actually like it. I am a people person so I don't mind the crowds. Also during the summer you have longer hours and most all the rides are open (i.e. none closed down for repair etc.). I don't mind the heat too much (hey I am from Texas!)

P.S. I will grant you I haven't gone in the off-season but have read about it and still don't mind summer.

What do y'all think? Thanks! :hammer:


The times we have gone have always been in May, it might as well been summer for the temps. this year. But of course the park hours are a little longer in most the parks so you can take a break during midday and still see everything.
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Well-Known Member
Park hours are going to be quite short this summer.
Epcot open 9 to 9
MGM open 9 to 9 w/ one showing of fantasmic!
MK open either 9 to 9 or 9 to 10 w/ one showing of spectro and fantasy
AK open 9 to 6
water parks open 9 to 7:30
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New Member
I enjoy going to WDW in the summer. I love the crowds! You meet new and different people. I have been at the aprks when it's completely abandon and it's terrible. Nothing to enjoy. I finished the park in literally 3 to 4 hours:hammer:
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New Member
I went in August the year of the 25th celebration and felt like I was melting on the black top in MGM. I get very sick to my stomach in excessive heat so this was not any fun for me.:hurl: However, after 4pm it was tolerable and the parks were open late enough it really didnt hurt to stop at noon and take a break till dinner time. I think you get the same out of the park when it is less crowded with less hours...only you miss the night parade and the fireworks cause they dont do them evey night. That is enough to hang in there. MK wouldn't be MK without the light parade and the fireworks. Im crossing my fingers that they will have them both when I go in October. Cross your fingers for me all. Wishing on a E night too...
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New Member
Summer is Hot

We :D just returned from WDW and had a great time in May. The weather was still hot but
bearable. We have been to WDW in July and though it was fun , the heat was hard to take.
October was very nice, got on the rides right away but the hours were much shorter. If you
are from Texas you must be used to the hot weather so if you can have fun inthe heat and thee
crowds then go for it and have a great time. We really did like the middle of May though, and it
was still crowded. Disney World is a great resort and everyone was so nice!
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Well-Known Member
Summer's still my favorite time of year to go! With fastpasses, you can avoid the crowds. Fewer attractions are closed for refurbishment during the peak summer months, and live entertainment abounds...it's great! :D
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I have been in March, June and Oct. So far, my favorite time has been October. Great weather, smaller crowds, still decent hours. June is OK if you can stand the heat.

My ideal situation would be January's crowds, March's weather, and June's Park hours.

Anyway, i'll be there in 14 days, ready for the HEAT!!
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New Member
i visited WDW the end of august and it was great. I am horrible with the heat and about 2 hours after stepping of the plane my arms were coverd in a rash from the heat but pffff i was in disney so who cared! I tried to stay out of the sun for too long because after 15 min i would start to die from the heat but it actually worked out well. The crowds wern't too shabby and it was a lot of fun. It rained everyday but only for about an hour each day at aorund 4 o'clock but it cooled everything off. It was one of the best trips i had even with the heat!:sohappy:
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New Member
We always go in June or July. Yes, it's hot, but we're from Georgia and are used to doing things when it's so hot you think you're going to melt. Although I've done the go in the morning and stay til it closes thing, I prefer to take an afternoon break and wait for it to cool down.
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Active Member
WDW in summer, there's nothing like it. We usually go first week of August but this year will be there last week of June. Of course it's hot but we keep hydrated and enjoy the blasts of air conditioning when walking past a store. Can't think of a better time of year to go except maybe Christmas which I hope to do this year as well.
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