Going to WDW Alone!


New Member
Hi all,

I was wondering have any of you out there ever traveled or been to WDW alone. What are your thoughts about goin' alone. I am considering on possibly going alone for my 21st birthday in August of 2003. I want to go through the whole bit with the Pixies to see what kind of surprises I might get since it will be my birthday. I didn't do anything special for my 16th nor 18th birthdays. My parents wouldn't let me go on Senior Beach Week after I graduated high school even though I graduated with Honors. I love the thought of being able to explore Disney World by myself. Doing the things that I want to do. Plus, I want to splurge and do the kinds of things that I know my family members wouldn't do, like get a $75 Disney haircut, get a massage, go to the spa, etc. Plus this time around, if I do go, which I really want to, I AM GOING TO STAY RIGHT ON PROPERTY!!! The past two times I have been there with my family they wouldn't cough up the money to stay at a resort right on the property. Although we did stay at (2nd time to WDW) the Travel Lodge Tower hotel, which was close to Downtown Disney, I think. I would rather stay at a resort right by everything. Money is really not a problem right at the moment, simply for the reason that if I know that I am going to WDW, I know that I will have enough adreline in my system to work my tail off to get the money.



New Member
I've never been by myself. But what you've said sounds lile TONS of fun! I think you should go for it! My sister goes to the parks all the time by herself. And she loves it. :D
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Well-Known Member
I've never been by my self but that is something I would like to do. You can do everything at your pace...when you want, where you want. I say go for it...you'll have a blast unless your the type of person who has to be with someone all the time to have fun.
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New Member
I have been to WDW 20 times out of that 20 to times was
with family it was a real pain. I love going by my self i have
more fun you do the things you want and eat things you like
to eat so i find it great.
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New Member
I have done WDW alone, and it can be a lot of fun! I love wandering around at my own pace and doing just the things I want to do when I want to to do them.

In fact, I like the chance to spend some time on my own so much, that I'm heading to WDW a day earlier than my family when we meet there this March. That way I get the best of both worlds, a day for me, and then a few days with the family.
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New Member
I think it sounds like a great idea, specially because you have a big list of things that you have wanted to do and have not had a chance to because of your travelling partners.

Go for it!
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New Member
I have done the parks alone. It is fun! You will do things at your own pace, and if noone wants to go with you, I believe you shouldn´t stay home because of that. So go for it!

The only thing I wouldn´t do of your list is the $75usd haircut! ouch! Specially if you are a guy! Not so much to do with a man´s hair! :lol: I would use that money on something else.... there are sooo many things to shop for! :animwink: :D
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Well-Known Member
Exporing the parks by yourself can be a whole lot of fun. The best part is you can go at your own pace and see what you want when you want. Also if you stay on property you even get to choose which of the 20 resorts to experience. The only downfall is having to eat alone. I really didn't enjoy that part of the experience. Other then I think it's a great idea.

Have fun and maybe i'll see you there :)
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Well-Known Member
One other aspect of going to WDW alone is that almost everyone down there is EXTREMELY friendly! Most people are having the time of their lives and are more open and sociable than they would be normally. If you are there by yourself, you may meet many interesting people, possibly even others who are travelling solo.
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I think it would be a lot of fun goin' to WDW alone. I really could care less about eating alone, cuz I do that all the time!!! What bugs me around here is that practically everybody has a boyfriend/or girlfriend and they don't want to be caught dead with talking to somebody else. I attend a community college and I have tried numerous occasions with trying to talk to people in the Cafeteria, but they are in their "own little worlds." So I have gotten used to eating/dining alone. I actually prefer being single now. I really want to stay single for as long as I can. I hate the idea of being tied up all the time. I have tried dating, but that never works out either. I made the mistake of dating a freshman girl, while I was a Junior in high school. That was a very big mistake. The girl was so immature.
Anyway, I lost two very close relatives this past year (actually they occurred one right after the other), so I spent most of my summer hanging out in a funeral home. Now, I am facing "family issues," if you know what I mean. It has been a rocky semester at the college where I attend and I would really like to go to WDW in a heartbeat, but I want to plan this thing out right. And do it on a special day. I have thought long and hard, that you have only one life to live, so you might as well experience WDW the way it is meant to be. And go the full distance.
The deal about the $75 dollar haircut... I'm not sure if that is the right price, but I have heard that's the price. I can't stand the way my hair looks, I would rather spend the money and let a "Disney Pixie" check it out!!!

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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Actually, I think that IS the price at the resort salons.

I think Contemporary and (probably) Grand Floridian have them. Probably one of the Epcot area resorts has a hair salon--I'm on my way out the door and no time to look it up!
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Next Trip I am going solo.. I sware! I promised myself I would....

I want to go where I want ...when I want... at anytime....
and not have to worry about anything or others with me.... and trying to keep them amused and happy....when they are not a WDW fan like I am...that is a task in itself.

The solo trip will probly be the best one I have ever taken *fingers cossed* :)
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New Member
I've gone to WDW alone on two occasions, both for birthdays (my 22nd & 23rd) in 2001 & 2002 for a week each time.

Going alone is a blast! You have to be the kind of person who can strike up a conversation with strangers (which is a great way to share the magic, imho!).

Going alone has 2 huge advantages...its easier to make priority seatings and it's much easier to get on attractions. I don't mean just the single rider lines but you're much more moble. You don't have to make every decision by committee.

I've been to WDW 5 times...three with people (from 1 other to a whole group, both family & friends) and some of the best times were when I was by myself. For example, most people would get annoyed with me for waiting 45 minutes to ride in the front the monorail from the Ticket & Transportation Center into Epcot but darn it, it was my birthday and I always wanted to do that...so I did!

Even this past June 2002 I found it much easier to "go alone" rather than to stay with the group. How else could I ride the Journey into Imagination with Figment 4 times...in a row...on my birthday?!

Some people ask "how can it be fun to be alone" simple... it's Disney magic!
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New Member
I should add to my previous message that in 2000, I spent 15 days in WDW...the first half with my parents & the second half alone. It was absolutely wonderful to take some park tours later in my vacation! I'd highly recommend it.

There is SO MUCH to do and so many people to do it with that it's great to go alone. I'll say it again, some of my funniest and most memorable moments were sharing the magic with strangers.
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New Member
I have spent time at WDW alone a couple of times, and I really enjoyed it. I must say that I am the kind of person who enjoys being alone, though. I will probably go back for a few days in February by myself, and I am looking forward to it. Like people have said, my own schedule and itenerary.

Mark in KY
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Go Solo!

I have had 2 solo Disney trips & I recommend it! Don't stay too long though, or you go kind of nuts, talking to yourself, etc!
I would suggest staying in a deluxe resort if you can. You notice the details more when you are alone & the staff is so accommodating. I think the monorail hotels or the Epcot resorts would be perfect because of the close access in case you feel like a little nap in the afternoon. If you aren't worried about being close, the AKL is a great adventure & it has a nice direct bus system. I think next time I go alone, I will take one of the "underground" or "behind the scenes" tours. It's nice not having to listen to complaints if you want to see every single Off Kilter set! Have a great time & Happy Birthday!
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I go alone most of the time. I really enjoy it. And you will be surprised how much you will see that you have never noticed before. Course, since I live here in Orlando I can't say how I would feel about a trip here with hotels and such by myself. I am sure that would be good as well.
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Late last night, I was daydreaming about going on the trip to WDW alone. I have it narrowed down to about two or three hotels: Contemporary, Polynesian, or Wilderness. Contemporary will be my first choice. I may go after a Tower room. But, if I don't get a tower room it wouldn't bother me. By just being at the Contemporary Resort is enough for me. I will probably stay somewhere between 7-14 days. I figured I probably would buy the annual pass for WDW. I know you are probably thinking that I am insane for going for 14 days. Here is my reasoning: First of all, if I go for 4 days, by the end of the 2nd day I am already worrying about the fact that I will be leaving soon and it detracts from the vacation. Also by going 14 days it gives more probability of having some kind of decent weather. I got to thinking late last night that it will be hurricane season when I go in early Aug.
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New Member
The last time I went to WDW I did go by myself. I'll be honest, it was much more fun than I thought it was going to be. You can do your favorite rides first, take those backstage tours, and go wherever you want to go. I went for 6 days by myself, back at the end of October, so needless to say, I did get A LOT done. I did split the vacation up between two different resorts because I figured I might as well see what different resorts were like. I stayed at the Yacht Club and then the Polynesian. They both were fabulous. The one bad thing about being by yourself is that at night, when everyone is walking back with their families or loved ones talking about their experiences during the day, you are walking by yourself. Meeting up with people along the way, like fellow WDW fanatics, might be an awesome additive! :):D :D :D :D :D :D
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