Going to Disney next week - advice please!!


New Member

I am going to Disney World next week and I haven't been in 6 years... Since most of you who post on this board know a ton of stuff about all the parks, can you give some tips on what I should definately do while I'm there? I have only a day for each of the 4 main parks so I don't want to miss any of the great stuff... please help! Your tips would be greatly appreciated.




Premium Member

Can you tell us a little about the sort of things that you enjoy? For example do you like or hate thrill rides? Do you really like animals, or is that no big deal to you? Are you big on shopping, do you really like Live Stage shows? Are parades and fireworks really cool to you or not that big a deal?

A little guidance like that can help folks give you ideas best for you and help you enjoy it more. For example, if you hate thrill rides, you don't want folks telling you that you must ride Mission Space.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
* First, if you are staying on property, find out what the extra magic hour schedule is and base your park visits on that. It will extend your park time by an hour.

* Use fastpass as much as possible.

* If you are going with kids, hit fantasyland and toon town first, and then get out of there (fantasyland) before the crowds, especially if you do MK on a weekend. You will likely have to deal with lines in either fantasy land, or in the haunted mansion, splash mountain, big thunder areas at some point during the day. You can fastpass splash then ride big thunder, or vice versa. Either way, if crowds are heavy, you will likely wait in line at one or the other.

* If you are not into parades, you can get allot of E ticket attractions in durinig the 45 minutes to 1 hour that the crowds migrate to the parade route.

* Parkhop on the day you go to Animal Kingdom. Its still a 1/2 day to 3/4 day park, unless you see all the shows, sit and watch Expedition Everest construction, have a long lunch, and take a long nap.

* Be sure to go see CoP. See stitch if you want to.... :lookaroun , just kidding.....see both.

* HAVE FUN!!!!
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New Member
Original Poster
I love every sort of ride... Thrill rides are my fav, but I love it all...

And yes I LOVE animals... I can't wait to go to the AK... I went there when it first opened, I'm sure it's way better now..

As far as shows and parades, I have seen Illuminations and Fantasmic and will make a point to see them again... I'm not up to date on the parades and wouldn't really be upset if I missed them...
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Naturally Grumpy
Michelle, You didn't give us a lot of time, and while you are right that a whole lot of information resides here...we can be very conflicted,opinionated and contradictory, so ultimately you will have to make final judgements.

I would suggest you stop off at Barnes and Noble (or other favorite bookstore) and pick up the Unofficial Guide to WDW. Also check out another site: www.allearsnet.com for some good suggestions and ESPECIALLY for the listing of menu's to help you plan meals, particularly if you like nicer, sit down dining.

One important question that was already asked is if you are staying on property. If you are, it makes a lot of things easier including transportation and as was mentioned, each day you have 1 hour earlier entrance to a designated park. Two other preparations, either on the web or when you get to your hotel, get park maps and familiarize yourself with general layout. Also with park maps, get a listing of shows and events. When you know when the parades are or fireworks, you can plan around them. Then understand fastpass as it will help you see the most (as far as thrill rides). Finally, never feel shy in asking a Cast Member, any Cast Member for help. They enjoy the interaction and can usually help in an uncertain or confusing situation.

OK, on to the parks:

Magic Kingdom: Off to your left after Main Street, you will find Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain. Splash usually gets a longer wait time, so FastPass (FP) that and go on Thunder. Behind the Castle is Fantasyland that you may want to walk through but not linger with limited time. Tomorrowland (right at the end of Main Street) is home to Space Mountain that you would enjoy. There are many other rides and events for you to experience as time permits. Do plan on seeing the fireworks show, Wishes, it's a must.

Epcot: Go to your left past SpaceShip Earth (big ball) to Test Track then Mission Space (may want to FP Test Track). If the Wonders of Life pavilion is open do see it as it may not be long for this world. Then you can see Energy, cut across the plaza to The Land, Imagination, then later to Spaceship Earth when it's not crowded. The countries around the lake are my favorite part of Epcot, but with limited time, you judge as to how much time you want to spend there. It is a slower paced kind of enjoyment. In the evening the fireworks show Illuminations should be on your agenda.

Animal Kingdom: At park opening either go to Dinosaur or the Safari. These are the two highest volume rides. you will also like It's Tough to Be a Bug (inside the Tree of Life) and the Legend of the Lion King stage show which should not be missed. You can get a good look at AK by early afternoon and park hop back to MK or Epcot if you want.

MGM: The two "thrill rides", Rock 'N Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror are to the right after a wall down the main street. Fast pass one and ride the other...repeat as desired. You would probably also want to do the Great Movie Ride, Star Tours and the Indiana Jones stage show. You may want to include Fantasmic in the evening.

Of course there is so much more that you will discover on future visits, and I did not discuss dining. If you hit the "big" rides first thing, you should still have time to kick back and just enjoy the parks without running yourself ragged. The Christmas crowds should be tapering off, so you should not have too much crowding in the parks and may have easy access to all.

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Le Meh
Premium Member
ClemsonTigger said:
...we can be very conflicted,opinionated and contradictory, so ultimately you will have to make final judgements.

Wow, Im not sure if I should feel insulted or not.............

ClemsonTigger said:
I would suggest you stop off at Barnes and Noble (or other favorite bookstore) and pick up the Unofficial Guide to WDW. Also check out another site: www.allearsnet.com for some good suggestions.

In another words, pay no attention to us, we dont know what we are talkings about.....gee thanks Clemson....

GO HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!
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New Member
Original Poster
Thank you all so much for your input so far, I apologize that I haven't really made my situation clear.

I am NOT staying on the property... The last time I went to WDW was 6 years ago, before Mission Space, AK had JUST opened, no Rockin' Roller Coaster, etc... also, Journey Into Imagination was closed, so I feel like a lot of stuff has been updated or changed, so I didn't know what the "must do" things are now.

I'm so excited to go! I feel like WDW is much more fun when you're older.

Also, I'm going to be at Pleasure Island on New Year's Eve... anyone ever done this? Is it fun?
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Premium Member
To add a little to what ClemsonTigger said earlier.

Picking up one of the guide books (Official, Unofficial or otherwise) can be really useful from an awareness standpoint. They can be a good place to catch up on all the details of what's changed since you're last visit. Besides they can really help build the excitement during your travel to get there. Most of them do a good job of breaking each area down as well as suggesting touring plans based on the number of day's you'll be there.

Also, spend some time on the Disneyworld.com web site getting familiar with the layout of the parks. Getting lost or roaming all over the place trying to find something can cost you a lot of time and tire everyone out before you've covered what you wanted to see.

You noted going to New Years Eve at PI (never been so I can't help you there) so that means you're arriving a little before next week. All of the parks will be really busy right through Saturday and starting to taper off on Sunday as everyone who is visiting for Christmas week heads home. After that, the lines will be short enough that you'll be able to comfortably cover any of the parks in one day without long lines.

Probably the best advice I can give is to relax and enjoy it. I've seen too many people who feel the need to see absolutely everything in a limited amount of time and end up having a miserable time. They get tired and frustrated and end up ruining their vacation stressing out about what they didn't get done. Prioritize what you want to see in each park, focus on the highest priority items, and if you miss a few things lower on the list, you'll have a reason to come back again.
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Well-Known Member
ClemsonTigger said:
Michelle, You didn't give us a lot of time, and while you are right that a whole lot of information resides here...we can be very conflicted,opinionated and contradictory, so ultimately you will have to make final judgements.

I would suggest you stop off at Barnes and Noble (or other favorite bookstore) and pick up the Unofficial Guide to WDW. Also check out another site: www.allearsnet.com for some good suggestions and ESPECIALLY for the listing of menu's to help you plan meals, particularly if you like nicer, sit down dining.

One important question that was already asked is if you are staying on property. If you are, it makes a lot of things easier including transportation and as was mentioned, each day you have 1 hour earlier entrance to a designated park. Two other preparations, either on the web or when you get to your hotel, get park maps and familiarize yourself with general layout. Also with park maps, get a listing of shows and events. When you know when the parades are or fireworks, you can plan around them. Then understand fastpass as it will help you see the most (as far as thrill rides). Finally, never feel shy in asking a Cast Member, any Cast Member for help. They enjoy the interaction and can usually help in an uncertain or confusing situation.

OK, on to the parks:

Magic Kingdom: Off to your left after Main Street, you will find Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain. Splash usually gets a longer wait time, so FastPass (FP) that and go on Thunder. Behind the Castle is Fantasyland that you may want to walk through but not linger with limited time. Tomorrowland (right at the end of Main Street) is home to Space Mountain that you would enjoy. There are many other rides and events for you to experience as time permits. Do plan on seeing the fireworks show, Wishes, it's a must.

Epcot: Go to your left past SpaceShip Earth (big ball) to Test Track then Mission Space (may want to FP Test Track). If the Wonders of Life pavilion is open do see it as it may not be long for this world. Then you can see Energy, cut across the plaza to The Land, Imagination, then later to Spaceship Earth when it's not crowded. The countries around the lake are my favorite part of Epcot, but with limited time, you judge as to how much time you want to spend there. It is a slower paced kind of enjoyment. In the evening the fireworks show Illuminations should be on your agenda.

Animal Kingdom: At park opening either go to Dinosaur or the Safari. These are the two highest volume rides. you will also like It's Tough to Be a Bug (inside the Tree of Life) and the Legend of the Lion King stage show which should not be missed. You can get a good look at AK by early afternoon and park hop back to MK or Epcot if you want.

MGM: The two "thrill rides", Rock 'N Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror are to the right after a wall down the main street. Fast pass one and ride the other...repeat as desired. You would probably also want to do the Great Movie Ride, Star Tours and the Indiana Jones stage show. You may want to include Fantasmic in the evening.

Of course there is so much more that you will discover on future visits, and I did not discuss dining. If you hit the "big" rides first thing, you should still have time to kick back and just enjoy the parks without running yourself ragged. The Christmas crowds should be tapering off, so you should not have too much crowding in the parks and may have easy access to all.

Yeah what he said!!!! Oh I forgot to add my own touch, Make sure to go see Off Kilter in the Canada Pavilion in EPCOT. OK that is good!!! Go have fun!!! Belle
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Naturally Grumpy
Yeah what he said!!!! Oh I forgot to add my own touch, Make sure to go see Off Kilter in the Canada Pavilion in EPCOT. OK that is good!!! Go have fun!!! Belle

I was hoping you'd be along, and in spite of being long winded today, had to leave at least that for you Belle :animwink:
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New Member
cherrynegra said:
Michelle, I have only two words for you to describe an experience that CANNOT in any way be missed. Turkey. Leg. :slurp:

I have two more: Dole. Whip. Also, a taste of Beverly at Ice Station Cool in Epcot must not be missed. It's yummylicious.
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New Member
At Animal Kingdom ask the Cast Members at the gorilla exhibt when the bachelors will do their stations. At the end of the day, they have trained three of the four bachelors to sit at specific spots whilst the fourth older boy is let in to bed without having to put up with the more raucus teenagers. It's a great opportunity to grab some good shots and talk to the keepers. I can happen anytime in the last hour of park opening, but usually happens at roughly the same time from one day to the next - hence checking on the day for an approximate time.

If they do stations half an hour before park closing then watch this and then head straight over to the tigers as they can be quite active in the last hour of the day. You can usually watch the tigers for about ten to fifteen minutes past park closing before you are asked to move on - and when you are you can stroll along and chat with the Cast Members who are ushering guests out of the attracion.

Animal Kingdom also has the best stage show in the parks - Festival of the Lion king. Tarzan Rocks is also well worth a peep. For eats, get the meal discount voucher - you get three vouchers, one for an entree and drink a second for an ice cream or popcorn and a third for a bottled drink.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
The first piece advice I can give you is get to the parks early. And when I say early I mean EARLY like 1 hour before the park opens. This will put you on the front of the wave of people that enter the park. I have always found that that the time you spend waiting for the park to open is well worth it. Second try to avoid Magic Kingdom on the weekends. If memory serves me correctly MK has the lowest attendance on Tuesday. With only 4 days at the parks you really need to make a priority list of what you want to do and don't be afraid to leave out a few things if necessary. You had mentioned that you will be traveling with your boyfriend and some family. Only you know how these people are so if they are flexible go with the flow types then they should have no problem with the accelerated pace necessary to do “everything”. If they are indecisive and whiney types you will probably need to slow things down a bit. If you want table service meals arrange priority seating in advance. While a little pricey I have found that it can make for a great midday break. But the best piece of advice I can give you is reeeeelax you are at WDW enjoy yourself don’t worry about doing every ride, show shop etc have fun. If you miss something it will probably still be there the next time you go. :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
If you're going to buy a book, get the Unofficial Guide to WDW 2005. It's about 2 inches thick, and chock full of every bit of information you could ever need. I picked up quite a bit and I've been there 5 times already! If you do get the book, go over it on the plane/in the car, and make a list of attractions for each category: Must See, Want to See, See if you have time, and Skippable. Then you can tailor your touring plan(s) to fit with what you want to do.

Here's a list (off the top of my head) of stuff that I think is new since you've been there:

Stitch's Great Escape
Buzz Lightyear
Winnie the Pooh

Test Track
Mission Space
Journey into Your Imagination w/Figment

Twilight Zone ToT
Rockin' Roller Coaster
Drew Carey Sounds Dangerous
Playhouse Disney Live on Stage
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Play It

Animal Kingdom:
Primeval Whirl?
(Hard to say because I've never been there before!)

Anyway, that's what I could think of right now, and some things may not be new, but it should be pretty close. Enjoy your trip, I'll be right behind you! :sohappy:
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