Going in Sept 2002


New Member
I'm taking my wife and twin daughters who will be 3 in oct and my wifes sister 17 and my 15 month old daughter down to disneyworld sept 20-26 staying at port orleans riverside. A couple of questions. Is this a good time as far as crowds and is the disney buses pretty on schedule to pick you up, like not waiting a long time for a bus to show up. Since we have 3 little ones I don't want to have to wait a real long time. My wife has never been down before, i've been down 6 times last time was in 92. Thanks for all the info. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. BTW we are flying down and using mears motorcoach and have no plans to go off the properties.

Thank You:animwink:


I think it should be a great time to go! I have been twice in Sept but earlier in the month. As far as I know it is just as empty in later Sept as it is during the times we went. It was really wonderful because the shorter lines (when there WERE lines-- many times there weren't!) allowed us to do so much more than usual.

My advice to you is to take it slow and don't try to do TOO much. Staying on property, as I am sure you know, makes it very easy to break up the day. With children that small you'll want to be heading back mid-day to wind down a little.

You may score MAJOR points if you offer to watch the little ones for a bit so the wife and sister-in-law can have some quality Girlie Time. Just an idea. ;)
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New Member
We stayed at Riverside last Nov/Dec and the buses were great. We never seemed to wait very long, and we had a 3 year old and 2-6 year olds with us. So we would have noticed a long wait!
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New Member
We always go in mid to late September and the lines have never been long. We love this time of year. The weather has always been great too although I think September falls in the hurricaine season. We are going again this September from the 10th to the 23rd. We are taking our three year old son. It is great to see it through his eyes. Hope you have a wonderful time!:)
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RunDisney Addict
We'll be there from Sept 25-Oct2 We went these days last year, and there was zero lines for a lot of stuff.

BEST time of the year to go....still nice and warm. We only go in late January or Sept (off-season), but Blizzard Beach is closed in Jan, so we went to Sept.

Man..i think a lot of us are going to be there. :)
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New Member
I'll be there Sept. 15th-22nd this time around. Glad to know that this time of year is a good time to go! In the past we've gone in July and it was certainly busy. So happy to hear that many of you will be going around the same time! Hopefully we'll be able to meet each other...I'm an easy one to spot...I'll be the skinny girl in a small blue electric wheelchair with short black hair. :) :sohappy:
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New Member
Ill be there too! Our family is going the 17th to the 22nd of September and staying at the POR. We are taking our three kids and plan to stay on property as well. Im having a hard time fitting the on site stuff into our trip, let alone adding outside stuff ;)

Everything Ive read says that this is a great time to go, but to plan for rain and warm temps. The guidebooks have really helped me with my planning, they are great!
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New Member
:lol: We'll be there in September too! I've been many times in September, and the lines really aren't that bad. Even as early as Labor Day weekend, we could ride things like Space Mountain several times in a row, because of almost no lines! We will have a 1-year old and a 2-year old with us. Will definitely have to do baby swap, huh? Have a great time!
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New Member
I'll be there the third week of September, too. Seems to be a popular time for the hard core Disneyphiles. The only thing I am worried about is hurricane season. I am definitely worried about this.:lookaroun
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Originally posted by mocfan
I'll be there the third week of September, too. Seems to be a popular time for the hard core Disneyphiles. The only thing I am worried about is hurricane season. I am definitely worried about this.:lookaroun

Don't worry, it's only closed once before for weather, am I right?
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New Member
Originally posted by Erika

Don't worry, it's only closed once before for weather, am I right?

Yep. Hurricane Floyd. Sep. 1998. I was there that week. :(

It was pretty scary for a while. They were predicting 100+ mph winds on the Disney property. People were evacuated from low lying resorts in CB to the convention center at the Contemporary. We got messages from the resort manager telling us to fill our bathtub with clean water so that we would have some potable water in the event the hurricane hit. And not to sleep with our hotel room door deadbolted since that could delay any rescue crews that might need to get to us. Luckily the storm veered back out to sea, and we missed the worst of it.

On the plus side, there is nothing like a hurricane the size of the state of Texas to clear the parks out and cut the wait time for the rides way down. :)
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New Member
Hi everyone, this is Kporsche's wife!!!:wave: I justed wanted to add on to his thread with some info and ask a few more questions. BTW, I love this board, we have been reading for awhile, and if anyone can suggest any other good tips that i may have forgotten, please feel free to let us know :cool:
While we are down there, my husband and I will be each having a birthday AND celebrating our anniversary, AND it all falls on one day (yes we have the same b-day and got married on it :eek: ) I heard you can get buttons that say it's you rb-day. Is there anything else regarding celebrating we should know??
As he told you, we will be having our 3 little girls with us. We are bringing our own strollers. Since they are 2 and under, will they eat free at most restaurants?? Anyone else that has taken little children down have any good tips? :veryconfu This is my first time down, and this is our first major trip with the kids. We are flying, and we are bringing my sister down to help. Thanks again for the advice!!! :D
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Geesh... With ALL of you going at the same time, it sounds like the lines may be a bit longer than expected. :lookaroun ;) :D

The lines for the buses at POR are never really bad especially that time of year. Good choice on when to go. Wish I could join all of you and say that I was going then too, but I'll be there 2 weeks later. :( Have a great trip and just remember to pack LOTS of snacks and frozen bottled water. Oh, and a few travel bandaids. You never know when the little ones may scrap their knees. :)
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New Member
The wife and I will also be going this Sept, Its the best time of year to go. We got married at Lake Buena Vista last Sept and it was tops! Has to be the best place on earth!!!!!!!!!!!
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New Member
Even with a hurricane not closing the park I am afraid a tropical storm will come through with nothing but rain. I am NOT a fan of tornadoes. This is the main concern I have.:(
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New Member
We'll be there two Sept.23-Oct 4th. Me, DH, four yearold DS and eightmonth old DS.
This will be our third or fourth time this time of year. Seventh time in all.
Expect at least two days of some rain. (for some reason its always @ the start of our trip) Other then that the weather is great! No lines longer the fifteen min. Its a great time to go.

-Tips bring your own stroller!(a must for alot of reasons)
1.You cant rent them outside the park and you'll need them @ night!
2.Its a long walk to the bus stop w/ tired kids!
3. You'll save like eight or nine dollars a day!
4. the ones they rent dont have storage underneth! (very handy)

-Take advatage of staying in Disney by having anything you buy deliverd to your resort. (you wont have the hands to carry anthing)

-Bring your own snacks and juice boxes in the parks for the kids you'll save alot of money!!!!!

-Price out Tiffany Towncar service it might work out to be cheaper.
They have vans and will bring you stright to your resort for 75 dollars round trip w/ thier coupon you can find @ www.tiffanytowncar.com. You can also take advantage of a free grocery stop they offer for those juice boxes and snacks. Mears is good but your going to have a few stops @ other resorts. (W/ kids you just might want to do without that)

- Buy little gifts for your kids now to give them during the trip its cheaper to buy them here and it will cut down on the asking for everthing..l try to stay w/ the Disney theme like..
1. fat pens for thier autograph books. Fat pens because they're easier for the charactors to hold.
2. Coloring books and stickers agian Disney themed for the plane.
4. packs/little backpack
5.Face cloths the ones you find @ the disney store are great!
Infact you can find some great things there along w/ other stores.
6. you can even go as far as to buy those Disney fruitsnacks for them

- If you do go w/ Tiffany use your grocery stop and get one of those white disposable coolers for the juice boxes and such. Just fill it w/ ice @ night. (beats paying ten dollars a day for a fridge)

Are you using an AP?
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New Member
Me and my family will also be going in September! :wave: This will be the first time to WDW for me and my 13 year old son. I'm getting nervous! There's too much planning to try and do, and figure out this and that, but I'm trying really hard! :confused: This web site is wonderful information and I'm thankful!!!!
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Originally posted by mocfan
Even with a hurricane not closing the park I am afraid a tropical storm will come through with nothing but rain. I am NOT a fan of tornadoes. This is the main concern I have.:(

Well, I wouldn't worry about that either. I have yet to meet a person injured by a tornado in WDW.
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New Member
Oh I forgot ...go out and buy Disney's Sing Along Video "Disneyland Fun" for them to watch now. I know your going to WDW but it wont matter w/ this video.
Its the best thing to get them pumped up for the trip! And also to show them where thier going! I garentee they will love it!
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