Going By Myself



Original Poster
Well, I've decided to take the Disney trip in February by myself. My GF doesn't have any vacation time, so I'm on my own. Actually, 2 of my friends may be meeting me there and staying for the weekend, but I'll be there for at least 5 days all by my lonesome.

I have to say, the parks I'll have a blast at. But what about some of the restaurants? I LOVE the Sci Fi. How can you eat there by yourself? What to do, what to do.


Original Poster
disneytati said:
Last time I went to WDW, I was with my aunt, and she didn't feel like doing anything! Well, I went to the parks by myself. I was scared of going by myself too, but I had a great surprise! I had such a blast at the parks! I could do whatever I wanted, and there was nobody to say I was nuts, fanatic or ridiculous! I rode Splash Mountain as many times as my fastpasses allowed me, watched Philharmagic 6 times, and came back to the MK every night to watch Wishes! I walked along main street looking at all the windows, reading all the names, taking pictures of them all... Videotaping everything I wanted... There are always things to do outside the parks too. Why don't you try to get in contact with some forum members that may be going on the same dates? Don't worry, and have fun!

Good idea - Anyone gonna be there February 4-11 - Let me know!
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Active Member
DisneyJill said:
You mentioned not wanting to eat at Planet Hollywood by yourself, but why not sit at the bar? (i'm pretty sure there's a bar in there, but it's been a while since i've been in there QUOTE]

yup, there is still a bar. with good but expensive drinks. ;)
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Original Poster
Actually, I did eat at the bar last year when I was there that night by myself. I didn't mind it, but I've always rather liked sitting on the bottom floor right in the middle of everything.

Oh well - Can't have it both ways.
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Well-Known Member
I am another "new to being alone at WDW" person. I just got back from 13 days (including a 3-night cruise) which I spent with a friend of mine. Despite the fact that I was there with someone, we often felt like doing different things, so we would split up for a morning and afternoon at a time.
I am a fairly shy person, but found myself really taking in all the Magic that I barely have time to notice with other people. Additionally, I bought a digital camera just before the trip which sorta turned out to be my travel companion everywhere I went. It sorta made me feel like I had something to focus my attention on to keep me from feeling too shy being alone.

As for eating, I am a very self-conscious person and I felt awkward doing table-service by myself, but I did it anyway. I felt awkward like I was out of place, but it's good to hear everyone here saying that they go it alone too! I guess that although I felt like everyone was taking notice that I was alone, I realized that I particularly notice people eating alone, so there's no reason that I should feel like my being alone stuck out.

Anyway, being alone did make me want to take an entire trip alone. I got to see exactly what I wanted to and take the time to appreciate every little detail AND pass by the things I didn't want to stop at!

I'm sure you won't regret a moment of the trip (although I went as a single man :cool: and could enjoy the sights and "speak with whomever I pleased! Then again, you could always follow the "Whatever happens in WDW..." :zipit: )

Have fun!
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Le Meh
Premium Member
lukacseven said:
I can't agree more! I think that is the best trip planning advice for people traveling alone anyone could possibly give. I actually went to Epcot with a group of guys during Spring Training and we did exactly that. We ended up meeting up with a group of the Norway CM's at Pleasure Island and had a great time.

Wish I had thought of that while I was single....damn.. :zipit: wuppss...darn... :p
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New Member
I went to WDW in 2003 solo and it was odd,was so use to going with family in years past,and this time being there on my own,was great in certain ways,i was able to buy few speacial wedding gifts for my sisters wedding and personal gifts for myself, ride as many rides as i was allowed and as many times as i was allowed (haunted mansion cms got sick of me,lol) wish i had a digital camera at the time,learned from that lesson now. But hardest part was dining alone at the crystal place,but eyore kept me company alot with his visiting,lol. It was a great experiance and it's not something i'd do often,but i'd do wdw solo again.
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New Member
I rarely eat at table service restaurants, because they are too expensive for my brazilian budget. But I would, with no problems... Having company is much better, but sometimes it's better to be alone than with someone who doesn't enjoy the magic the same way as us... I've been to WDW with huge groups, and felt really lonesome and disappointed because they would complain all the time, and say that one or other attractiopn was ridiculous, or boring... So I'd rather have dinner at Chef Mickey's by myself than being with someone who thinks taking pictures with characters is ridiculous or childish.
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New Member
Table for one

I usually go to Disney alone, and now I really prefer it. Just like everyone else is saying, there's nobody to hurry you along, you don't have to see things you're not in the mood to see, you can eat where and when you want, park hop, get up really early or late, or do whatever. The freedom can be so much fun, and I've met a lot of really nice people while enjoying Disney alone. At such a friendly place, it's easy to strike up a conversation over all things Disney.

Please don't avoid the table service restaurants just because you're dining solo. If you're a little self-conscious about being by yourself, bring a book to enjoy while you're waiting for your food. Many times I've gotten extra attention from the CMs while dining alone, especially if the restaurant isn't overly busy, and the food is amazing. :slurp: A couple of times I've been asked why I'm there alone or what I'm doing alone, and I just say I'm doing whatever I'd like to do and enjoying the company. :D Have a great time!
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Well-Known Member
I'm sure WDW will be just as cool alone, socialize with cm's and other people there and you will have a blast. Most of them are friendly... Anyways, just try to have fun!
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New Member
While I love my husband and children..I sooooooo miss going to DisneyWorld by myself....the freedom to wander, rush, linger, eat, not eat, shop, not shop , park hop, not park hop....enjoy it..it may be the last time you ever get to tour alone.
Sometimes it did get a little lonely waiting in the longer lines(bring a book and a gameboy), and I did tend to eat at counter service restaurants because it was quicker and I tend to eat less when I'm by myself, I wouldn't have a problem sitting in a full service by myself, I just think that it takes too much time with no one to converse with in between ordering , eating and waiting for the check. Adventurers club and comedy warehouse are easy to do by yourself....

And the number one best thing about touring alone....not spending 3 hours trying to find everyone else from your group in the World of Disney store at the end of the night only to find out half the group bailed to go the another store 2 hours before...lol!
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Well-Known Member
FanofDinsey1981 said:
Or, you can do that right before the fireworks, get some food and have anotherkind of dinner and a show. ;)
That's the best part of Solo touring - the parades/fireworks.

On one-hand, I'm not a big parade person, and I usually take advantage of the shorter lines during them, but on the other, it's very easy to find a spot for one person to see a parade than for three, four, or more people in a group.

For things like Wishes, Illuminations, and in some cases even Fantasmic, it's much easier to find a spot 5-10 minutes before the performance just for yourself, instead of staking out a spot/seat 30-60 minutes or more before. Ditto for getting out of there after - you can either take a load off, and wait for everyone else to clear out, or you can make it out before the crowd if you are quick since you don't have to make sure anyone is together.

I still loving touring with friends and family, but the thrill of being a kid alone in the candy store is nothin' like being a kid (of any age) alone in Disney World - you can do anything in the World you want. :)


(BTW, as I have been writing this the episode of Roseanne where they go to...Disney World!...just started on the 2am show - make sure you catch the repeat tomorrow night on the earlier show if you haven't seen it before : ) )
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Original Poster
You're absoluetly right about the fireworks and parades. I remember having to make a mad dash from Fronteirland to the end of Main Street to catch up with my family to catch Spectromagic. That was a tough run.

The kid in a candy store is the perfect analogy. That will be me. I love ALL of Disney World. I'll have a blast at Epcot, MGM, Downtown Disney, but there's no doubt about it, being alone will best pay off at the Magic Kingdom. Most of the time, I only get to spend 2 days there and maybe half a third. And whenever I'm there with friends or family, they always wanna go back to the hotel for a rest. Not me. When I'm there by myself, I'll be there right when it open, and won't leave until Mickey has waved goodbye to the last guest.

Downtown Disney might get a little lonely as I love walking around there at night with my fiance. Especially at the Marketplace. But on the other hand, It will be kind of relaxing to just stroll along at my own pace, watch all the people and go into whatever store I want for as long as I want.
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Active Member
I almost always go by myself and I have alot of fun. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but I shake it off. As for the restaurants... when I went to MK last month, I had lunch at the Crystal Palace. They definitely accept priority seating for one, but it depends on how comfortable you are eating alone like that. Me, I have no problem with it. I eat alone on my lunch breaks at work so I'm used to it.

Irregardless, you'll have a good time. The best part about going my yourself is you can see everything basically on your own schedule. Nobody whining they're tired or hungry... or wanting/not wanting to go on a certain attraction.

Next time I go, I'll be meeting my 2 cousins who will be down for a long weekend. They have to live on a schedule though and plan on taking a break at my one cousin's condo in Kissimmee. That's going to waste time since the parks aren't open that late since it's the off-season. I'm going to tell them they can go back to the condo, but I'm staying at the park and to just call my cell phone when they come back and I'll meet them somewhere.
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Well-Known Member
aimster said:
I almost always go by myself and I have alot of fun. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but I shake it off. As for the restaurants... when I went to MK last month, I had lunch at the Crystal Palace. They definitely accept priority seating for one, but it depends on how comfortable you are eating alone like that. Me, I have no problem with it. I eat alone on my lunch breaks at work so I'm used to it.
It really does depend on what you are used to. I've never had a problem dining alone; I've always figured, it's eating, for cryin' out loud - why should I be shy about not needing someone to sit next to me every time I do it. I've eaten in some very nice restaurants for one reason or another solo (Sardi's was so much fun - I actually got to look around at all the drawings on the wall and enjoy the place without having to talk the whole time :) ), and most places in tourist or large population areas don't even bat an eye.

I think a good litmus test is if you can go to the movies by yourself or not. When I was a kid I'd get dropped off at the theater on a weekend morning and spend the day seeing 2-3 movies, going to the arcade, meeting friends sometimes, and sometimes going alone. So as an adult, I really don't have a problem going to see a film myself and don't think much of it, except when I get to pick where to sit without having to consult anyone. ;) Now, other people think this is very weird - they'd feel odd going to see a film by themselves, or that there is something "wrong" if they go alone - these are the people that should be leery about solo traveling.

I've done both traveling solo and in groups, pretty equally, because both fit my personality. My next trip in a week and a half to WDW is largely solo - I'm traveling by myself, and meeting a few friends intermidently in the parks. To be honest, I'm looking forward to seeing my friends - but I'd look forward to seeing them anywhere. In terms of vacation I'm most excited about is the parks - and getting to soak in every detail on my solo days, in any way I choose. It's really not for everyone, but I think most people that aren't already sold would be amazed at how much they would enjoy it - as long as you are comfortable with your own company, it's as close to Disney-nirvana as you can get. :)

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Well-Known Member
awalkinthepark said:
While I love my husband and children..I sooooooo miss going to DisneyWorld by myself....the freedom to wander, rush, linger, eat, not eat, shop, not shop , park hop, not park hop....enjoy it..it may be the last time you ever get to tour alone.
Sometimes it did get a little lonely waiting in the longer lines(bring a book and a gameboy), and I did tend to eat at counter service restaurants because it was quicker and I tend to eat less when I'm by myself, I wouldn't have a problem sitting in a full service by myself, I just think that it takes too much time with no one to converse with in between ordering , eating and waiting for the check. Adventurers club and comedy warehouse are easy to do by yourself....

And the number one best thing about touring alone....not spending 3 hours trying to find everyone else from your group in the World of Disney store at the end of the night only to find out half the group bailed to go the another store 2 hours before...lol!

Welcome to the boards!!! :wave:
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New Member
awalkinthepark said:
And the number one best thing about touring alone....not spending 3 hours trying to find everyone else from your group in the World of Disney store at the end of the night only to find out half the group bailed to go the another store 2 hours before...lol!
And not having to spend an hour standing around just discussing where to go next and trying to get a big group of people to agree on it!
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Well-Known Member
I wish I could be more like all you people. I have always dreamed of being able to go by myself, however, I know that will never happen because I have a very strong fear of people. I can't be in a situation where I don't know anyone. It is hard enough just standing in line by myself.
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New Member
Yeah, you are right, guys! It's really wonderful to be able to do things at your own pace, and do whatever you want! I had lunch once at Liberty Tree Tavern with my old aunt, and she couldn't stop talking about family problems, saying that the food was strange, that americans looked weird, that the restaurant looked strange, and the rooms didn't match each other... I would rather be there by myself, enjoying my lunch, feeling the atmosphere, videotaping the decoration...

The same thing happened when I traveled with the huge tour groups, and everyone sat down along main street to wait for spectromagic, and they couldn't stop complaining, I'm tired... I hope this parade is worth the wait... Fireworks are the same all over the world, what's special about these...

So, I'd rather be by myself than having someone who doesn't like attractions because the don't understand English, or don't wanna wait in line, and I end up embarrassed because they are cutting in line and calling me to join them...

Last time I discovered the wonders of spending the days alone in the parks, and if I could afford it, I would go alone in december! :xmas:
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New Member
Dining Alone

I must admit that I have never been to Disney alone. I have been on business trips alone and often enjoyed dining alone, relaxing and reading a book. I think the cafe in France would be a great place to have a glass of wine, eat, read and people watch. I'll also bet that the pub in England would be fun for someone travelling alone.

If you have ever watched the travel channel, Samantha Brown travels "alone" to the world's great hotels. She has stayed at a variety of Disney's deluxe hotels and she ate in the hotel restuarants. I would wager that you could have a great time at the restaurants and clubs on the Boardwalk and on Pleasure Island.

I'd also take in the Cirque d'Soliel show in Downtown Disney. It's excellent and as a single guest you should be able to get an excellent seat (although no seats are bad).
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Well-Known Member
I spent my birthday vacation at WDW alone. I had lots of fun!! I even wore the "It's my Birthday" pin. I got lots of birthday greetings from CMs and other guests. I did meet up with other wdwmagic members, but most of my vacation was spent alone.

As for eating in restaurants alone, I ate at Spoodles and the buffet at Boma by myself. It was fine. It's not a big deal. I spent the time enjoying my meal and people watching which is what I love to do.

And I also recommend that you take the time to explore the various Disney resorts. That is almost as fun as visiting the parks.
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