Whew! I have had one crazy week and am happy to get back to this report!
Let's see, we left off with going to the room for a break!
Annnnd we're back at the Magic Kingdom!
First stop? Mickey and Minnie!! There was NO line so we walked right in! Sadly, there was no photopass photographer

. The CM did ok, but Mom and I prefer the waist up rule when taking pictures

Then on to the princesses!
First up, Cinderella! She said she liked my shirt, in fact she had a sleepover with Ariel the night before and Ariel insisted she sleep in the bathtub! Cindy was wonderful!
Then Belle! She was happy I was on a "no beasts" trip but said her beast would never let her go on a trip
Next up, Rapunzel. I am so sad to say, I was reeaallllly looking forward to meeting her and had heard some wonderful things but she was a dud. I wondered if she wasn't feeling well or something. I hardly even got a hello out of her. Especially after those two WONDERFUL encounters just before her, I left very disappointed. Perhaps if I was 5 and not 25 it would have been different, but it shouldn't have been.
I am so happy to say that after all that rain in the morning, we now had BLUE skies! It was beautiful!
It was on to Jungle Cruise which I was so surprised we had yet to do! We had a great skipper but she was almost ruined by that guy who knows all the jokes and says them before she can. Luckily, he restrained himself. Now on to dinner, a BBQ slaw dog from Casey's Corner! I was looking forward to this, and it delivered.
Mmmmm...seriously, my mouth is watering right now!
We went back to Mickey's Philharmagic, which I love! We really enjoyed the little boy in front of us who was totally engrossed in every moment, looking around as Goofy walked around "backstage" and stuff. Those times really make our trip so much more.
We did a little shopping and waited for Wishes! Too bad we couldn't make it to a night with the parade, but with no park hoppers I had to pick and choose, and I chose Wishes and EMH
A little Wishes
Did I mention I LOVE the fall decorations!
Now it was our 1st EMH! Dorky, but I was excited to see how it went! First stop, PoTC where we were squeezed into the front row, 4 good sized adults. We walked right on so I didn't see ANY need to do that but my Mom is so friendly we got to know each other.
Next up, the Tiki Room! I don't think I had ever seen it, and Mom remembers it from when she was a kid.
We made our way around to Haunted Mansion, Small world, Peter Pan, Pooh and finally to the Speedway. Mom doesn't ride Space Mountain so I went on to Space while she rode the cars.
I ran into another funny kid here. At first I thought he had a British accent but by the end I wasn't so sure. I rode with him and his sister in our rocket and he kept turning around telling me what to expect. During the ride! It was so cute! When we got back outside they turned around and waved goodbye. Sweet kids having the time of their lives!
These encounters really made me see how I could enjoy a solo trip, people are so nice!
Buzz had ZERO wait, so of course we did that again! And Mom beat me, again.
Then it was time to sleep. We made it almost to midnight, as late as we could stay. We still had 2 more days, but leaving the Castle made me feel like I was going home all together. I got a little teary.
Goodbye Castle! Till we meet again!
Tomorrow we go to Hollywood Studios and my FAVORITE ride EVER!