Girlfriend - Scared of Flying - HELP!!


Hi everybody;

Me and the girflriend are going to WDW for two weeks, arriving on 20th Jan. We are flying from the UK (about 8 1/2 hours) The problem is that my girlfriend is worried about flying, particularly turbulence. I have tried the usual reassurance, but I am still getting major earache! Any ideas anybody, what advice or help I can I give?


New Member
Originally posted by TP2000
Have you thought of taking the Queen Elizabeth or the new Queen Mary 2 from Southhampton to New York instead? Then you could catch a cab from the dock to Grand Central Station and board either the Silver Star or Silver Palm overnight train to Orlando.

You don't have to fly, there are wonderful ships and trains that can get you from London to Orlando. :cool:

I wouldn't recommend this. The North Atlantic is not a fun place to be. If she's worried about the possibility of turbulence, she won't like the guaranteed north atlantic seas for much longer than 8.5 hours. Also, when you've grown up, or travelled in Europe, Amtrak is 3rd world.

This doesn't take into account the price and time involved. I've never done a cross-Atlantic voyage, and never intend to, but i'd assume its at least 7 days. That may be all these folks are going on vacation for. The QE2 is also outrageously priced. They'd be better off flying upper class on Virgin.

BTW, to SteveUK, which class are you flying? Virgin has headback screens in economy with i think 6-10 channels and it gets better with the premium economy class and finally the upper class is very posh.

I fly Virgin at all costs, haven't chosen BA in a long time.

I wish you guys luck on your trip. I don't think i'm alone in saying we all wish we could relive our first visit to WDW again. :D
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its not the turbulance she needs to worry about, its impacting the ground at 600mph that does the damage.:animwink:

I think dealing with 8+ hours of boredom is a greater problem than the odd bump. and Im someone who classes the journey as the holidays longest white knuckle ride.
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Well-Known Member
I'm one of those people who absolutely LOVES to fly!

I would fly every day if I could afford it.

Boredom does become a problem though...especially if you have young children.

I try and get the earliest flight possible and wake up really really early so when I finally get through security checks and am on the plane I sleep ..and I sleep..... :snore:

I try and arrange it so I fall asleep in Chicago..and then wake up in Orlando.

So far I havn't drooled all over myself.:snore: :dazzle: :slurp: :( :eek: :eek: :lol:
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New Member
Originally posted by SteveUK
Hi everybody;

Me and the girflriend are going to WDW for two weeks, arriving on 20th Jan. We are flying from the UK (about 8 1/2 hours) The problem is that my girlfriend is worried about flying, particularly turbulence. I have tried the usual reassurance, but I am still getting major earache! Any ideas anybody, what advice or help I can I give?

If your girlfriend is only worried then you should be OK. If she is scared then that is another deal. If she is plain worried, then turbulence is normal. The plane will bump a bit (think driving along a pot holed road in an old mini). The plane has been designed to do this and so it is not a problem. Try to think of it as training for Big Thunder Mountain.

Scared is a little different. I used to work with a girl who was petrified of flying. However she has made the Gatwick to Orlando trip without a problem. She went to her GP who prescribed something for the trip to relax her. I do not know what it was, but your girlfriends GP should know what it is.

As another member has mentioned, there are courses at UK airports for phobics, but it may be a bit too near to your departure to get on one of these. But, you never know if you don’t ask.

You are doing one of the best things though – flying with Virgin. They have great crew and lots of toys to play with that will while the time away. Take the guidebooks and park maps into the cabin with you so she can remind herself why she is on the plane.

Have fun and enjoy the holiday.
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New Member
I feel your pain! Both my husband and I are scared to fly (him more than me) so it is always an ordeal getting on a plane. As far as turbulance goes, my brother-in-law is a pilot for a major airline here in the US and he has told me many times that they can handle the turbulance they experience with no problem. That definitely reassured me. I think the seats over the wings get the least turbulance - so it might help to request seats in that area. The back is definitely worse!

If she is really scared, get some medication. I've taken anti-anxienty drugs and they work like a charm. Then you don't need alcohol so you don't get dehydrated and you don't get all drunk feeling which would not feel good for 81/2 hours. :animwink:

My husband took zanex before our 61/2 hour flight on our honeymoon and he wasn't petrified for the first time ever. I took some on the flight home and fell asleep for about 2 hours.

Good Luck!
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New Member
Virgin are great!!!!!

We have been to the US on many occasions - and always fly Virgin - they really do look after you. I have seen people who do not like flying and the on board flight attendants are very good at looking after them.

Let them know at check in and at at the gate at Gatwick that your gf isnt too keen and they will take care of her.

One point about something that was said in an earlier post - turbulence is not caused at all by other planes flying near - and saying that woudl make anyone scared. A pilot once gave me a great explanation that turbulence is exactly like the waves in the sea - only that you can see the waves as they move across the ocean. The air currents are doing exactly the same as they move trhough changes in pressure and temperature.

In addition, I once watched a documentary about the making of the Boeing 777 - they test these things to destruction - in fact the wings were bent to a 90 degree angle before the snapped. So its really hard to break a plane.

And one tip I use if turbulence makes things a bit bumpy is to tap my feet or "bounce" in my seat so that you cannt tell when the turbulence is actually making the plane jump - put on some music and dance in your seat!!!

Have a great trip - I am sure she will enjoy it and the flight there will make it all worth while!!!!!
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by tigsmom
Here the dr usually prescribes a mild, short-acting tranquilizer.

YES!!! Booze and Pills!!! The only way to fly! :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Laptop helps to... or a portable DVD player... that helps take the mind off of flying, put in a movie YOU like... (not some bloody awful in flight movie you are forced to watch :lol: ) and relax. :) :wave:
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Active Member
OK - I absolutely hate flying - I'm terrified. I recently flew to Hawaii (between 5 and 6 hours for me) and here's what worked...
Xanax - basically an anti-anxiety pill that works wonders. Not sure if the doctors in the UK will prescribe it as liberally as docs over here, but it certainly works if you take enough. Valium works as well.
Add in 2 drinks.
Then, get yourself an ipod or some other music player and listen to a book on tape. (I listen to Disney Park music and pretend I'm somewhere on the ground). That way you can keep your eyes closed (and forget where you are) and get absorbed into the book or music (and with enough drinks and xanax, you'll get absorbed into your seat as well).
It sounds like she's like me, and she really has a big problem flying. But I still do it so I won't miss out on great trips and seeing my family (I'm in Seattle, they're in New Jersey). So pop some xanax, a few good brews and throw on some headphones. And when turbulence comes, squeeze the hand of the person your traveling with. My wife seems to like that. :hammer:

Good luck.
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Not For Sale

Active Member
I have 3 suggestions...Swimming or get the M:S script from someone and keep saying it. By the time you get on a plane she will be insane and she would think she's on M:S. If those don't work then put her in luggage and convince her you're just testing the "system" incase you needed to fly somewhere.
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But I make myself get on the planes...I have to if I want to enjoy a vacation. I white knuckle it all the way....a little whimpering....some Bloody Mary's and the for the take off.....some praying. I hate take offs but LOVE landings...only cause it means its almost over.
I cant seem to let myself sleep on planes cause I think if I close my eyes, then the pilot wont know where he is going...LOL Sort of like a back seat driver thing....LOL
Turbulance is THE worst for me....oh and when the planes goes side to side.....I have gone as far as crying hysterically on a flight from Chicago to Vegas! Flew into a huge lightning storm and tons of turbulance...not fun, had the blanket over my head and cried the entire 4 hours! I was a wreck when we got off, emotionally and physically, I think my fingernail marks are still in that first class seat! :dazzle:
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