Girl Hospitalised After Riding TOT!!!


New Member
Often, this is no different than when someone faints in the grocery store, or feels unwell at school, or leaves work early -- but, somehow, because it's happened at an amusement or theme park, it's juicy news.

Theme parks and amusement parks cater to our desire to push the limits of our abilities, often by creating a simple illusion of danger. People eat this stuff up in the news because that illusion is so much greater when someone falls victim to its danger. The reality is that many, if not most, realize that these accidents are little more than coincidences.


New Member
Out of respect for this young girl, let's not turn this thread into what became of the M:S thread. Let's hope that she had a great time at Disney. I guess if it's your time, it would be great going out doing something so special. My thoughts are with the family.... :(


Active Member
My prayers are with her and her family.

It sure sounds, to me, like she had an aneurysm. Chances are if she was unconscious at the hospital and is now in surgery there are relatively few things it could be. The headache is pretty suspicious though.
Please remember, though: I am just specualting. Don't let a rumor get started.

Wishing her a safe recovery.

Edit:God grant her peace.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
wow, i hope the ^ report is wrong.........

i wonder if she had some sort of brain aneurism since she was complaining of a headache. that is terrible. thoughts and prayers


Well-Known Member
From the Orlando Sentinel:,0,6479007.story?coll=orl-home-headlines Teen hospitalized after riding Tower of Terror

By Willoughby Mariano
Sentinel Staff Writer

July 12, 2005, 1:49 PM EDT

A British teen, 16, is at Celebration Hospital in Kissimmee after falling ill at the Tower of Terror ride at Disney-MGM Studios, said Orange County Sheriff's office spokesman Jim Solomons.

The teen, whose identity has yet to be released, was exiting the ride with her mother at 9:50 a.m. today when she complained she was feeling unwell. Disney employees approached the girl and called paramedics because she needed medical attention, Solomons said. Paramedics arrived at 9:57 a.m. to transport her to the hospital.

The teen lost consciousness and heart function, but medical personnel revived her, Solomons said. She is being evaluated for a prior medical condition, and the ride is being tested for malfunctions.

My Guess... ruptured annuerysm. (which could have happened at anytime anywhere)


Le Meh
Premium Member
You know, one time I walked through the turnstiles at the MK and was stricken with a horendous case of pink eye immediatley upon entering. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and girl. Hopefully she'll be alright. Hopefully everything will work out for both parties.


New Member
Truely a sad event. My prayers are with the family.

While this is clearly tragic, I'm sure it will be blown out of proportion. This poor girl may have just had an unfortunate pre-existing condition, but the media will make it sound like WDW has turned into a killing factory (especially since there have been 2 deaths in such a short period of time). We've become a society that thrives on tearing down others and laying blame . . . yet we can never take responsibility for our actions when it is due.

Sorry for the social rant, but it really bugs me !

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