OK, so maybe someone or a CM can explain this or why there is a problem??? Sorry if it's been talked about before...
2 years ago in December my wife and I went to the world with friends. We’ve all been there many times before but this was our first Christmas trip. This time we took $300 worth of Disney Gift Cards. Our friends daughter sold them for a school function so we figured since we’d spend that much anyway on items why not help her school by buying the cards. We did and so did my friends and their family. We had a “magical gathering” of sorts during this trip. Well…ALL of us had trouble redeeming the Disney Gift Cards while on property during our shopping sprees as well as at DTD. They should spend just like cash or any other plastic money right? Each time we used the cards it created confusion at the register. What we found out was that it took a manager to get the cards to work. Many times the person on the register had no idea how to get the card to work. SWIPE, SWIPE…SWIPE, SWIPE…nope still not working. Then they call for a manager who then swipes their ID badge and presses a few buttons on the register…swipe the card again and vio-la…it works. Needless to say our group could not wait to burn through all the money on those gift cards per the issues it caused. LINES were backed up as this process took at least 5 mins each time we attempted to use the cards to pay. And the other shoppers figured it was US that caused the problems, not so! Anyway we vowed to NOT get any DISNEY GIFT CARDS AGAIN per this issue and inconvenience and some embarrassment over the delays it caused.
NOW to present time…I’m chatting with a co-worker who visits WDW each DEC with his family. They just got back 2 days ago. We are talking about the world and he said they have a great time! BUT he also says that Disney has one problem. I asked what? He said we had $200 worth of Disney Gift Cards and we could not get them to work. I said no kidding? He never even heard me speak of our issues 2 years ago. He said this trip his family decided to purchase Disney Gift Cards from a store chain to get what we call “fuel perks” in PA. They figured why not get the cards since they would spend at least that much on gifts while at the world. He said and almost to a “T” mimicked my experience explained above. Only instead of him buying them from a school, which my group thought could have been the issue; he got his from a retail store to get them. End result was WE all had the same issues. YUP, it took managers to get them to work. He said his wife was at the Emporium shipping in MK and had close to $125 of stuff. The gal at the register swiped her Disney Gift Card 3 times…and then said you’re going to have to pay some other way as this card won’t work. My friend’s wife replied NO- nicely - you’re going to have to get this card to work or get a manager to check it. OR I can leave all the merchandise here and not buy it. This is the card I want to use. YES they also have Disney Credit Card too. A manager came over and he got the Disney Gift Card to work. Apparently some CODE needs entered into the register for the cards to work from what they witnessed.
SO – why in 2 years can’t Disney train their employees to know how to properly key or swipe the register so their OWN gift cards work? This is ridiculous! 2 years? REALLY???
AND now that I have a Disney CC with accumulating Disney/Dollars/points…when I redeem the points to a Disney Gift Card I will have the same issue likely redeeming this money!
2 years ago in December my wife and I went to the world with friends. We’ve all been there many times before but this was our first Christmas trip. This time we took $300 worth of Disney Gift Cards. Our friends daughter sold them for a school function so we figured since we’d spend that much anyway on items why not help her school by buying the cards. We did and so did my friends and their family. We had a “magical gathering” of sorts during this trip. Well…ALL of us had trouble redeeming the Disney Gift Cards while on property during our shopping sprees as well as at DTD. They should spend just like cash or any other plastic money right? Each time we used the cards it created confusion at the register. What we found out was that it took a manager to get the cards to work. Many times the person on the register had no idea how to get the card to work. SWIPE, SWIPE…SWIPE, SWIPE…nope still not working. Then they call for a manager who then swipes their ID badge and presses a few buttons on the register…swipe the card again and vio-la…it works. Needless to say our group could not wait to burn through all the money on those gift cards per the issues it caused. LINES were backed up as this process took at least 5 mins each time we attempted to use the cards to pay. And the other shoppers figured it was US that caused the problems, not so! Anyway we vowed to NOT get any DISNEY GIFT CARDS AGAIN per this issue and inconvenience and some embarrassment over the delays it caused.
NOW to present time…I’m chatting with a co-worker who visits WDW each DEC with his family. They just got back 2 days ago. We are talking about the world and he said they have a great time! BUT he also says that Disney has one problem. I asked what? He said we had $200 worth of Disney Gift Cards and we could not get them to work. I said no kidding? He never even heard me speak of our issues 2 years ago. He said this trip his family decided to purchase Disney Gift Cards from a store chain to get what we call “fuel perks” in PA. They figured why not get the cards since they would spend at least that much on gifts while at the world. He said and almost to a “T” mimicked my experience explained above. Only instead of him buying them from a school, which my group thought could have been the issue; he got his from a retail store to get them. End result was WE all had the same issues. YUP, it took managers to get them to work. He said his wife was at the Emporium shipping in MK and had close to $125 of stuff. The gal at the register swiped her Disney Gift Card 3 times…and then said you’re going to have to pay some other way as this card won’t work. My friend’s wife replied NO- nicely - you’re going to have to get this card to work or get a manager to check it. OR I can leave all the merchandise here and not buy it. This is the card I want to use. YES they also have Disney Credit Card too. A manager came over and he got the Disney Gift Card to work. Apparently some CODE needs entered into the register for the cards to work from what they witnessed.
SO – why in 2 years can’t Disney train their employees to know how to properly key or swipe the register so their OWN gift cards work? This is ridiculous! 2 years? REALLY???
AND now that I have a Disney CC with accumulating Disney/Dollars/points…when I redeem the points to a Disney Gift Card I will have the same issue likely redeeming this money!