"Ghostly" Experience at Disney All Star Movie Resort


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
My hubby and I recently took a mini vacation to WDW. We stayed at the All Star Movie Resort (Sunday night - June 25th). Our room (#2903 - Mighty Ducks) was a handicap accessible room - we had some issues with the shower draining into the bathroom and called the front desk - they brought up additional towels to mop up the mess and asked if we would like to change rooms...I wish now that we had taken them up on their offer! After I placed the fresh towels in the bathroom I was standing just outside of the bathroom area speaking with my husband when I heard a noise and he became startled as he said he could see in the reflection of the mirror behind me the shower curtain abruptly close - about 5"! He said it was a jerky "pull" on the curtain. After I regained my composure I went in to investigate. There was NO explanation as to how/why the curtain would do that!! Needless to say we were a little more than concerned! We settled into bed after a long day at Epcot to watch a little TV and try and calm down. That is when we heard a strange knocking noise coming from the bathroom...he got up to look and again no reason he could see for the noise - but I felt we could write it off to thin walls and noisy neighbors! We finally get to sleep...I woke up around midnight to what I thought was my husband getting up to go to the bathroom...I reached over and my husband was still in bed next to me - the sound I heard was a "shuffling" sound on the carpet (again near the bathroom) about 3 or 4 "steps"...freaked me out!! I woke up my husband and we both laid in bed and listened but all was quiet. Somehow we got to sleep again! Then around 3:00am I woke up having to use the bathroom...as I was laying in bed adjusting my eyes to the darkness I heard the damn shuffling again! About 4 or 5 "steps" this time - I intently listened - trying to figure out what it was and where it was coming from - it was definitely coming from the carpet near the end of the bed near the bathroom. ***!!! Needless to say I didn't get out of bed - or sleep for the rest of the night!! I couldn't wait for my husband to wake up so we could get the heck out of this place! When he woke up we checked around the bed and the room for ANY explanation for the happenings - there was NONE! I have contacted WDW and the hotel regarding our eventful evening but have not heard back from them yet.... has anyone else have an experience like this at this hotel or any other at Disney!?

1. Things heard while in bed: Hypnagogic hallucinations, especially brought on by a prior suggestion of being haunted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogia

2. Sounds from the bathroom: To be expected in a hotel where other guests bathroom are above, below, and next to your own.

3. Shower curtain: More than likely this was another sound from a motel bathroom and there was a visual illusion on your husband's part. Perhaps he expected the curtains to be open, and when his cognizance that it was closed caught up to his brain, it produced the illusion of instantly shutting. Probably when his eyes darted to the closed curtain, there was a stopped clock illusion:

When something levitates in the room and changes direction and you have video of it... then ghosts it be.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I have always had the feeling that someone (or thing) was constantly taking money out of my wallet and running up unbelievable charges on my credit cards. I know I wouldn't have spent that much money so now I'm thinking that perhaps this is a number of escaped (follow you home) spirits from the Haunted Mansion. I'll bet if they took a census right now, there would be way fewer then 999 happy haunts hanging around.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I have always had the feeling that someone (or thing) was constantly taking money out of my wallet and running up unbelievable charges on my credit cards. I know I wouldn't have spent that much money so now I'm thinking that perhaps this is a number of escaped (follow you home) spirits from the Haunted Mansion. I'll bet if they took a census right now, there would be way fewer then 999 happy haunts hanging around.

You're married aren't you? :)


Well-Known Member
My hubby and I recently took a mini vacation to WDW. We stayed at the All Star Movie Resort (Sunday night - June 25th). Our room (#2903 - Mighty Ducks) was a handicap accessible room - we had some issues with the shower draining into the bathroom and called the front desk - they brought up additional towels to mop up the mess and asked if we would like to change rooms...I wish now that we had taken them up on their offer! After I placed the fresh towels in the bathroom I was standing just outside of the bathroom area speaking with my husband when I heard a noise and he became startled as he said he could see in the reflection of the mirror behind me the shower curtain abruptly close - about 5"! He said it was a jerky "pull" on the curtain. After I regained my composure I went in to investigate. There was NO explanation as to how/why the curtain would do that!! Needless to say we were a little more than concerned! We settled into bed after a long day at Epcot to watch a little TV and try and calm down. That is when we heard a strange knocking noise coming from the bathroom...he got up to look and again no reason he could see for the noise - but I felt we could write it off to thin walls and noisy neighbors! We finally get to sleep...I woke up around midnight to what I thought was my husband getting up to go to the bathroom...I reached over and my husband was still in bed next to me - the sound I heard was a "shuffling" sound on the carpet (again near the bathroom) about 3 or 4 "steps"...freaked me out!! I woke up my husband and we both laid in bed and listened but all was quiet. Somehow we got to sleep again! Then around 3:00am I woke up having to use the bathroom...as I was laying in bed adjusting my eyes to the darkness I heard the damn shuffling again! About 4 or 5 "steps" this time - I intently listened - trying to figure out what it was and where it was coming from - it was definitely coming from the carpet near the end of the bed near the bathroom. ***!!! Needless to say I didn't get out of bed - or sleep for the rest of the night!! I couldn't wait for my husband to wake up so we could get the heck out of this place! When he woke up we checked around the bed and the room for ANY explanation for the happenings - there was NONE! I have contacted WDW and the hotel regarding our eventful evening but have not heard back from them yet.... has anyone else have an experience like this at this hotel or any other at Disney!?

Was it a joined room and other people were using your bathroom all night?

Or maybe you were kicking back a little too much bubbly at Epcot?

Or maybe just normal massive amounts of plumbing within 20 feet of you type noises?

Or haunted.

Probably #3. :)


New Member
Had a similar experience in 2019 at All Star Resort. Not sure of the room number, but was woken up around 2:00-3:00a.m.

I thought my mother has gotten up to go to the bathroom, which scared the hell out of me. But rather than hearing her laugh (which was typical when she scared me), there was no laughter. I shone my phone light only to see a woman in all white, with black hair walk between the beds, around the foot of the bed next to the bathroom, and into the bathroom. I then shone my phone light onto the bed next to me half expecting to see an empty spot where my mom would otherwise be, only to realize she was dead asleep.

Needless to say I was scared out of my wits and woke up my parents. They checked the bathroom, but there was nothing or no one to be found. No explanation to date.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Had a similar experience in 2019 at All Star Resort. Not sure of the room number, but was woken up around 2:00-3:00a.m.

I thought my mother has gotten up to go to the bathroom, which scared the hell out of me. But rather than hearing her laugh (which was typical when she scared me), there was no laughter. I shone my phone light only to see a woman in all white, with black hair walk between the beds, around the foot of the bed next to the bathroom, and into the bathroom. I then shone my phone light onto the bed next to me half expecting to see an empty spot where my mom would otherwise be, only to realize she was dead asleep.

Needless to say I was scared out of my wits and woke up my parents. They checked the bathroom, but there was nothing or no one to be found. No explanation to date.

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
I woke up in a cold sweat during the middle of the night one time while staying at CSR. I had this overwhelming feeling that I was being watched. I heard some rustling throughout the room, but I didn't see anything initially. The sense of "being watched" grew stronger and caused me to become very restless. I hunkered down underneath the sheets and tried and tried to shake that feeling. It was very difficult. Eventually, I managed to get some shut-eye.

When I woke in the morning, I realized the contents of my wallet were missing. However, I did find a Disney CM name tag that read "Bob".

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
At the beginning of the month, my family and I took the monorail over to Poly to get some dinner. We ended up getting Capt. Cook's (they wanted a seat at Kona but it was over an hour wait and the Mobile Order window was even later). While waiting near the Mobile Order pick-up table, the door to the fridge I was standing in front of opened and closed on its own. Nobody was standing nearby to bump into it or open another fridge case that might have caused a vibration that would have jostled it enough to open and close. I joked with my wife that Poly must be haunted and now today I see this thread pop up (from the dead! 👀) and I'm wondering if maybe my joke was truer than I thought. Maybe someone in security was watching the cameras at that moment and will submit the tape to "The Osborns Want to Believe" so we can get to the bottom of this mystery. 😀


Well-Known Member
I was waiting for a punch line lol! The only time I thought I saw a ghost was at home. A few times from where I was sitting in the living room, I kept seeing this smoke/fog across the hallway going into the laundry room. It was really creeping me out, but then my son pointed out it was only the air freshener that sprays on a timer! 🤣



President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
This makes me equally nervous and excited about my upcoming stay at the All Star Sports.

Holy crap, that's creepy.

Disney could always use this haunting for profit. "The New Haunted Mansion rooms at All Star Movies Resort."

Umm, you both know the story is fake or a dream, right? It has a ton of internal inconsistencies that make it complete nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Umm, you both know the story is fake or a dream, right? It has a ton of internal inconsistencies that make it complete nonsense.
How do you know for sure that it's complete nonsense? Please give me examples of the inconsistencies that completely disallow for this to be a true story, at least from the teller's point of view.
It seems rather arrogant for one to think that they must have the answer to someone's haunting.
The reality is I wasn't there so I can't say definitively if the story is true or not. I tend to have a healthy skepticism about such things. If there is a non-paranormal explanation for such things, that's probably the reason. However, I also keep an open mind. I've been to many "haunted places" in my many years, and have spoken with many people who have claimed to have had encounters. Some have been full of , some have not. Some could be later explained, some could not.
Do I necessarily believe this one? Considering I know nothing about the poster, I have no reason to either doubt their credibility, or accept it.
However, for a situation like this where I'm reading a post on a chat forum, I tend to look at it as either a fascinating event dealing with the paranormal that can't be explained with modern science, or just a really fun make believe story.
Either way, I'm fine with that.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
How do you know for sure that it's complete nonsense? Please give me examples of the inconsistencies that completely disallow for this to be a true story, at least from the teller's point of view.
It seems rather arrogant for one to think that they must have the answer to someone's haunting.
The reality is I wasn't there so I can't say definitively if the story is true or not. I tend to have a healthy skepticism about such things. If there is a non-paranormal explanation for such things, that's probably the reason. However, I also keep an open mind. I've been to many "haunted places" in my many years, and have spoken with many people who have claimed to have had encounters. Some have been full of ****, some have not. Some could be later explained, some could not.
Do I necessarily believe this one? Considering I know nothing about the poster, I have no reason to either doubt their credibility, or accept it.
However, for a situation like this where I'm reading a post on a chat forum, I tend to look at it as either a fascinating event dealing with the paranormal that can't be explained with modern science, or just a really fun make believe story.
Either way, I'm fine with that.

>>but was woken up around 2:00-3:00a.m. I thought my mother has gotten up to go to the bathroom,​

Why did he think it was his mother and not his father? He says it was too dark to see without a light.

>> which scared the hell out of me.​

What. The.

You're sharing a room with your parents. There will be trips to the bathroom on a regular basis during the night. Why should hearing someone moving around at night scare the hell out of you.

>> But rather than hearing her laugh (which was typical when she scared me), there was no laughter.​

Why would she laugh? Did Matt do are say anything to show he was hell-outta scared? He doesn't say.

So, consider this situation. One is inordinately scared because someone sleeping your same room got out of bed and is walking, presumably, to the bathroom. What would you do? I know... how about speak? "Mom? Dad? Is that you? Is everything OK?

But no, Matt does this instead...

>> I shone my phone light only to see a woman in all white, with black hair walk between the beds, around the foot of the bed next to the bathroom, and into the bathroom.​

There are light switches next to all the beds, and he decides to use his phone. This 'ghost' walked between the beds with the phone light shining on her. That's within grabbing distance. Also, if she's between the beds, then he could see right past her to his parents bed, but, for some reason, that's a separate look later.

If the 'ghost' looked like his mom, he would have said "she looked like my mom." But instead, he describes her as being all in white and with black hair. He has to later look at the other bed to check that wasn't his mom. Doesn't he recognize what his mom does and doesn't look like?

And again, he says nothing to this 'ghost' nor calls out to his parents "Mom! Dad! Someone's in our room!!"

>> I then shone my phone light onto the bed next to me half expecting to see an empty spot where my mom would otherwise be, only to realize she was dead asleep.​

Finally, he shines a light (no room lamps, no use of ones vocal chords) to check on his parents. At any time he could have said, "Mom, stop trying to scare me." or "Dad, wake up, something's up with mom." Or "Hey, someone's in our room."

>> No explanation to date.​

There is an explanation. False story. Or, more likely, a waking dream. So many of these ghost stories happen to someone being woken up. Get back to me when everyone in the room has the lights on, watching TV, and ghost girl simply appears and walks through the room. But the 'apparition' was all over by the time he woke up any possible witnesses. Dream time.


Well-Known Member
>>but was woken up around 2:00-3:00a.m. I thought my mother has gotten up to go to the bathroom,​

Why did he think it was his mother and not his father? He says it was too dark to see without a light.

>> which scared the hell out of me.​

What. The.

You're sharing a room with your parents. There will be trips to the bathroom on a regular basis during the night. Why should hearing someone moving around at night scare the hell out of you.

>> But rather than hearing her laugh (which was typical when she scared me), there was no laughter.​

Why would she laugh? Did Matt do are say anything to show he was hell-outta scared? He doesn't say.

So, consider this situation. One is inordinately scared because someone sleeping your same room got out of bed and is walking, presumably, to the bathroom. What would you do? I know... how about speak? "Mom? Dad? Is that you? Is everything OK?

But no, Matt does this instead...

>> I shone my phone light only to see a woman in all white, with black hair walk between the beds, around the foot of the bed next to the bathroom, and into the bathroom.​

There are light switches next to all the beds, and he decides to use his phone. This 'ghost' walked between the beds with the phone light shining on her. That's within grabbing distance. Also, if she's between the beds, then he could see right past her to his parents bed, but, for some reason, that's a separate look later.

If the 'ghost' looked like his mom, he would have said "she looked like my mom." But instead, he describes her as being all in white and with black hair. He has to later look at the other bed to check that wasn't his mom. Doesn't he recognize what his mom does and doesn't look like?

And again, he says nothing to this 'ghost' nor calls out to his parents "Mom! Dad! Someone's in our room!!"

>> I then shone my phone light onto the bed next to me half expecting to see an empty spot where my mom would otherwise be, only to realize she was dead asleep.​

Finally, he shines a light (no room lamps, no use of ones vocal chords) to check on his parents. At any time he could have said, "Mom, stop trying to scare me." or "Dad, wake up, something's up with mom." Or "Hey, someone's in our room."

>> No explanation to date.​

There is an explanation. False story. Or, more likely, a waking dream. So many of these ghost stories happen to someone being woken up. Get back to me when everyone in the room has the lights on, watching TV, and ghost girl simply appears and walks through the room. But the 'apparition' was all over by the time he woke up any possible witnesses. Dream time.
You make a well thought out logical argument there.

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