Getting tired of waiting!!!


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One would think that I would be accustomed to the waiting by now, but no I'm not. Monday makes three weeks since I sent off my application for the summer almuni program, and you can bet I'll be calling on Monday to find out the progress. Because now I may be looking at an AI that I just discovered for the summer! So we'll see soon enough!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. It's only been a week since I interviewed, but the wait is KILLING me!! I know it's going to take more time, but I just want to know so bad, especially since last time I got my letter in 11 days! If that's the case here, I would get my letter on Wednesday. I hope it comes next week so bad!


Well-Known Member
FYI.....I know how you guys are feeling. The day after I interviewed I overnighted, thats right, overnighted and paid alot of money to get the forms to disney. I overnighted on Wednesday and found out a week and a half later on a monday that i was accepted. Why did I overnight you ask? Its because our family was leaving for vacation the following week on friday for WDW, and i really really really wanted to know before i dot to disney world!!! luckily i found out the monday before and got to go to wdw knowing i would soon be working there!!! so anyway a week and a half for me!!!


New Member
AWWW radiohost, that's cute. Must have been fun to get your letter then go there. Anyway, I wouldn't freak out or anything. It took my letter like a month and a half to get to my house. I think that was because they kept looking at CP or CareerStart. Fear not.


New Member
Original Poster
Ok now really...has anyone gotten any word on the Summer Alumni Prgram, I'm coming up on five weeks!!


Well-Known Member
Wow. 5 weeks. I'm going crazy at 17 days. Although, I have found out from other people who auditioned that it took them awhile to find out too (some have even have had to call). I really hope I find out soon!


New Member
Friday marks five weeks for me too. I've called them twice, most recently on Monday. I was told that I should receive my offer next week. So hopefully, I'll be getting it soon!

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