Getting ready for WDW!!!


New Member
One thing I haven't seen talked about here much is the effort that goes into getting ready for the trip. No, I'm not talking about PS, planning, packing, etc. I'm talking about WALKING!

Many folks have "Flat on bum" jobs, where you're sitting behind a desk for an extended period of time. They underestimate the kind of vacation Disneyworld REALLY is, and end up tired by day 2 with blisters to boot!

So I'm just posting this as a reminder to you folks! Get active if you're planning on going! Start taking family walks around the block and increase those walks! DH and I figured out that we log about 10-15 miles a day on our feet while in WDW. The best preparation we've found is weekend walks! We walk about 3 miles together on the weekends to get our morning coffee. Sometimes we even stop and browse around in some shops along the way, extending that 3 miles.

It's well worth it!


New Member

Pam do you know of any disney park hopper deals where you buy 4 -5day park hoppers get one free , I know universal has one with mastercard that is something like that i used it last year?
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Well-Known Member
Greg - I think you've posted in the wrong thread - Don't know why, just a hunch :lol:

LadyDarling, you could always get a dog - George (my 4 yr old dalmation) gets about 6 miles a day (with me on the other end of the lead. Plenty of exercise and good fun to !
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Active Member
I agree with the original post. Start walking before you go to WDW.

Also, bring some moleskin with you on your trip. It really helped with the blisters.
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New Member
I too have a sat at my desk job. Because of this I take a walk on most of my lunch breaks and clockup at least a couple of miles. Not for training to go to WDW, just because I think it's a good idea.

Though it certainly helped when I spent two weeks pushing wheelchair around the parks. I had no problems and it helped work off all the extra grub!

Good advice about breaking in the footwear TAC
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New Member

Just a confirmation on the mole skin. Just bring it with you and you will use it on the second day. Can't tell you how broken blisters can RUIN a trip to WDW. Just walking to go get a drink at the resort is extremely painful. I found my moleskin right out of the park at the drug store of International Drive. I bought two packages along with the new Bandaid (Blister Care) bandaids. Both work very well and cushion the walk. I also had to go buy a new pair of tennis shoes which worked by the way - did not have to be broken in. Heed all the advice from everyone regarding this.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TAC
If you do decide to get your legs/feet in shape for your trip, and you start walking, I suggest you buy a new pair of sneakers a few months before you go. Start walking with them, so that you break them in.

Forunately, I am not prone to blisters, but sore legs/feet during one trip (after a few days). So yes, now my wife and I start walking a few months before our trip.

Thats exactly what we do. :)

And if you decide to use moleskin buy the pre-cut type or do it yourself beforehand. That stuff is impossible to tear. :wave:
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Original Poster

I actually bring a "blister kit" with me, with bandaids, moleskin, tiny scissors, anticeptic wipes, etc.

It really came in handy! Not only for the feet (we usually use it up by the time we get there), but for the unforeseen!

I was walking through the Boneyard with my hubby in the AK and a little boy was crying to his mother, his knees all scraped up. There wasn't a cast member in sight, so I bent down, opened up my back pack and gave his family what they needed to patch him up and have him be good as new. They thought I worked there (when in fact, I was on my honeymoon and DH and I don't have any kids)!

And yes, new tennies (or street hiking boots in my case) are well worth it!
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Well-Known Member
I think I've lost like, over 10 pounds already, and it hasn't even been a month!! I can successfully walk around the World Showcase twice w/o getting winded or tired :hammer:
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New Member
Prevent the Injury!

Originally posted by LadyDarling
I actually bring a "blister kit" with me, with bandaids, moleskin, tiny scissors, anticeptic wipes, etc.

Once you get in better shape, it's a good idea to stay in shape! Walking is great exercise and you should always participate in regular exercise at least 4 days a week.

Also, it is much better to prevent blisters than to treat them. Good shoes and double layer socks will prevent blisters. Double layer socks are not inexpensive but they will prevent the pain and possible infection associated with blisters. I think they are well worth the money. Many different companies make double layer socks. Here is a link to demonstrate how they work:
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New Member
Last year I wore 2 pairs of new sandles on my trip and I was in so much pain because they riped my toes apart! I just assumed that I would be okay because when I buy a new pair at home they never give me blisters... but when walking about 5 miles with them on that's a horse of a different color!
So I bought mine early this year and wear them as much as I can (mostly around the house because I live in Mass) But I even wore a pair to my doctor's office (I think it was a beautiful 39 degrees that day) and everyone looked at me like I was crazy but it's for the better of my disney world vacation! hahahaha

Good call with the Band aid blister band aids! I used to use those when I got blisters from waitressing!

16 more days!!!!!!:sohappy:
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Original Poster
Originally posted by wdwprincess03
I think I've lost like, over 10 pounds already, and it hasn't even been a month!! I can successfully walk around the World Showcase twice w/o getting winded or tired :hammer:

Congradulations! I lost 65lbs for my last trip! I've got 40 more to go for this one, and then I'll be down to 5'7" and 140lbs! :) I'm just in a play right now and they FORBID you to lose weight or change your appearance, but in 2 weeks (when the shows over) I'm going to be all over it, getting ready for our next trip!

~J. Darling
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The Mom

Premium Member
LadyDarling...really? I didn't think you needed to lose weight when I met you. ;) Just don't go overboard.

Also, I never mentioned how much I've enjoyed your CD; it's one of my favorite "chilling back and relaxing" choices. :kiss:
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Why thank you very much for the compliments! And I'm glad you like the CD! The full album is due out in June. :) We'll be touching up some of the songs you have. I'll be sure to let you know when it's available! All those pre-releases are pretty much limited edition now! If I ever get famous - they are collector's items! :)

And no worries about the weight thing. I've got a great support group around here that'll keep me in check. A 24 hour support group. My husband is my biggest fan (and being a martial artist makes him a great fitness trainer)! It's all in my hips/buns anyway!:lol:

~J. Darling
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Trophy Husband
We're in pretty good shape and excercise regularly, but we're still dead by the end of the day. If someone sits too long on a bench, we joke: "You can't 'aaaahhh' until we get back to the room."

Then when we get back to the room we plop down on the beds and go: "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh"
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Original Poster
We're in pretty good shape and excercise regularly, but we're still dead by the end of the day. If someone sits too long on a bench, we joke: "You can't 'aaaahhh' until we get back to the room."

That's great! We TRY to go back to the room in the afternoons, but it's so hard to leave the parks! Instead, we often make our "sit down meal" a long leisurely lunch, which is rejuvenating and gives us a chance to "recharge our batteries". These lunches can last 1 to 2 hours sometimes (even though we're not big eaters). We usually order a couple small things, one by one, and share to prolong the ecstasy.

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Just a little warning for people who are not in shape and planning a trip to WDW...

Start working out now!

Even my family, who plays many sports, get tired after running around WDW.
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New Member
Originally posted by disneydummy125
Just a little warning for people who are not in shape and planning a trip to WDW...

Start working out now!

Even my family, who plays many sports, get tired after running around WDW.

How about you start walking out? At Disney you are going to be walking for several hours a day. If you are only used to walking to and from a car this could be a problem.

A couple of suggestions - If you live within a mile or so of your local stores start walking to them. On your lunch break at work go for a walk. It will add up.
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