George K to Replace Meg Crofton as WDW head in early 2013


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Original Poster
I've sorta let this cat (no, not calling Georgie any feline names) out of the bag, so might as well give y'all something to talk about (other than Kevin Yee's excellent column this week).

Current DLR Prez George Kalogridis, who was spotted touring Florida Governor Rick Scott around the New Fantasyland Media Party a few weeks back will be taking over as head of WDW in early 2013 and replacing fan punching bag (punchline?) Meg Crofton as top exec of WDW Co.

Apparently, the time is contingent on contracts and when Meg wishes to step down.

I have gotten conflicting information as to whether George will assume Meg's current position, which under One Disney gives her effective leadership over Anaheim and Paris, or simply the role Al Weiss (who I spotted at EPCOT Thursday night) had as WDW President. George has operational experience at all three resorts, but One Disney isn't exactly working as Burbank had hoped and there's been talk of scaling back. But being unique in his experience, George might be the one guy who could make that position work.

As to who will be the next head at TDA's revolving presidential office, I've heard two names bandied about (one who is well known out there).

Oh, yeah, sorry if you missed me, but I was in O-Town for much of the week and no time for online fun while trying to avoid bloggers (honestly, you can't step five feet in WDW without tripping over one).


Well-Known Member
I've sorta let this cat (no, not calling Georgie any feline names) out of the bag, so might as well give y'all something to talk about (other than Kevin Yee's excellent column this week).

Current DLR Prez George Kalogridis, who was spotted touring Florida Governor Rick Scott around the New Fantasyland Media Party a few weeks back will be taking over as head of WDW in early 2013 and replacing fan punching bag (punchline?) Meg Crofton as top exec of WDW Co.

Apparently, the time is contingent on contracts and when Meg wishes to step down.

I have gotten conflicting information as to whether George will assume Meg's current position, which under One Disney gives her effective leadership over Anaheim and Paris, or simply the role Al Weiss (who I spotted at EPCOT Thursday night) had as WDW President. George has operational experience at all three resorts, but One Disney isn't exactly working as Burbank had hoped and there's been talk of scaling back. But being unique in his experience, George might be the one guy who could make that position work.

As to who will be the next head at TDA's revolving presidential office, I've heard two names bandied about (one who is well known out there).

Oh, yeah, sorry if you missed me, but I was in O-Town for much of the week and no time for online fun while trying to avoid bloggers (honestly, you can't step five feet in WDW without tripping over one).

This is good news. I am all for this.


Premium Member
I've sorta let this cat (no, not calling Georgie any feline names) out of the bag, so might as well give y'all something to talk about (other than Kevin Yee's excellent column this week).

Current DLR Prez George Kalogridis, who was spotted touring Florida Governor Rick Scott around the New Fantasyland Media Party a few weeks back will be taking over as head of WDW in early 2013 and replacing fan punching bag (punchline?) Meg Crofton as top exec of WDW Co.

Interesting.. any word on why Disney continues to stick to this 3yr rotation in DL's top position?

I'm not really feeling this being true spirited change tho. George had to weather the downtimes in DLP and didn't exactly come out glowing.. and his time at DLR has been.. would we say.. uneventful? I'm not seeing this being a big turning point. What are your thoughts about the impact of meg's departure?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Interesting.. any word on why Disney continues to stick to this 3yr rotation in DL's top position?

I'm not really feeling this being true spirited change tho. George had to weather the downtimes in DLP and didn't exactly come out glowing.. and his time at DLR has been.. would we say.. uneventful? I'm not seeing this being a big turning point. What are your thoughts about the impact of meg's departure?

I have no idea why DLR likes to run by swapping out its top position every three years. Of course, I would have liked it if Matt hadn't been drummed out of the company by Jay to begin with and was still running the TDA ship.

True Spirited change has nothing to do with who heads WDW.

George actually is always great at putting himself in the right place at the right time and milking it for all it's worth. He became No. 2 at DLP when Parc Disneyland was about to turn 15 and was falling apart. He led a hugely successful 15th campaign and restored many things that were in disrepair. Again, though, one might say anyone could have been there at that time because things were going to get done. He also helped raise per capita spending through dumbing down the food and bringing in his favorite consultants.

His time at DLR has been uneventful largely because, again, he came in at a time when so much money was being poured into the resort. All he had to do was not screw it up and he didn't. So, now he gets much of the credit, deserving or not, for DCA 2.0 and the amazing numbers DLR is pulling in.


Well-Known Member
From what you say though he comes along whenever good change has or will happen though, even if he has nothing to do with it. So could his position at WDW at least be some sort of sign that positive change is coming to the property, even if he's not the actual cause?

From what Lee has stated recently it sounds like there's actually hope for better management.


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What are your thoughts about the impact of meg's departure?

Oops, sorry. I realized I didn't even answer your question here. That's what I get for having the gall to visit WDW and UNI the week before Christmas ... I am doing six things at once.

But my thoughts are largely that it is about time and inevitable. She was never put into that position with a belief that she'd be there in a decade. I think a lot of the grief she takes from the fan community is ill-placed. She certainly has power (although when Al Weiss was still there, he largely controlled her), but TDO is such a convoluted operation to begin with and many things she is largely hands-off on. NEXT GEN, for instance, is largely Jim MacPhee reporting to Nick Franklin reporting to Tom Staggs reporting to Bob Iger. Sure, Jim keeps Meg in the loop to speak, but she isn't deciding on when the next test or phase happens.

Getting off-track, though.

I don't think Meg is of much significance in the broad scheme of things. I coined the online us of 'Inoverherheadmeg' years ago on anotherDisneyplace after hearing two WDW execs use it. No one knew who she was when she was elevated to that position, unlike Al. So ... she'll leave with a whimper. And lots of stock options. I think she was sort of viewed as the east coast version of Cynthia Harriss and I can tell you from knowing the latter, that just wasn't an apt comparison.

But I know how the fan conmunity will take this news. They will all jump for joy and look at George as a savior and give him all the credit for DLR (whether he deserves it or not), with the blogging brigade leading the charge. Make no mistake, the Disney Parks Blog team will make sure he has face time with the Lou Mongellos of the world.

George's biggest positive is that he is a very good operator. But it's also his biggest negative too!;)


Well-Known Member
Spirit, I was covering the "What's Not Next" Presentation and the buzz about George K. was everywhere. So much so that my entertainment reporter asked ME what was up. I told her that you had reported that GK (from California) was touring Gov. Max Headroom around the NFL and the popular rumor was that he is the new Meg. You know things are odd when the reporter is asking the photog what the heck is going on.

Sorry to miss you this trip, but there is always next time.


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While I'm not sure what to think about this move yet, it's nice to have an exec in charge who actually likes being in the parks.

That he does. ... But he also has become very 'net savvy (wonder who trained him there) and make sure he is seen in the parks by fans and bloggers. Somehow being seen has taken on more meaning than it should have. But I have watched him bend down and pick up trash with his hands and toss it. He has Disney in the blood.

Out of curiosity, was Disney ever interesting in poaching execs from Busch Gardens/Sea World?

Disney has generally had an arrogant 'tude about not wanting other parks execs. Considering how well the other O-Town parks are currently being run and what a largely mediocre group of execs WDW has, you'd think the smart business thought would be to bring in some fresh blood (you also harm the competition as well).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
From what you say though he comes along whenever good change has or will happen though, even if he has nothing to do with it. So could his position at WDW at least be some sort of sign that positive change is coming to the property, even if he's not the actual cause?

From what Lee has stated recently it sounds like there's actually hope for better management.

There's always hope. George is better than Meg. No doubt. But he's also more of the same. Like a baseball manager who is 58 and has had six MLB jobs already, yet gets hired for a seventh.

Also, realize George does fight for things. The Milennium Celebration was originally centered around the MK and he fought for it to be at EPCOT. He also fought for the money for a major addition, which turned out to be Mission Space, when the money was all but locked up for a new MK mountain.

Another thing in his corner is he ran the WDTC when Destination Disney was started and that (everything from Pal Mickey to DME to DDP and MYW tix) was the genesis of NEXT GEN.


Well-Known Member
There's always hope. George is better than Meg. No doubt. But he's also more of the same. Like a baseball manager who is 58 and has had six MLB jobs already, yet gets hired for a seventh.

Also, realize George does fight for things. The Milennium Celebration was originally centered around the MK and he fought for it to be at EPCOT. He also fought for the money for a major addition, which turned out to be Mission Space, when the money was all but locked up for a new MK mountain.

Another thing in his corner is he ran the WDTC when Destination Disney was started and that (everything from Pal Mickey to DME to DDP and MYW tix) was the genesis of NEXT GEN.
Seriously, I had finally moved on from Bobby Valentine and you had to say that?


Well-Known Member
I've sorta let this cat (no, not calling Georgie any feline names) out of the bag, so might as well give y'all something to talk about (other than Kevin Yee's excellent column this week).

Current DLR Prez George Kalogridis, who was spotted touring Florida Governor Rick Scott around the New Fantasyland Media Party a few weeks back will be taking over as head of WDW in early 2013 and replacing fan punching bag (punchline?) Meg Crofton as top exec of WDW Co.

Apparently, the time is contingent on contracts and when Meg wishes to step down.

I have gotten conflicting information as to whether George will assume Meg's current position, which under One Disney gives her effective leadership over Anaheim and Paris, or simply the role Al Weiss (who I spotted at EPCOT Thursday night) had as WDW President. George has operational experience at all three resorts, but One Disney isn't exactly working as Burbank had hoped and there's been talk of scaling back. But being unique in his experience, George might be the one guy who could make that position work.

As to who will be the next head at TDA's revolving presidential office, I've heard two names bandied about (one who is well known out there).

Oh, yeah, sorry if you missed me, but I was in O-Town for much of the week and no time for online fun while trying to avoid bloggers (honestly, you can't step five feet in WDW without tripping over one).
Consider me cautiously optimistic. Hopefully he can bring the TDA culture with him.

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