Seriously, however, couldn't you go to the onboard doctor and get some amoxicillin (sp)? When I have bronchitis, that hard to spell prescription knocks it out in about 3 days. I live on the shores of Lake Michigan, and bronchitis hits me at least once a year, and turns into pneumonia about once every five years. No fun, but antibiotics, vicks vaporub, and tea with honey and lemon can help a lot.
Sorry, Chuck, for your misery. True story: 2 days before our last Disney trip, a client walks into my office, starts coughing, and says something about the flu. I had every fan, vent, window, and door open in seconds (which was perhaps seen as strange behavior with the weather in the 20's outside). I also hypered up my vitamin C intake, and stayed illness free though the trip.
I also once took a trip to Washington with a bad cold, and I thought my head would explode while the plane was landing. Oh well, if you take enough trips, eventually something bad will happen. At least you weren't hurling.