GAYDAY Information

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Originally posted by jcmayid
hey look, this happened to me last year, and I very much didn't appreciate it. I didn't go to MK cause I thought that was where the comotion was, instead we went to AK and guess what, there too. Now as you say many Hetero's do this but guess what, I don't want my children exposed to Homosexuality at such an early age, I'd rather let them make their own decission. Also, who wants to be explaining homosexuality to their 5 year old at Disney. Is this the image you'd like to portray? Come on, someone has to agree with me here. I am in no way a gaybasher but man there is a time and place for everything. :brick: , also, I'd rather my kid see a heterosexual kissing and groping than two guys or two girls.

Well, unless they pass laws making public displays of affection among homosexuals illegal, there is going to be a problem. My point with the groping is that I don't think it's appropriate anywhere in a Disney park by anyone be it heterosexual or homosexual. I think we can all agree that this kind of thing sort of bites at the public decency heel but to say that it's wrong for two guys to hold hands but it's not so bad to see a guy and a girl doing it goes well beyond anything that could be considered legal objection. There is nothing at all wrong with you feeling about this the way you do. We are all entitled to our opinions in these regards and because we live in this great country, you are free to raise your kids anyway you feel fit. Where your argument looses steam is in trying to sound like you represent an accepting part of the population and then you go on to say "Now as you say many Hetero's do this but guess what, I don't want my children exposed to Homosexuality at such an early age, I'd rather let them make their own decision.". I may be wrong but what that sounds like is "I don't want my kids to know about it because it might turn them gay". I mean, how can anybody make their own decision about something when they are only aware their parents telling them that something is wrong?... I mean, it's fine to not like it and not want your kids to see it because you don't think it's right but what you need to understand is that it's because of people like you that they have these kinds of events at Disney in the first place. When you make a statement like "I am in no way a gaybasher but man there is a time and place for everything. :brick: , also, I'd rather my kid see a heterosexual kissing and groping than two guys or two girls." You are saying that you think it's ok for heterosexuals to do it but not ok for homosexuals to do it. Where do you think things like "gay pride" come from in the first place? The same place that black pride and Jewish pride and every other form of "minority" pride comes from - Oppression.

Most of the posts in this thread compliment your sentiments so I don't really understand what you mean by " Come on, someone has to agree with me here."...

My point is that I really don't know what you expect Disney to do about it. Maybe they could fly a big flag of a rainbow with a big "X" through it or put away all their princess merchandise for the day or close the park to regular guests and make it an official event (heck, if they did that they could sell shirts and limited edition pins like they do for Night Of Joy). Of course , if you heard that Disney was officially hosting an event like that, you'd probably have something to say about that, too. Maybe it wouldn't turn your kids gay and ruin your entire vacation but I doubt it would go by without comment. I think they make the best of a situation that they can. I went there one year with some friends when I was a teen wearing a red shirt on that day not realizing and they even gave me another shirt to wear...

I will freely admit that I don't have children so it's probably hard for me to put myself in the shoes of someone who did to understand what you are talking about but I have never seen the overt behavior that you are speaking of on one of these days. I have seen same ______ people kiss in the parks and hold hand both on "gay day" and on regular days but as I said, but I've gotten much more of an "education" on other days with heterosexual people in the parks. I was around gay people as a child. One in particular had been a friend of my mothers from high school back before she chose to become or realized she was gay. They had been out on double dates (with guys :rolleyes:) and my mother chose not to end their friendship over something that didn't have anything to do with her really... As a result of this early exposure, I learned to be tolerant and accepting of people that aren't like me. It didn't turn me gay. It didn't even come close to opening the "forbidden door" that you seem to be afraid of. I don't personally agree with homosexuality but I'm not about to sit in judgement of those who lead that kind of life. Lord knows, if that's their only 'sin' in life they probably sit a lot better in the eyes of God than I do... Just something to think about. I'm not suggesting that you should expect a sexual education in Disney and if you see people groping in a totally inappropriate manner (hetero or homosexual) , I'd encourage you to report it to a cast member (btw, did you try doing that?) but as for the other stuff, there's only so much Disney can control.

I'm not trying to turn this into a heated debate or anything. It's a subject that is sensitive to a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. I'm just trying to say that they can't prevent two guys from kissing any more than they can prevent you from going over and hurting one of them. All I can say is that if I was there with children, I'd feel much worse about them witnessing the hate crime that you performed (it was you that said that, right?) than for them witnessing two people of the same ______ kissing. JMHO. :)


Originally posted by jcmayid
And I may add... never said that GAYDAY is wrong or gays should not go to Disney. We said that it is not appropriate the way they display their groping publicly.

You also said wearing the hats and kissing was bad too and some other things...

I would rather my child see hetero's making out then 2 people of the same ______. And yes some gays & lesbians are very nice. As previously stated, we have a very good friend that is gay & would not even get near his boyfriend when we all hang out. That my friend, is RESPECT. The disrespectful gays should follow the footsteps of the respectful ones. :brick:

So, your idea of respect is to never show affection in front of you? Give me a break. Do you ever hold your wife/girlfriend's hand in front of others?

You act like you don't have a problem with Gays, then turn around and say you don't want to see any sign that they are gay.

Give me a break.


i dont know why we fight over this subject... i myself am straight and.. someone that is gay does like me... (as in *like like*) I dont care tho because they are people to and they have their right to choose the way they live their life...i actually have friends that are gay.. most of them are nice.. but if you see them doing something they shouldnt... just make your kids look at pooh or something .. lol :lol:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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I've said my $0.02. I'll back out of this thread now before it gets too violent


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
I've said my $0.02. I'll back out of this thread now before it gets too violent

Same here. Your statement give me a good chance to make a 'smart' comment to our friend but in the interest of of better sense, i'll refrain. :)


New Member
Look here's the lowdown, I was roomate for a year with one of my best friends that is gay, never changed anything. But look, I am just saying that I DON"T LIKE IT, and it is my opinion, I do have this right don't I? Well sorry this was such an issue, you all have to much to say. I do what I want and you do otherwise. I could care less. I am not trying to make decissions for others I am just trying to express my thoughts here. If I don't want my children to be expossed to that then again IT IS MY CHOICE, so got of my freakin back. Isn't it obvious that all the people who think like me are parents (funny I am not a parent but want to be). I am just talking about personal experience, period point blank. It is my choice, my right, and my perogative. You seem way too offended by my opinions. All I say is that maybe people should be advised in one way or another so they can make their own decission on whether they want to go or not. Hope you can understand all this and enough bickering. I didn't mean to blow up any skirts, this is a thread and opinions are supposedly welcome, it seems that everytime someone says something, someone else has to bash that idea.



Well-Known Member


I have witnessed straight people petting, kissing and groping in this "family park" OFTEN.

Personally, I think public displays on affection are gross, gay or straight.

Theres a sign at the gate warning you of the group in attendance. If you can't handle it, DON'T GO. If you're affraid of what your children might see... GUESS what? Chances are, they already know what gay people are. They've seen them on TV, they've seen them in the movies. Or they have friends with gay relatives. Sheilding them will only make YOU feel better.

Maybe these people kiss and show affection because 364 days a year they would get spit on.

People with the mindset...

quote"I probably would've been arrested for what I would've done to those guys."

are still around. Theres saftey in numbers.

The event has gone from 100 to 100k people over the weekend. cry all you want, the event is not going away.

364 days for the for the straight people, 1 day for the gay people is a fair trade off.


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Premium Member
Originally posted by bearboysnc
364 days for the for the straight people, 1 day for the gay people is a fair trade off.

To hell w/ my $0.02. I'm putting in a buck now

I'll agree whole heartedly w/ you entire remark (except for the "I'm gay part", since I'm not). I'll be blunt.. if it weren't for the homosexual community, Disney parks would not be operating- PERIOD. My roomate is gay, and not once has he ever hit on me, and I consider him to be one of my closest friends (when my father died in 2000, he was by my side for almost every waking second, putting up w/ my insessant blubbering. and when he came out to his parents, I supported his bravery in telling them. Hell, I'm friends w/ his boyfriend, and my they're both friends w/ my GF.. and we even double date sometimes.. so HA!)

All of you will just have to get used to it. I have.


New Member
There are probably gays there all year round and you don't even know it.

of course there is. some estimate that 15% of the population is homosexual.

I would be offended and embarrassed by how gays are being portrayed.

if i was you, i would be "embarrassed" at how you portray all gays as "idiots."

I'd rather my kid see a heterosexual kissing and groping than two guys or two girls.

and you say you aren't a gay basher? my little brothers know i'm bisexual. they are cool with it. my parents are cool with it. be a bit more open minded. your children probably already know about homosexuality (my littlest brother asked what "gay" meant when he was six).

This is the whole deal, if you have kids you'll understand.

i have three yonger brothers. when they came to visit me at the world they asked about two guys kissing. i told them it was just them showing their love for one another. they didn't care. no one cared. children, which may come as a surprise for some, are usually more open minded than the parents.

We said that it is not appropriate the way they display their groping publicly.

you keep saying "they" like every homosexual at disney is constantly groping in public. the fact is, they are not. on average, i see more heterosexual couples doing more lewd things than homosexual couples.


New Member
One more thing I would never do what I said it was only a figure of speech, I do not hate. BUT IT IS MY CHOICE, just like it is yours to be gay and do the things you do. That is what this land was built on, the ability to make your own choice at free will. So damn it get off my case. And also, last year there was no sign outside AK, yet this is where I was subjected to most of what I care not to see. Even my friend who is gay says that there is a place for Gays to be open, but not at Disney, so I am even quoting a Gay person here. So I ask please just respect my choice the way I respect yours, this all started with someone asking for some feedback and it turned into you all bashing me for my choices and opinions. Well shame on all of you. Okay, now I am done with this thread, I want nothing else with this crap.


Originally posted by jcmayid
Look here's the lowdown, I was roomate for a year with one of my best friends that is gay, never changed anything. But look, I am just saying that I DON"T LIKE IT, and it is my opinion, I do have this right don't I?

Just as those do that don't agree with yours have a right to respond. Don't play the poor me routine.

Well sorry this was such an issue, you all have to much to say. I do what I want and you do otherwise. I could care less. I am not trying to make decissions for others I am just trying to express my thoughts here. If I don't want my children to be expossed to that then again IT IS MY CHOICE, so got of my freakin back.

Of course you can express your opinion, but that doesn't mean only people that agree with you should respond.

Isn't it obvious that all the people who think like me are parents (funny I am not a parent but want to be).

It's not obvious and not one person (parent or not) disagreed that groping was not appropriate. It's the other issues you have that were confronted. I also don't think you have any idea if I'm a parent or not or what anyone's experience is with raising children.

I am just talking about personal experience, period point blank. It is my choice, my right, and my perogative. You seem way too offended by my opinions.

As do you by those not agreeing with yours. Everyone has their opinions.. differeng opinions is what makes the world go around. There is always room to learn and grow... on both sides of most issues.


Originally posted by jcmayid
One more thing I would never do what I said it was only a figure of speech, I do not hate. BUT IT IS MY CHOICE, just like it is yours to be gay and do the things you do.

That just proves your lack of knowledge on the subject.


New Member
This place is supposed to be about opinions and sharing thoughts. I am really beginning to dislike all of you who do not let others think the way they want. CHOICES FRIENDS CHOICES!!! We all have the right, and it is my freakin right to think as I want, I never said kill all gays, and get back in the closet. You all took this way too far and way too personal, so get your buck and put it back in your pocket, cause I could care less with what you have to say. I STILL think we should be told as guests that there is an event going on and what it is about. I told a Mother that she had just made reservations for that weeks and guess what, she is ed cause she wasn't told.


New Member
Hey, I don't have a problem with having "GayDay." But I do agree that Disney should make guests aware that this is happening... even if it's not actually sponsoring the event. It's really not fair to those who might not be comfortable with it. Imagine if they didn't announce "Night of Joy"... people would be upset with all of the Christians running around all weekend.

And btw, if you're gay or straight - just have fun! But if you're that smelly, sweaty, hairy, chubby guy wearing a tank-top who always seems to end up in front of me, please TAKE A SHOWER!! :hammer:


New Member
BUT IT IS MY CHOICE, just like it is yours to be gay and do the things you do.

again, you show your ignroance. it is not my choice to be bisexual. it may be my choice to act upon my sexual urges, but i do not choose to bisexual. life would be simpler if i was heterosexual, but i am not, so i am not about to deny part of myself just to appease a select few individuals who have problems with people who are openly affectionate to members of the same ______. and since i will be at the world working in may, i look forward to seeing gay day first hand. and, if i happen to have that day off, i look forward towards walking through the parks holding the hand of my boyfriend or girlfriend (depends on who i am seeing at the time).


New Member
I could really care less about this thread, but curiosity killed the cat. I don't care if someone is gay or not. I have plenty of gay and lesbian friends. They all agree with me that over done PDA is not cool. So, I don't like that, but I realize that during gay days it will happen, so I avoid it. I understand that if you planned a vaca for that time, it sucks. What can you do? Go and try to enjoy yourself.

All of that said, this is what really bothered me. MKTigg I realize you work at WDW and work in entertainment, but your quote that you are in the minority because you are straight and work at WDW is just not true. I'm hoping you were exaggerating. I worked there on the CP, met tons of full timers and still talk to tons of people who work there every day. The majority of them are straight. I know that there is a fairly good sized gay community in the work force, especially in entertainment, but don't make it out to be like it is over 50%. Also, I have to laugh at your line that if there was no homosexual community there would be no WDW. Sure, the homosexual community pumps in a lot of money and provides some of the work force, but they are hardly WDW's lifeline. I have to believe that Disney pulls in way more money from the straight, family oriented community than any other. Just my thoughts based on what I know is true about WDW.


New Member
Originally posted by burbur

again, you show your ignroance. it is not my choice to be bisexual. it may be my choice to act upon my sexual urges, but i do not choose to bisexual. life would be simpler if i was heterosexual, but i am not, so i am not about to deny part of myself just to appease a select few individuals who have problems with people who are openly affectionate to members of the same ______. and since i will be at the world working in may, i look forward to seeing gay day first hand. and, if i happen to have that day off, i look forward towards walking through the parks holding the hand of my boyfriend or girlfriend (depends on who i am seeing at the time).

Look ignoramis, I meant choice to go when it is that day or not, not to have a sexual preference okay. No need to call me ignorant.

Hallowboy, you nailed it on the head. My whole point is I am not comfortable around all this, and it really bites that I spend a good amount of money on a vacation where I am supposed to live it up and no one ever says anything about GAYDAY until I get there and see it firsthand!! Then what do I do, I have to spend my vacation uncomfortable. Hope you can understand!! I am trying to be civil, you all just take it too personal.


Originally posted by jcmayid

Look ignoramis, I meant choice to go when it is that day or not, not to have a sexual preference okay. No need to call me ignorant.

You said it..and I quote "BUT IT IS MY CHOICE, just like it is yours to be gay and do the things you do."

P.S. it's spelled "ignoramus", not "ignoramis" :p


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New Member
I am sorry for the name calling. I was just trying to say what I meant. Again, you all take my choice and my opinion way too personal. I never said kill all gays, or lock em up or anything. And I don't appreciate someone saying I am ignorant because I post my view. Does everyone need to overanalyze everything? This is just pure caca the way you guys take this personal. I explain that it is just that people should be told before they book and send their money to WDW, as if anyone didn't notice, it isn't cheap.
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