Gathering autographs....


Well-Known Member

Sometimes, yeah. You've got to be quick on your feet with kids sometime. Whereas an adult will take whatever you at face value unless there's something to tip them off, kids will just keep asking questions if it's a topic that interests them, and that's how you get tripped up.


Well-Known Member
The Character Breakfast is a great idea. My wife and I love Chef Mickey's and don't have kids. The characters still stop by and take pics with us. You should be able to get autographs there. As other posters have said, you can go to City Hall on MSUSA. They have people that, "know" many of the characters and can obtain autographs for you.


Well-Known Member
Not a big fan of the whole Autograph idea. I wish it had never started. Don't hate me but when I see long lines of familys with 3 or 4 kids who all want pictures AND autographs, there is always going to be some children that are going to be dissapointed when the Characters have to go. So many more kids could meet with the characters and get their pictures taken so much faster if there weren't autographs involved. There are always kids who aren't properlly prepared who don't have their pens ready and some of the characters are just not suited properly to sign things. I can see face characters like Jasmine and Alladin signing autographs but Pluto is a dog ...he shouldn't even be able to write. I know it's all fantasy and all but it's so time consuming and I hate to see the look on the face of that one dissapointed little girl (or boy) who stood in line in the hot sun (in some cases) for 45 minutes only to be told when she (or he) got to the front of the line that that particular character had to go and that the meet and greet experiance was over. Sorry about the rant. I just hate to see sad children.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Can you not promise the kids something else instead? Say, a gift, then have your picture taken with the little gifts and a princess. Just one princess. It shows the kids you were really there and met up with them.

You don't have to visit ten princesses and waste their time, those of others, and especially your own precious you time.


Well-Known Member
I'd pull the autographs from somewhere online and trace them.

It makes no difference if you do it or some college kid does it. :)


Active Member
Not a big fan of the whole Autograph idea. I wish it had never started. Don't hate me but when I see long lines of familys with 3 or 4 kids who all want pictures AND autographs, there is always going to be some children that are going to be dissapointed when the Characters have to go. So many more kids could meet with the characters and get their pictures taken so much faster if there weren't autographs involved. There are always kids who aren't properlly prepared who don't have their pens ready and some of the characters are just not suited properly to sign things. I can see face characters like Jasmine and Alladin signing autographs but Pluto is a dog ...he shouldn't even be able to write. I know it's all fantasy and all but it's so time consuming and I hate to see the look on the face of that one dissapointed little girl (or boy) who stood in line in the hot sun (in some cases) for 45 minutes only to be told when she (or he) got to the front of the line that that particular character had to go and that the meet and greet experiance was over. Sorry about the rant. I just hate to see sad children.
I'm totally with you on that


Well-Known Member
I'd pull the autographs from somewhere online and trace them.

It makes no difference if you do it or some college kid does it. :)
No truer words have ever been spoken. I remember a post someplace where a lady was in a panic because their kids autograph book was damaged. She was begging people to collect new ones for her. She even listed the ones she needed. The surprise to me was that the majority of those that replied were taking the whole thing seriously, seemingly not aware that anyone on the street could sign an autograph book of fictional characters. Who would know? It all so random that it just makes me shake my head in wonder. :banghead:

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Minnie meets in several spots, so you're good with that. Ideally, if you're a resort guest, try and hit Pete's Silly Sideshow in the Magic Kingdom during evening extra magic hours, if available during your trip (I'm too lazy right now to actually check myself). I've did that in October, and Minnie took quite a bit of time with the young girl in front of me, as there weren't very many folks there.

As for the Princesses, if you can get a reservation and especially if you're on the dining plan, hit either Cinderella's Royal Table in MK or Akershus in Epcot (ideally the latter, as it's cheaper, though Norwegian cuisine might not float your boat), as those boast several princesses and, again, you can eat while you wait.

I agree with breakfast at Akershus (we hated the dinner food). You can get multiple princesses in one place without feeling like you are taking their time away from others since they circulate to all the tables anyway. Plus you have to eat, right?


Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed that so many people are suggesting dishonest means of fulfilling the requests of innocent children. You know who else would be disappointed?



Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed that so many people are suggesting dishonest means of fulfilling the requests of innocent children. You know who else would be disappointed?
The child wants the autograph and they get it.

It really doesn't matter if Kayla Smith does it or if mom does. Either way, it isn't real because the characters aren't real.

All the autographs are fakes. There are no "real Minnie" autographs.

Someday, when the child is older, you can confess that it was you and not some Disney employee who signed it.


Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed that so many people are suggesting dishonest means of fulfilling the requests of innocent children. You know who else would be disappointed?


I'm hoping you are kidding, but, if not...I would think that you would be upset with Disney for not providing the 'REAL" signature of characters that don't even exist in reality. It upsets me more to think that there are people that think that there is such a thing as an authentic Mickey Mouse signature. :)


Well-Known Member
... Make them up. Unless your kids are going to inspect them with a magnifying glass for traces of fairydust, I think you're good.


Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed that so many people are suggesting dishonest means of fulfilling the requests of innocent children. You know who else would be disappointed?

I think the having City Hall or front desk handling chasing down the characters idea is a good compromise, no?
I have promised our four little girls that I would get autographs......however I do not really need to meet characters and don't want to intrude on other little ones getting there chance.

That is very considerate of you and I wish more grownups felt this way. Since your little ones want Princess autographs, why not book at character meal at Akershus and have the books available to each Princess and take a picture while each is signing the set?
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Well-Known Member
Holy lack of character integrity in this thread. If the OP doesn't want to spend their time waiting to meet characters then fine, but don't look at it as taking time away from other children. Disney is for people of all ages, you have just as much of a right to spend time with characters as children do, plenty of adults without kids go to character greetings. So don't feel bad like you're taking time away from more deserving guests because they're children.

If you're still not into the meet and greets, I would go to some kind of character dining. I'm sure you could also go to Guest Services and someone there could probably do it for you who is trained to sign autographs. I don't think forging the signatures is a good idea. Even if the signatures are fake anyways it is still meaningful that you took the time to go and get the signatures.


Well-Known Member
I know many adults will/can enjoy a character meet and greet, but, I can't help but feel that it's a little creepy. But, to each his own, if that's your thing there isn't a single solitary reason that I should care. Maybe I'm just too old. :grumpy:


Well-Known Member
I would tell your children to wait for the autographs until their next visit and then they can get them for themselves. The sigs are dependent on the CM in the suit anyways. When we went with our girls last time they stood in a character line for autographs and got their little book signed by several characters. Several days later they got in another line and one of the characters was the same from the other day and guess what, different styled signature.

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