Gas Prices and Car Survey!(Please take)


New Member
Original Poster
Ok this is for school I need at least 100 responses, this is not a debate its a survey, do not respond to others posts.

1. What is your gender?
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed".
3. What is your age?
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle?
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car?
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil?
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Videoteck said:
Ok this is for school I need at least 100 responses, this is not a debate its a survey, do not respond to others posts.

1. What is your gender? Male
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". Completed
3. What is your age? 46
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High Have to pay, Too high
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $52
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? Ask GM
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks Once/week
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? Forever
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No Yes

I'm a Canadian, so maybe your stats will be skewed...


Well-Known Member
Videoteck said:
Ok this is for school I need at least 100 responses, this is not a debate its a survey, do not respond to others posts.

1. What is your gender? Female
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". Completed
3. What is your age? 29
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $45
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? They aren't as good as lexus. :) No idea
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? no idea
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No

Sorry about the "no idea" responses. I did the best I could. :wave:


Well-Known Member
1. What is your gender? F
2. What grade are you in? completed.
3. What is your age? 48
4. How do you feel about gas prices? Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $60
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? who knows
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? Weekly
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? don't know
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? not sure


New Member
1. What is your gender? Male
2. What grade are you in? Junior in High School (Well, Senior in three days)
3. What is your age? 17
4. How do you feel about gas prices? Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $24
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? Because... they don't know how?
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? Weekly
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? Hopefully a while.
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? Yes


Well-Known Member
1. What is your gender? female.
2. What grade are you in? completed.
3. What is your age? 20.
4. How do you feel about gas prices? too high.
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $2.99 a gallon at the Exxon-Mobil in Montague, NJ. It is as high as $3.24 a gallon where I live in New York.
6. Why hasn't GM made a hybrid car? they hate us.
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? I probably go to the gas station once a week because I never fill up, just put $10 or $20 in.
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? don't know.
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? maybe.


New Member
1. What is your gender? F
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". completed
3. What is your age? 36
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High Too high
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? 62.00
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? money
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks weekly generally
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil?
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No yes


New Member
Videoteck said:
Ok this is for school I need at least 100 responses, this is not a debate its a survey, do not respond to others posts.

1. What is your gender? Male
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". 11
3. What is your age? 16
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $1.06/litre
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? No Idea
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks Every 2 Weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? No Idea
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No Yes

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Videoteck said:
Ok this is for school I need at least 100 responses, this is not a debate its a survey, do not respond to others posts.

1. What is your gender?
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed".
3. What is your age?
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle?
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car?
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil?
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No
1. Male
2. completed
3. 45
4. too high
5. 2.74
6. not ready to release one
7. every 2 weeks
8. longer than if we would drill for our own
9. yes


1. What is your gender? M
2. What grade are you in? PhD Candidate
3. What is your age? 34
4. How do you feel about gas prices? Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $58
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? they have and it is currently sold in Brazil. all the major companies sell ethanol/gas hybrids in Brazil
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? Every 2 Weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? 4 years
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas too much? Yes


Well-Known Member
Videoteck said:
Ok this is for school I need at least 100 responses, this is not a debate its a survey, do not respond to others posts.

1. What is your gender? M
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". Completed
3. What is your age? 37
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $40
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? GM is making fuel cell car instead and E85 cars that run on 85% ethanol
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks Weekly
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? not long
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No Yes

Good Luck


Premium Member
1. What is your gender? Male
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". 12th
3. What is your age? 18
4. How do you feel about gas prices? Too high
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $47
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? No clue....
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? Every 2 weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? Probably a while if we went for our own stuff.
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? Not sure


Well-Known Member
Videoteck said:
1. What is your gender?
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed".
3. What is your age?
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle?
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car?
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil?
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No
1. Female
2. Senior in college
3. 21
4. TOO high
5. $21 or so (I have a small tank)
6. I have no clue
7. Weekly
8. Hopefully for a while. But hopefully we have people looking heavily into other types of fuel.
9. YES


Active Member
Videoteck said:
Ok this is for school I need at least 100 responses, this is not a debate its a survey, do not respond to others posts.

1. What is your gender?
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed".
3. What is your age?
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle?
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car?
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil?
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No

1. Male
2. Completed
3. 26
4. Too High
5. $35.00
6. Their priorities aren't set right
7. Weekly
8. Probably not very long
9. Yes


New Member
1. What is your gender? Female
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". Completed
3. What is your age? 24
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High: Too high
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $50
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? I don't know why
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks: Weekly
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? Don't know
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No: Yes


Not old, just vintage.
1. What is your gender? Female
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". Junior in college
3. What is your age? 22
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $30
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? They dont care about anything but selling giant SUVs
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks Every 2 weeks
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil? Survive indefinetly, but can't afford much longer
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No YES


Well-Known Member
1. What is your gender? Female
2. What grade are you in? If finished school type "completed". Completed
3. What is your age? 33
4. How do you feel about gas prices? (Type One)Too Low, Just Right, Too High Too High
5. How much did you pay for gasoline the last time you filled your vehicle? $35
6. Why hasnt GM made a hybrid car? Dont know how
7. How often do you fill up your vehicle? (Type One)Daily, Weekly, Every 2 Weeks Weekly
8. How long can America survive without importing foreign oil?Hoping Forever
9. Do you think Americans are relying on gas to much? (Type One)Yes, No.. YES


Well-Known Member
1. Male
2. Completed
3. 40
4. Too High
5. $2.95/gallon; $30 total
6. They probably don't believe it would be as profitable as other vehicles
7. Every 2 Weeks
8. A heckuva lot longer if we'd take a small chunk of otherwise useless land in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and drill
9. Yes

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