Garden Grill - Epcot ??


New Member
We have eaten there once since it turned to the Garden Grill (previously the Land Grill Room). It was okay, nothing spectacular, they have a character lunch and it's catfish strips, turkey, salad, some sort of whole grain bread with honey butter, mashed potatoes, a veggie, and strawberry shortcake for desert. It is all served family style. We wound it to be a bit heavy for lunchtime in the middle of the summer. My cousin is a hostess at the Garden Grill and says that most people seem to enjoy the food and the characters and that it is hardly ever crowded.
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Au contraire

We enjoyed the food and characters at the Garden Grill, especially because the setup makes it feel uncrowded even when it is full. Tables are on levels in a circle, so you're not surrounded by folks, just tables behind each side. So when the characters come, they're just hanging out with you and yours.

Also, much of the food is yummy.
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Well-Known Member
Don't forget the best part of the Garden Grill: it revolves!

The restaurant slowly turns so that you witness the same environments/sounds and sights that you see in the "Living with the Land" ride. It makes for an enjoyable ambiance while eating (I always like "background entertainment" while I'm eating and this is great for that!)

I miss breakfast there! Bring it back Disney!
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Well-Known Member
My wife and I had a bad experiance at The Garden Grill and probably won't be going back anytime soon.

1)Our food was was cold when we finally got it.

2) We both got sick afterwards...but it was winter so it could have just been a flu that was going around. I won't blame it on Disney or the Garden Grill.

and 3) While we were eating, they sat some people at a table facing us. They weren't more than 3 feet away from us...wayyy too close, so subsequently, while waiting for their food They just stared at us while we were eating. It was very uncomfortable.

I did enjoy the fact that the whole room turned slowly..but if you go to the bathroom, don't take too long in there because it's hard to find your table when you return..cuz it aint where it used to be. :lol:
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The Mom

Premium Member
I ate there earlier this month. We were served almost the same menu as DVCgirl49, except we also had flank steak, and our dessert was pumpkin cheesecake. :hurl: It's an "all you can eat" set-up, but The Grandmothe and I had more than enough with one platter. It was not at all busy when we went (we didn't wait in line for anything the whole trip) so the characters stopped by more than once.

The food was OK, but I only went because my mother requested it.; I probably won't eat there again.

Before the menu change, we ate there frequently, including breakfast.
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Well-Known Member
We love Garden Grill. It is one of our fav restrants. The food is great (Cat fish, steak and chicken.) Great poatos and salad. It is place to eat, good time with the charaters and a nice relaxing meal.

I hope to be eating there in 31 days.
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Well-Known Member
We had a character breakfast which was fantastic. Huge amounts of food which was great, because we didn't need to eat lunch. The breakfast is typical: eggs, bacon, sausage, o.j., milk, coffee, pancakes, etc. All of it was good, i will definetly go back.
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New Member
We ate there last fall and really enjoyed it. We made a last minute decision on the first day of our trip to see if we could get in and had no problem getting last minute PS. When we arrived and found out it was a character meal, we were nervous, having never done one before. (Always felt that since we didn't have kids, it wasn't really appropriate for us!) Boy were we glad we went!

The characters were great! We seemed to be the only table without kids so they seemed to enjoy sitting down and relaxing for a few minutes, taking a breather and just being mello.. We got some great pictures with them and weren't at all uncomfortable interacting with them...

Another great thing is that the restaraunt revolves so we had a nice change of scenery while we were there.. Plus, as someone else mentioned before, it never felt like it was crowded since we didn't see the other tables of people..

And most importantly for me - I have fairly strict dietary requirements (lactose intolerant vegetarian) and they have an incredible vegetarian dish that didn't make me sick! (That's very rare these days!!) The waiter was excellent about verifying all of the ingredients for me and being sure that everything was to my liking..

I would highly recommend the Garden Grill to everyone. We plan to make it there again this year, when we bring my inlaws for their first ever trip!!
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New Member
I had lunch there once and it was cool that it was revolving. I can´t remember much about the food I ate, I think I had some chicken, but I have the idea that it was like "country food". What I do remember is the delicious apple cobbler with ice cream on top! :slurp: :slurp:
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
But do you guys think it's too much food for being there? Like is it too heavy to eat and then walk around Epcot? I'm usually a 5 times a day small snacker when I'm at WDW rather than a 3 big meal a day person. I get sleepy after a fairly big meal. What do you guys think?
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Well-Known Member

I've never been to the Garden Grille, but a few thoughts occurred to me while reading this discussion:

1) I had no idea the restaurant revolved - pretty cool!

2) Catfish and turkey seems like a strange combination for an all-you-can-eat lunch! Where did they get THAT from???

3) We always figured it was just aplace where they sold all the food they grew in the hydroponics garden.

4) Never knew it was a character meeting place.

5) I would guess it is easy to get into, as this is the first I've read so much about this place. I might have to try it now!

Glad I read the thread!

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New Member
OK it's Chip n Dale, Mickey, and one other (maybe two)

I think they have Fried Chicken, It's like a southern Meal (I don't remember Turkey).

It is all you can eat Spark.

You get a free straw hat.

You need to make PS arrangements even though it's not as well known, it still fills up most of the day.
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender

Do you think it's worth my $$ if I just kinda nibble, but don't fill up? I mean, the straw hat alone makes it worth it ;), but I don't need to waste $$ that can be spent on other neato things.
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New Member
Go to the Ice Cream Social instead. I don't know if you get a Hat, and there are less characters, but you still get to revolve and it's cheaper.

I forget atm how much garden Grill is now-a-days.

You better PS for Ice Cream Social, they only have two seatings a day for that.
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by spider-man
Go to the Ice Cream Social instead. I don't know if you get a Hat, and there are less characters, but you still get to revolve and it's cheaper.

I forget atm how much garden Grill is now-a-days.

You better PS for Ice Cream Social, they only have two seatings a day for that.
I know in all the books and sites online it's two $$'s so that means it's the same price as Crystal Palace and everything. So I'm guessing around 15 - 20 a meal. I'm not big on icecream either, but I AM liking the straw hat. I'd pimp that thing like nothing else! :p
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