GAC to Become DAS

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One Little Spark...
I love this... the woman argues her kid gets violent and out of control and that's why they should give her a FOTL pass. How about.. if your child is violent and out of control - they shouldn't be allowed in the park period. If they become a threat or danger to other guests they should be removed from the park.

And the funny part 'I guess universal studios here we come!' - obviously hasn't done her homework :)
I thought the exact same thing. :p


One Little Spark...
I love this... the woman argues her kid gets violent and out of control and that's why they should give her a FOTL pass. How about.. if your child is violent and out of control - they shouldn't be allowed in the park period. If they become a threat or danger to other guests they should be removed from the park.

And the funny part 'I guess universal studios here we come!' - obviously hasn't done her homework :)
You didn't hear the "I got these because Disney didn't want the headlines to read 'Autistic kid beats up his mother'" line...or the "I know, I'm a blogger, I'm expecting a call from CBS about this!" yet, did you.


One Little Spark...
These videos that she posted are disturbing... Particularly the one where she secretly taped the conversation with the cast member. It's just discussing that she is able to be so rude to cast members who are just doing their job following the rules.

I hope she stops going to Disney...
Her child is quite obviously severely autistic. As a behavioral disorder, I can understand her situation being frustrating.

What bothers me is...

1) She is using every "card" she can to make her argument (though, she does calm down a touch by the third and fourth video)

2) She never really experienced the new system, as she had 30 free fastpasses, and she used them. So, she put absolutely zero effort into working with Disney to make the system work.

3) She doesn't give constructive input. She merely gripes that the system has changed.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I think DAS is a temporary thing. I suspect, in the future, all this will be integrated into FP+, and the only "DAS" card issued will be for physical accommodations only.


Active Member
That woman is an outrage. I love how she's perfectly fine and then as soon as she starts talking to the CM she's in tears. Disgusting.

She never even tried. She worked her son up into a frenzy by making him wait while she talked to 3 managers about how the system she never used would not work for her. She even told Disney that sometimes he gets so violent she has to call the police! They shouldn't even be allowed in the park. She is putting the safety of other guests at risk.

I hope Disney took down her name and bans her for this.


Well-Known Member
I love this... the woman argues her kid gets violent and out of control and that's why they should give her a FOTL pass. How about.. if your child is violent and out of control - they shouldn't be allowed in the park period. If they become a threat or danger to other guests they should be removed from the park.

And the funny part 'I guess universal studios here we come!' - obviously hasn't done her homework :)
And parents who have children with severe autism that do not live near Disney world, how do they cope? This lady is using Disney as a distraction for her son, his violence is probably agrivated by the crowds yet she thinks its a good idea to bring him around more crowds and argue with people about him? I feel awful that he's stuck with this lady as a mother.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This is what Ops Cast Members deal with EVERY DAY!

Indeed, but some days are worse than others. My son often ponders, guests are there to have a magical day and some are just so evil before they enter the park, on those days I sometimes get a phone call home on his break, so he can escape his Magical Day for a few minutes, lol. It does puzzle him how some can be so wicked during their encounters with him and they haven't even tapped into the park yet.


Well-Known Member
Because she cannot admit she's wrong. She has probably been told she's right he whole life by everyone around her. Now that people with real opinions are showing her that she's wrong, she is hiding.

She also has a Facebook fan page in which throughout the evening she has been arguing with, and then deleting, comments by people who don't agree with her. I just don't understand why someone is willing to be so vocal about something (with a Youtube channel and Facebook fan page) but then delete any criticism that comes her way. You can't have one without the other, IMHO.

That's all I will say about the issue. Hope you all are having a Magical Evening!


One Little Spark...
She also has a Facebook fan page in which throughout the evening she has been arguing with, and then deleting, comments by people who don't agree with her. I just don't understand why someone is willing to be so vocal about something (with a Youtube channel and Facebook fan page) but then delete any criticism that comes her way. You can't have one without the other, IMHO.

That's all I will say about the issue. Hope you all are having a Magical Evening!
She wants to "make money" off her facebook page and offers to "rent her kid".

I wouldn't call this lady the "face of autistic parents"...but, if it is...God help us all.

As a side note...I bet she's from New Jersey.


Well-Known Member

These videos make me sick and angry!!!! :mad: ..and that is an understatement!!

She went in putting up a fight and didn't give the system a legitimate try. She is overreacting and acting being selfish to get attention and her own way. Exploiting her son's disability to hopefully rally up support to probably file a lawsuit that she thinks she will win, but she will lose. I have no sympathy for this woman.

All I can say is the cast members that listened to her crazy rants did their job very well today and deserve a pat on the back. Thank you for sticking to your guns. This is why the new policy was put in place. :mad:


One Little Spark...
Indeed, but some days are worse than others. My son often ponders, guests are there to have a magical day and some are just so evil before they enter the park, on those days I sometimes get a phone call home on his break, so he can escape his Magical Day for a few minutes, lol. It does puzzle him how some can be so wicked during their encounters with him and they haven't even tapped into the park yet.
Meh, welcome to a "customer facing position"...he'll learn a lot.

This lady with the youtube posts is someone who when I worked in Fredericksburg, VA, I called a "Mall Mom"...because it's a rich suburb (to use the term loosely) of DC. Women who quite literally spend their husband's money all day, and produce nothing of value themselves.

While she quite clearly has an autistic child, I don't see her love in any of the videos. Merely that she despises everything. And this is why I'd rather work in one of the "poor neighborhood" stores than in the wealthier ones, because of the attitude she cops. She's well off (not by her own doing) with a child who is disabled (ok, her own doing but not her fault) and doesn't see the beauty of being a mother (again her own fault) and thinks (without any experience of her own) that she is the most important (because her husband probably is) and smartest (because she decided SHE is) person in the room.


Nomatter what you did, you could never please these women (or men, this arrogance isn't limited to just women, it just seems to me after 11 years of "customer facing" that it's more often women than men who act like this). You could give away the house, and it wasn't enough.

What a crock.

I had one lady whose kid was autistic and had severe lactose intolerance, and she'd bring her own cheese and expect us to bake the pizza for her. The thing is about fake cheese, in a 550 degree inpinger oven, it burns...quickly. I wasn't familiar with her situation (or her special cheese), so the first time I burned it. She flipped out on me threatening lawsuits, etc...swearing she'd never come back.

If I really wanted to be an , I could have told her that the health department wouldn't appreciate us using third party ingredients (they wouldn't, I was risking our restaurant licence for her...ungrateful nanana)....

The second time she came (yep, she came back), I got the pizza cooked without burning the cheese (it was golden brown...that's how you want pizza cheese), but her kid threw a fit at the table that it was burnt. Since she brought her own cheese, I couldn't do what I would do for a normal guest and make her another one. I refunded all her money AGAIN.

So, I smarted up, and bought some of her special cheese and kept it in the walk-in fridge.

Her THIRD visit, about a week later, again I seemed to screw up the pizza (though she couldn't tell me what exactly was wrong or how to prepare it), I said, no worries to her...I have plenty of your special cheese here. Lets keep going until we get it right.

She refused that and said that she didn't "trust our cheese" (even though I showed her the bag it came in). She screamed at me in public that CEC "hates disabled kids" and stormed out the door.

At that point I was done accommodating. I didn't care if she came back or not. Her $10 every few weeks really didn't affect my P&L that much, and the time and effort spent on accommodating her wasn't worth her attitude and treating me like I was trying to abuse her child when all I wanted to do was make them happy Guests.

Some people are, fill in the blank.
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One Little Spark...
As a side note, I wonder if she knew that at every store I worked at I sought out the local children's hospital and worked deals to get CEC to visit terminal kids.

I wonder how she'd feel if her "lactose intolerant" maelstrom child, which I totally got and wanted to accomodate, was gonna die in the near future from lukemia...

The blah blah called ME insensitive. This was something I did of my own accord, it wasn't corporate mandate, and it was before I worked for corporate.

Meh...yeah, I hope she had fun with her kid at the KFC or McDonalds playgrounds. I didn't miss any of her issues, or her dollars (which were nominal), and mostly, I didn't miss her self-righteous attitude.

I mean, I get it...I do, but when I try and work with you it's MY FAULT because I couldn't read your kid's mind when even you can't?


Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Autistic child or not, that woman is total scum. She is very obviously trying to make as big of a scene as possible to make the news for her 15 minutes of fame. Talk about exploiting your son's disability...

She is a great representation of the self entitled attitude that has lead to the GAC's being pulled. Also, "I'm a blogger!" and "Disney is over. Universal, here we come!" - good riddance, the parks are better off without people like you. Also notice that she is not in tears until she approaches the CM.

Sorry, but if your son gets VIOLENT if he has to wait EVEN A LITTLE BIT, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, you should NOT be taking him to a CROWDED THEME PARK.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
As a side note, I wonder if she knew that at every store I worked at I sought out the local children's hospital and worked deals to get CEC to visit terminal kids.

I wonder how she'd feel if her "lactose intolerant" maelstrom child, which I totally got and wanted to accomodate, was gonna die in the near future from lukemia...

The blah blah called ME insensitive. This was something I did of my own accord, it wasn't corporate mandate, and it was before I worked for corporate.

Meh...yeah, I hope she had fun with her kid at the KFC or McDonalds playgrounds. I didn't miss any of her issues, or her dollars (which were nominal), and mostly, I didn't miss her self-righteous attitude.

I mean, I get it...I do, but when I try and work with you it's MY FAULT because I couldn't read your kid's mind when even you can't?

Thank goodness for Google.
CEC = Chuck E. Cheese, yes?!?
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