FP+!!!! Remember everything is changing... all rides and parades, etc... will now utilize the fp+ system, so things are going to change big time.

Just wait until the existing fp system is removed... OH THE PAIN AND AGONY!!!!!
With that out of the way, I have a question...
IASM, POTC, SM, etc... are rides that are designed to overstimulate people? Right? If someone cannot handle over stimulation why would someone, that loves that person, purposely torment that other person by making them go on it?
Another question...
IASM, Splash Mountain, POTC, the safari ride, jungle cruise and longer rides. These are not short rides... So this brings this to mind. Why is it okay for that person that cannot handle long waits in a line, to get on a long ride? What is the difference of 10 minutes on IASW or waiting in the line for 10 minutes? Isn't 10 minutes, 10 minutes?
Also most of the lines are less over stimulating then the ride itself, so wouldn't that help calm the easily overstimulated person?
Just questions, but I know, I know, "I just don't understand." That is why I am asking.