Funny Experiences........


New Member
We were video-taping my little bro at the exit of TT and there was a 'model' of a test track dummy just standing there. So my brother goes next to it to take a picture and we were videotaping him at the same time. All of a sudden, the test track 'dummy' comes to life and does the 'boo' gesture to my brother which sent him about 2 feet into the air. :lol: Yep. All caught on video. :D

Mission: SPACE

New Member
Originally posted by imagineergurl
aj said hes LIKE 17,not is. lol ok sorry,that sounded rude. so um have a crown!:king:

This is one of her paragraphs...No sooner did he hit the floor, the ride stopped. The CM comes along... he's like 17 and was like ok who got out... I was with my family and my aunts 9 of us in all... and we were all laughing hysterically.. my dad was like will the person get kicked out... the CM was like No... my dad goes ok it was me.... the CM looks at my dad and was like please stay seatted sir and walks away smiling...

I guess I misunderstood "he's like 17" to mean he IS 17, not he LOOKS like he's 17....

Like I said, I'm not trying to put anyone down here, OK???



Teasing a small British lad, asking him if he walked or drove over from England, he says, "No, I came on a big Virgin!"
Just becuase your dad is older than the poor kid, it doesn't give him an exuse to do sumtin dangerous. Tell him to stay seated and keep all arms and legs inside the ride car.


Well-Known Member
I thought the funny part of the story was that the three of them were all stuck in one of those torcherously slow and small moving vehicles at Living Seas. And who expects the vehicle to stop if someone gets out, when it moves 2 mph and has 5 foot clearancees on each side? My dad would have done the same thing if it were THAT terrible. And it is "wrong" to do, so good the C, said something as thats his job, but that is a funny story. Lighten up.

And if the family was so uncomfortably and unsafely crammed in, wouldnt this CM, or any CM, have noticed and loaded them properly or made a suggestion. I know ignorance is not an excuse, but shouldnt a CM have been doing his job?!

people please stop was a funny story ...the dad ...a grown up did something silly/dangerous that he shouldn't have and got caught by someone young enough to prob. be his kid.(kinda like a role reversal) and then his family wouldn't let him live it down.
funny ... not safe ,of course but funny because he should have known better .
it is not a funny story because the kid told him to stop or that he did something wrong it is because of like i said the role reversal and he should have known better and that his family teased him about it .


New Member
Originally posted by
people please stop was a funny story ...the dad ...a grown up did something silly/dangerous that he shouldn't have and got caught by someone young enough to prob. be his kid.(kinda like a role reversal) and then his family wouldn't let him live it down.
funny ... not safe ,of course but funny because he should have known better .
it is not a funny story because the kid told him to stop or that he did something wrong it is because of like i said the role reversal and he should have known better and that his family teased him about it .

:brick: exaclty.. we've all done stupid things at one point that were also funny.. One time I ate a poisonous plant (i was very young.. lol) It was stupid, but I now laugh at what I did.. so..

ummm, how about those storms we've been having?


Well-Known Member
Well, I went to WDW last year in February with my cousins and aunt and uncle, and we were eating at the California Grille. Well, my oldest cousin was playing with a tube of toys that my youngest cousin had bought at the Living Seas and my oldest cousin squeezed the tube and the top flew right off and hit a lady sitting behind him on the head! My cousin and I started laughing hysterically, and we heard the lady say " Something just hit me on the head..."
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
I remember once I went on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride... and a group of kids had gotten out of the cars and were running around all over the place, behind the scenery and everything.... I'll admit, it was funny, but there were so many of them, it was unbelievable. Maybe 6 or 7 cars came back totally empty, but they never stopped the ride. I still don't understand that. :confused:


New Member
Last summer, at MK, there was this man who was drinking a beer in one of those foam can-cooler things near the bathrooms across from Cosmic Ray's. He was sitting on a bench, sweating, reeking of beer. Then this woman came along with a stroller and a kid in it, and she kept yelling at the man, telling him that "...he can't be drinking here..." and "...This isn't a bar...", stuff like that. She was making a scene, and so finally, some CM's came by and escorted the man away and began questioning the screaming woman. It turns out that the woman was the man's wife, and the man was a recovering alcoholic or something. The woman was still carrying on, saying stuff like, "...he shouldn't be drinkin' around the kids..." and "..he shouldn't be drinkin' with his heart problem's...", eventually, they escorted her and the kid, too. It all happened within, like, two minutes, but it was so weird, like Jerry Springer or something. I still wonder what happened to those people that day...?


Well-Known Member
We've had some fun with the CMs before...

Once at of the bell that what there called.:veryconfu ... had been acting quite well....
well as any teen would do...I mocked him...
asked if he had that coat in a different color...
well we were secourted into the room...IT WAS PACKED FULL....and went dark...
when the lights came on He was standing behind me....and his timing could not have been more perfect...I screamed so the room laughed....
Those CMs are the best in the park....

I was also in the Back lot tour...I was the captian...of the ship...
but how I ot chosen was better...
I was shoving a pretzel down my throat...(didn't want to get yelled at) and my mom said I would...I nearly choked...the Cm agreed to let me finnish the pretzel before I went...

heres a mom called it the seamen in blue...


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Well-Known Member
and one more for laughs

actually this ones not as funny...but its obvious I had no idea what I was doing...I couldn't stop smilin'...


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Two years ago I was on Slash Mountain on one of the hottest days in May, it was like 96 degrees and horribly humid. After the big drop as you turn around the corner there is a waterfall on the right hand side. There was some "trouble up river" and we were waiting there for like 10 minutes in the sun so i decided to reach out and get a handful of water and wet my head. Well not two seconds after I reached out, a voice came over the speaker, "Please keep all hands and arms inside the ride vehicle." I swear they are always watching!:lookaroun:lookaroun


Last Oct. me and the family was riding the Pirates of the Caribbean and my Dad thought he would sneak a picture of the skeleton driving the boat, then a voice came over the pa, "please no phothgraphy on the ride" It was great hearing my dad get in trouble.


Again last Oct. we were in AK and we were getting a pic made with Mickey under the gazebo. Mickey started arranging me, mom, my bro, and my dad. So he put us all where he wanted and put my dad next to my mom but a little behind her and then Mickey stood next to mom with his arm around her blocking my dad from the pic. It was great.


New Member
Hey WDWKing!

"We were video-taping my little bro at the exit of TT and there was a 'model' of a test track dummy just standing there. So my brother goes next to it to take a picture and we were videotaping him at the same time. All of a sudden, the test track 'dummy' comes to life and does the 'boo' gesture to my brother which sent him about 2 feet into the air. Yep. All caught on video."

We were able to witness a similar experience at Kennedy Space Center years ago. They had "astronauts" in space suits in various locations. Some were mannequins, some were people dressed in the suits. We were standing a few minutes watching one guy either interact or play statue with different people. Finally it happened. A family came by, with a young boy - maybe about 10 years old? He checks out the "dummy", looks around to see if anyone is watching. :lookaroun He then proceeds to punch him in the stomach! :eek: Unbelievable! The good part, of course, was when the "dummy" grabbed his hands! I'm surprised this kid didn't wet the floor. We actually got it on video, and joked about sending it to America's Funniest Home videos.



New Member
:lol: . The funny thing is a couple of months after we went, the same thing happenend to my uncle at TT. :lol:. Your Space Center story sounds funny.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Once at Night of Joy (Christian event) We were on 'it's a small world", and these 2 guys were jumping boat to boat. There's a lot of room on those boats. Next time go check it out.:animwink:
Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
Once at Night of Joy (Christian event) We were on 'it's a small world", and these 2 guys were jumping boat to boat. There's a lot of room on those boats. Next time go check it out.:animwink:

wow i thought i was the only one here who went to night of joy. i especially love all the desprete guys around space mountain who were lookin for girls. and the free hugs thing is priceless.ok sorry thread drift there

but did one of the boys have messy brown hair and about 5'6? cause that could have been mark since that really sounds like something he would do.
This is from my trip in October of last year...

I was doing MK solo for the first time ever and just enjoying my peaceful day. I went to HM and as we entered the stretch room I noticed this cute female CM who was taking her role way too seriously... she creamed "GET YOUR BODY TO THE CENTER OF THE ROOM" and as she passed me she said something to the effet of "What are you looking at"...well I kinda chuckeld at that and went on the the Doom-Buggies.....enjoyed the ride as always and when I got the the end and stepped onto the walkway, look how's comming towrds me but the same CM.... I decided I could play along too and set my face a stone like as possible and began to move very slowly towrds her down the walkway... as we passes we looked over at me with the same expression I had and reach up to scrratch her eye...very slowly using only her middle finger.... I just about wet myself... I mean come on i just got the bird from a WDW CM.... I still tell that story and get people :lol:

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